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Venture Capital/Seed Money

8 May 2009
A couple of years ago living in London, myself and few others had a business idea. Not having any money we sort Venture Capital from investors/angels etc (seed money). Times were very different then and I guess being a centre of finance and money it was easy to find those who were looking to invest. The idea didn’t go past a few meetings, some negotiations etc as we all eventually set sail for other parts of the world.

I don’t necessarily have the same idea now, yet I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with Venture Capital firms/individuals in Australia, and if they can recommend or at least provide details on some so I could have a look at what they offer? I know times are very different now, yet its just something floating around in the back of my mind at the moment.

If it matters, it’s internet related – Yes I know, wow, what a surprise an internet idea
AIf it matters, it’s internet related – Yes I know, wow, what a surprise an internet idea
It'll be interesting hearing how you get on. There isn't a great deal of that sort of money about in London at the moment. Time horizons are shorter, risk tolerances are reduced...
I thought I would resurrect this old post, not because I expect the OP to come back to tell us how his story worked out (though that would be great), but because this area seems very hot right now and it would be interesting to see who’s interested here at ASF.

The chart below shows venture capital funding rounds, as tracked by CrunchBase, and you can see that there is a lot of money pouring into the area at the moment. You only need to see the stream of recent acquisitions by Yahoo and Google, along with the IPO of Facebook to see why there is interest. Does anyone here provide Angel investment or invest into venture capital funds or are there any startups that have been through a funding round that can share some insight?

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