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Videos, Audio, Poetry, Paintings etc., that send a message

two parts - firstly the news item , :(
Tourist killed after falling into volcano
Rescue workers have recovered the body of a Chinese tourist who plunged to her death in an active volcano in the Democratic Republic of Congo the previous day.

The woman fell 140 metres as she attempted to take photos of its molten lava lake, French vulcanoligist Jacques Durieux told AFP by phone from Nyiragongo volcano, which last erupted in 2002.

Despite warnings from guides accompanying her and without any protection such as ropes, the woman clambered around 15 metres down the crater edge before falling onto rocks below.

A team of 18 Indian United Nations troops specialising in mountain rescue braved intense heat and gas spewing from the depths of the volcano to locate the body, which they plan to extract later today.

The woman, from Hong Kong, has not been named. She was travelling with local guides through the Virunga national park when the accident happened.
then the song
Signs Signs Everywhere a Sign (RID ZONE)
Signs -
lyrics as recorded by The Five Man Electrical Band in 1971

And the sign said "Long-haired freaky people need not apply"
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
He said "You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you'll do"
So I took off my hat, I said "Imagine that. Huh! Me workin' for you!"
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
And the sign said anybody caught trespassin' would be shot on sight
So I jumped on the fence and-a yelled at the house, "Hey! What gives you the right?"

"To put up a fence to keep me out or to keep mother nature in"
"If God was here he'd tell you to your face, Man, you're some kinda sinner"
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
Now, hey you, mister, can't you read?
You've got to have a shirt and tie to get a seat
You can't even watch, no you can't eat
You ain't supposed to be here
The sign said you got to have a membership card to get inside

And the sign said, "Everybody welcome. Come in, kneel down and pray"
But when they passed around the plate at the end of it all, I didn't have a penny to pay
So I got me a pen and a paper and I made up my own little sign
I said, "Thank you, Lord, for thinkin' 'bout me. I'm alive and doin' fine."

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Sign Sign, sign
Noi, there have been precious few paintings posted - here is one I photographed somewhere (although to be honest I had forgetten where, who painted it, etc ). i thought it was called "The Trickster " - I find from the internet - (gee the internet is great !! ;) ) it is called
"The Cheat with the Ace of Diamonds", circa 1635-40 by Georges de La TourLa Tour ;)
- Obviously a larrikin lol
and the maid is dobbing him in I'd say :)


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And another (same artist, Georges de La Tour) - call it "pregnant lady holding a skull" - in fact I notice two versions on same theme (on website) - also one called "The Flea Catcher" lol


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Praps it will be on a cold grey morn, When I have to face my last test,
Praps it will be as some child is born, And placed on some warm mother's breast;
Praps only then as the fog is lifted,
I'll get to see where my lifeboat has drifted,
Get to give thanks for this time Ive been gifted,
Move on from blissful to bless'd.
Graveyard :- Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio:
a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy:
He hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rims at it.
Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? your songs?
Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?
Not one now, to mock your own grinning? quite chap-fallen?
Now get you to my lady's chamber, and tell her, let her paint an inch thick, to this favour she must come;
Make her laugh at that.

……mmmm, Naaaa, I think we’ll just watch “I love Lucy” again thanks.
.... blokes having lunch, NY 1930's. - nothing special ;) gotta feelin the second one is bs lol.


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I think (!??!) that this was some hypothetical (time warped?) "Alexander discovering the world of the classical painters" - probably wrong - and I'll love it if someone proved me wrong by posting the real topic of this one...
But I've only seen it in a jigsaw puzzle lol.

note that the artist went to the trouble of copying dozens of individual paintings in some imaginary "arts gallery"


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Further to previous.. :(
Perhaps Shadow San ( Mr Shadow) was a girl?

Incidentally, the T- haped bridge was apparently the aiming point for the crew on Enola Gay. - sobering stuff.

....SHADOW SAN (Extract)

....Mitsufuji San's alarm
that his doves may come to harm
makes him run past A-bomb dome
to catch a tram to take them home
across the bridge they call Aioi,
the bomb-aimer of "Little Boy"
high up in the Enola Gay
fifty years ago today
took focus from where now we see,
walking the upright of the T,
two survivors' shadows but
shadows still still fixed foot to foot,
two survivors here to find
the special seats they've been assigned
to hear speeches, pray, and see
precisely at 8.23
all the doves in the release
making their winged plea for peace.

The peace doves have been freed , but why
won't this last shaking straggler fly?
Perhaps he's seen what's in the sky?


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ahh the penny drops - (theory anyway) - the reason the dome probably remained intact (when everything inside was incinerated) was that it was mainly subjected to vertical blast - like the eye of the storm I guess :2twocents :(
Plenty more websites on this - you can read the most horrific stories - a five year old being present when her grandmother returned after searching for her mother - she had a rucksack with "a few bones, and we recognised a gold tooth like my mother had" .
Maybe best to concentrate on the lessons and hopes for peace out of it. :eek:

As Tony Harrison says in that poem back there, (extract in previous post, fuller version on poetry thread) - the image of Shadow-San is fading with the years - and so too maybe (?) the memory of what happened that day.


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I think (!??!) that this was some hypothetical (time warped?) "Alexander discovering the world of the classical painters" - probably wrong - ... I've only seen it in a jigsaw puzzle lol.

note that the artist went to the trouble of copying dozens of individual paintings in some imaginary "arts gallery"
here's a copy of that painting I found on ebay. USD 12.00 for an A4 copy sheesh -
the jigsaw I saw was about 1.5m x 3m - like half a wall of a room !!- mind you would take a month of Sunday's to do the thing. You'd appreciate the artist's efforts when you finished it 3 years later lol ;)

William Van Haecht, late 1500's early 1600's, Flemish.
"The Visit of Alexander the Great to Apelle's Studio" (?)

Also another couple in the same mould. -

PS gotta feeling I'm talking to myself here lol. Nobody gives a shinbone about paintings ;) Gotta admit I've only been really impressed by a couple of paintings (by Georges de La Tour), and I've already posted them :2twocents


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and of course street paintings - these in chalk ...
Optical illusion Street Art

The above images are created in chalk by a street artist names Julian Beever. He achieves amazing 3D looking effects, and has had media exposure in many countries due to his creations


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As I recall I saw this old bloke playing chess in a kerbside match in Macau - around the time of the Karpov-Korchnoi duels ;) I think this was equally entertaining :2twocents

(Bit like the kerbstone paintings versus the fancy art gallery i guess ;))


I love these options “A or Zee”
I love to stretch my mind
(I’d also love to stretch my knee
who knows what toes I’d find)
I remember the war in a bygone day
and remember the victory fond-ry
but my war here and now will depend on this play..
- should I tell em (like Wellington's troops) to "stay"?
- should I tell em to fight like it's Judgement Day?
ahh aint life a flaming quandry.


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.... a few extra verses as I see the sunrise out there - call it bovine inspiration ;)

I love these options “A or Zee”
I love to stretch my mind
(I’d also love to stretch my knee
who knows what toes I’d find)
I remember the war in a bygone day
and remember the victory fond-ry
but my war here and now will depend on this play..
- should I tell em (like Wellington's troops) to "stay"?
- should I charge in (like Nelson) amongst the frey?
ahh aint life a flaming quandry.

Am I damned if I don't and doomed if I do ?
Is it dimes for a "mate", and damn-all for you ?
Is it like my Dad said - "best way out is through"?
and take the run and the sundry....

if we analyse things with a surgeons knife
are we pawns or kings in this struggle and strife
ahhh ;) some wise God has said "before death there is LIFE!!":)
after this , its back to the laundry.
Everyone wants to understand art. Why don't we try to understand the song of a bird? Why do we love the night, the flowers, everything around us, without trying to understand them? But in the case of a painting, people think they have to understand. If only they would realize above all that an artist works of necessity, that he himself is only an insignificant part of the world, and that no more importance should be attached to him than to plenty of other things which please us in the world though we can't explain them; people who try to explain pictures are usually barking up the wrong tree."
-- Picasso
"Every Child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up" ... Picasso
"If that's art, I'm a Hottentot!" ... Harry S Truman
"Buy old masters. They fetch a much better price than old mistresses" - Lord Beaverbrook


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"All day long I add up columns of figuresand make everything balance. I come home I sit down. I look at a Kandinsky and it's wonderful!. It doesn't mean a damned thing!" - Solomon Guggenheim
"There is no 'must' in art because art is free" - Kandinsky


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... just realised how many paintings there are on youtube :2twocents - not that I like some of these artists that much . :) - but if anyone has any favourites, you're sure to find em there.
"With an apple I will astonish Paris" - Paul Cezanne
(well, personally I'm astonished that anyone would be so astonished by an apple ;))
"How much for your painting Paul?"
"ahh - that one will cost you 125 apples"
"A painter who has the feel of breasts and buttocks is saved" - Auguste Renoir
"Art is either a revolutionist or a plagiarist " - Paul Gauguin


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