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WA senate re-election 2014

28 October 2008
This one's for the hardcore political tragic.

The count is on ABC24. Currently 0.1% counted with those being from the sticks.
This one's for the hardcore political tragic.

The count is on ABC24. Currently 0.1% counted with those being from the sticks.

The Libs down 0.9%
Labor down 15.6 %
The Nationals up 17.7%
The Greens down 3.3 %
PUP up 1.4%
I give up is jumping all over the place.
I give up is jumping all over the place.
I don't think they know what the individual booth trends are from the September election so at the moment it's just guesswork at this level of count.
Alannah MacTiernan tonight has a hair do that doesn't look like a bird's nest.
According to Antony Green. the likely result will be the Libs 3, Labor 1, Greens 1 and PUP 1.

Swings were generally slop between Labor and the Greens and Lib/Nat and PUP with strong but essentially uniform swings to the two minors of the above.
Labor had Joe Bullock as Number 1 (back room deal, looks like a tosser) and Louise Pratt 2nd

Politically both have issues and deserve a thumping.

I think history shows minor party's benefit from these and double dissolution elections.
Abbott stretching the truth

Abbott claims vindication on carbon tax from Senate vote in Western Australia

Abbott stretching the truth

Abbott claims vindication on carbon tax from Senate vote in Western Australia
He would have been better to not comment on that at all, given the rise in the Greens' vote.

How does this result compare with the original WA Senate outcome before it was wiped out?
Has any party been advantaged by the time lag?
Love Clive's WTF quip about Abbott - Worse Than Fraser

Consider that counteracted by Labor's own Bullock saying "Abbott could make a great Prime Minister".

Does one have more credibility than the other? I'd say it a draw.

One in through internal Labor machinations, other other through weight of money. I'd call it a draw.

Amazing how the wheels of politics turn....
Abbott stretching the truth

Abbott claims vindication on carbon tax from Senate vote in Western Australia
Actually, he's right.

There was little overall change in the proportion of vote between Left and Right.

Looking at Labor's percentage support, one wonders how they'll ever be able to govern in their own right again.

Perhaps the future there is Greebor. How long before a more permanent tying of that dreadful knot ?
Even Fairfax's Chief political correspondent and serial Tony Abbott critic Mark Kenny can't escape the obvious truth for Labor.

So the takeaway seems to be that people are disaffected with Labor and not to happy with the Libs. That swing to the Greens doesn't say much for Abbott's ability to read the electorate. Should we start the countdown to when Shorten gets rolled?

The gaping chasm of leadership in this country grows bigger each day.
I suspect that what happened is that dissatisfied Labor voters defected to the Greens and dissatisfied Lib/Nat voters defected to PUP. The Greens campaign has generally been praised in media commentary in that Scott Ludlum was much more public than either Labor/Liberal/PUP senate candidates and this too would have helped their vote to some extent.

It's way to early yet to judge the current government on their policy agenda with the exception of border protection which so far has been an outstanding success. The first six months though has many distractions, some beyond the government's control but with others of their own making. This is the main problem the government needs to overcome in the immediate period ahead.

Fair point. Actually when you look at the fall in the Lib/Nat vote it is almost identical to the gain for PUP.
The gaping chasm of leadership in this country grows bigger each day.

How right you are. When you look at Abbott, Shorten, Milne and now PUP Palmer, they are a sorry looking bunch indeed. I think we face a long period of just muddling through.
How right you are. When you look at Abbott, Shorten, Milne and now PUP Palmer, they are a sorry looking bunch indeed. I think we face a long period of just muddling through.

The real problem is that to plug the hole the ALP will need to start putting up a decent opposition. With the possible exception of Chris Bowen, talent is very thin on the ground.

I wouldn't even include Palmer in that list. He's just a shiny object that people keep staring at. The major parties should hang their heads in shame that a guy like Palmer can win 12% of the vote on a platform of nothing.
How right you are. When you look at Abbott, Shorten, Milne and now PUP Palmer, they are a sorry looking bunch indeed. I think we face a long period of just muddling through.

So true. It's actually a test for democracy. The voting public has never been so disaffected.
I wouldn't even include Palmer in that list. He's just a shiny object that people keep staring at. The major parties should hang their heads in shame that a guy like Palmer can win 12% of the vote on a platform of nothing.
+1. I just cannot believe so many people could be sucked in by this egocentric self promoter.
They seem to think simplistically that anyone with so much money must be really, really smart.
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