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Wall St. warns to begin stockpiling food

The oil situation has been "around the year 2000" for at least half a century now. I'd say they weren't far out since in an overall time perspective 2008 is damn close..
In the 1950s there was a lot of talk that oil would run out by 1980. In the late 50s oil was found at Moonie and that was going to make us all rich, pity it was a bit of a fizzer. Then came Alaska and the North sea. I think it will taper off for a long time yet but I do not dispute the peak oil proposition. It will just get harder to find and more expensive to produce.
The same with food. It became uneconomic to farm and the fall in production was due to economics as much as the drought. Rising food prices will see an increase to the point that there will be surplus production in a year or two.
I am an advocate of peak oil in the near to very near future and certainly the world has a few big negatives looming that may fundamentally change the way we live in this world. These are all physicals that are gradual, real and public.

What I find hard to swallow is religious or spiritual predictions of Armageddon based on prophecies, cosmic alignments, quatrains, ancient calendars or whatever mechanism is invoked. Multitudes have been presented and all have failed. I can see no reason why the next crop will not do otherwise.

As was noted before the 2012 Mayan date is misconstrued anyway:
from: (follow some of the links right at the bottom of the page for a wider range)

some more:
I agree and suppose this angle came from my small dissertation on Nostradamus back at about post 3.

The basic point is that on normal population growth a time could be calculated when the planet is full, thats it, no more room for anymore.
below is a post from another forum..

The basic point is that on normal population growth a time could be calculated when the planet is full, thats it, no more room for anymore.

I think the worlds population has been full twice before.

It was 'full' ten thousand years ago before agriculture began. The nomadic hunter gatherer human populations were kept in check by nature. Then, with agriculture, the populations exploded.

The worlds population was 'full' again in the late 19th century. Famine was common as soil fertility all around the world was depleted and all the natural sources of fertilizer were being used up. Along came oil based chemical nitrogen fertilizer and it saved the day.
This was the start of the green revolution and along with chemicals and other oil based inputs, food production multiplied many many times over. Problem was, human populations exploded even faster. Agricultural production has been able to keep up until now.

We are now approaching the third time the place is full as peak oil hits. But there is nothing coming this time that can save the day. Nature rules in the end. Humans aren't as smart as we thought.

Luckily, Australia exports two thirds of it's food. We will do OK as production drops off. The US, Canada, and New Zealand will do OK too. You wouldn't want to live in too many other places though.
Luckily, Australia exports two thirds of it's food. We will do OK as production drops off. The US, Canada, and New Zealand will do OK too. You wouldn't want to live in too many other places though.

That's good to hear, at least we are not relied on imports to keep ourselve fed. Or maybe it's time I should start stockpiling rices from my local Asian groceries shop.

It's a little bit over gloom and doom for my tastes. I thought the collapse of the financial market / US dollars aren't gloom enough.
That's good to hear, at least we are not relied on imports to keep ourselve fed.
I doubt an Australian farmer is going to feed you just because you're Australian. If an American consumer offers more cash, you get no rice.
I found this statistic amazing.

If you placed every human on the planet in a big cube packed like sardines what would be the dimensions of that cube?

Have a go,I'll post the answer later.
I found this statistic amazing.

If you placed every human on the planet in a big cube packed like sardines what would be the dimensions of that cube?

Have a go,I'll post the answer later.
Presuming one person takes up .25m3, it would be 11.5km cubed?

I heard a different version - that if you gave every family (presuming a family of 4) alive a 600m2 block to live on, they would all fit into NSW.
I found this statistic amazing.

If you placed every human on the planet in a big cube packed like sardines what would be the dimensions of that cube?

Have a go,I'll post the answer later.

Great question.. they always say England is overcrowded, but I have NO IDEA where they all are? I fly into Stansted, or drive up to Yorkshire .. and there is no one about. Do they all live underground?

I await your answer with interest

A Jehovah Witness told me everyone on the planet could fit on top of Mount Everest.He didn`t mention anything about the logistics though.Probably trying to start another one of those Noah stories.
I have enough game meat in the freezer from this yrs hunting to last me at least 1 year. I chuckle when people say to me "i cant believe your killing an innocent animal".

I dont think life will come to this but as mentioned before if it did i would welcome it with open arms. And i also believe alot of people will struggle.
With a few assumptions, like us westerners are much bigger than the average staving refugee.

Fitting in like sardines.

Then 6 people per m3 would equal just over 1km3, ie 1000 metres x 1000 metres x 1000 metres.


Well, let me say again that 1 child policy from today, would be a good start.

Oh and scrap the baby bonus from today too.

Just pray that electricity supply is not interrupted during that time, or get the generator and supply of fuel just in case.
With a few assumptions, like us westerners are much bigger than the average staving refugee.

Fitting in like sardines.

Then 6 people per m3 would equal just over 1km3, ie 1000 metres x 1000 metres x 1000 metres.


Would you like the Fluffy Panda or the Brown bear!
Well done.
For us too tired to think could you give us an object lesson, an example, or a picture of what that would look like?
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