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War threat in Ukraine

As I said the world has changed, Putin starting conscription could be the beginning of the end for him, the young will revolt IMO.
Kyiv: A young man shot a Russian military officer at close range at an enlistment office on Monday, an unusually bold attack reflecting resistance to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to mobilise hundreds of thousands of more men to wage war on Ukraine.

The shooting comes after scattered arson attacks on enlistment offices and protests in Russian cities against the military call-up that have resulted in at least 2000 arrests. Russia is seeking to bolster its military as its Ukraine offensive has bogged down.
Protests also flared up in Dagestan, one of Russia’s poorer regions in the North Caucasus. Local media reported that “several hundred” demonstrators took to the streets Tuesday in its capital, Makhachkala. Videos circulated online showing dozens of protesters tussling with the police sent to disperse them.
Demonstrations also continued in another of Russia’s North Caucasus republics, Kabardino-Balkaria, where videos on social media showed a local official attempting to address a crowd of women. Analysts say Russia’s regions with significant minority populations — such as Dagestan and Kabardino-Balkaria — are likely to bear the brunt of the country’s rush to mobilise.

Fears are running high that Moscow might close the borders to men of fighting age after the referendums in Ukraine end, prompting long lines of cars at Russia’s frontiers. Telegram chats dedicated to some of these crossings swelled with thousands of new users.

The lines apparently persisted Monday. The online service Yandex Maps showed a 18-kilometre traffic jam on a road in Russia’s region of North Ossetia that leads up to the border with Georgia, and the regional branch of the Federal Security Service, or FSB, deployed an armoured vehicle to the crossing.
Izium has been de-occupied. If we are lucky, RUF has fled Lymnan.
and now Lyman .... reportedly several thousand RU foreces neutralised / surrendered
Still on "operational blackout" of comms from Ukrainian side, but RU doing a better job of holding some of the N bank of the Dnieper. Progress is 'grinding'.

the siloviki must be getting nervous.
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Below is the electoral map of 2012. Blue is the pro-Russia party.
Taken from a Twitter re-tweet by Andrew Bell of a tweet by Elon Musk.
View attachment 147833
Below is the electoral map of 2012. Blue is the pro-Russia party.
Taken from a Twitter re-tweet by Andrew Bell of a tweet by Elon Musk.
And so?

"I really like Ukraine but I don't want to see WWIII." The delusional Musk
May as well say"I really like Czechoslovakia but I'm not prepared to let WWII happen".
Doesn't work that way.
And so?

"I really like Ukraine but I don't want to see WWIII." The delusional Musk
May as well say"I really like Czechoslovakia but I'm not prepared to let WWII happen".
Doesn't work that way.
Maybe Elon Musk as always is far ahead of the pack in forward-thinking once more. Sometimes foreseeing a disaster that hasn't happened in one's mind's eye points to a way to avoid it.
didn't Russians threaten to shoot down his satellites? his crapping his pants now and licking boots it seems
Elon Musk has his problems over the Twitter purchase that looks overpriced and Tesla shares are now down to $224 against its high point last October of $407 - allowing for the 3 for 1 split. As to crapping himself he has his solid gold toilet alongside his good lady's diamond studied bidet. If only I could have his concerns!
We may well have drifted off-topic me thinks.
FILE: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, left, and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban sign a document during their meeting in Budapest, Hungary, Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019

In the corridors of power in Stockholm and Helsinki, the champagne is on ice.
After just three months, 28 out of 30 NATO states have ratified the treaty changes in their national parliaments that would approve membership for Finland and Sweden; while 24 nations have already deposited the new paperwork in Washington.
Russia is repeating their own history, the only difference is that they now have nuclear weapons.

General Winter isn't long away

not just nuclear , chemical and biological weapons

when will Russia start using it's financial ones , and let Western greed defeat itself

i notice the US ( and others ) forgot the Saudis are proud people

going to be interesting times
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