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Originally Posted by tech/a

Nothing is going to happen.
At best price will do nothing
At worst It will drop.



MML is currently up 3.58%, RED is up 6.67%. Doh!!!

(Its all fun!)

(But who has the last laugh I wonder, as I said, laughter is the best medicine!).

The ones who sold out at 2.14 on the 8th Dec and who may buy back in between 1.65 and 1.70 I would suggest

Still laughing
The ones who sold out at 2.14 on the 8th Dec and who may buy back in between 1.65 and 1.70 I would suggest

Still laughing

(PLUS those who bought a long time ago at even cheaper than the equivalent of $1.65, lol!).

Keep watching, one day RED might end up GREEN!!!
H all, hi Beatle. It certainly isn't a good day for RED. Or for any gold stocks for that matter. They are all being hammered.

How funny is it when RED goes down, we start to rake in the comedians. When RED goes up, we lose them. lol.

On a more serious note to Beatle or any other posters that may know. Ruffly how long does the process take, from actually feeding the plant with the fresh, higher grade ore. To having that gold, ready for pour ? Providing there are no problems in the process of course. I remember reading that they need about 4000 g, or 4kg of gold in the tanks before that initial pour. (Please correct me if I'm wrong). It would be interesting to know. It may provide the time frame we are looking at. But if they have been feeding the plant for lets say 4-5 days, surely it wouldn't be to much longer. And keeping in mind, once that initial pour eventuates, it should be a continuous process, providing the plant is kept up with the material...

It may all seem like doom and gloom at the moment, but hang in there guys, RED'S time to shine is nearing by the day...

Cheers Moit.
Hi Moit, yes you are quite right about the timing of share price movements and the frequency of comedians, lol!!!

About your question, until they get to steady state its problematical as to how long, but its more in terms of days than weeks, but of course I would be loathe to make an estimate knowing that I can only be right for 1 day and wrong for any other day!

It also depends upon how things went when they introduced low grade stockpile material which was apparently very puggy - clearly increasing pulp densities beyond ideal levels - since the plant by design has redundant tankage (which can offset higher pulp densities by increasing the volume of water cf mill feed) its should be only a matter of a couple of days to improve leach kinetics. Of course which day they introduced the fresh feed into the mill is important, but I would expect that they would be anxious to test the whole system out sooner than later and would be prepared to pull the loaded carbon a bit ahead of optimum! (BUT certainly NOT long to go, maybe early next week we should hear about it, IMO!)
The ones who sold out at 2.14 on the 8th Dec and who may buy back in between 1.65 and 1.70 I would suggest

Still laughing

Sold out at 2.24 a while back actually and was sad for a few days when it hit 2.30. Doesn't look too rosy for RED atm, gold looks bearish after breaking a key support at $1600 coupled with RED's current problems with getting production off the ground. Even if RED were to start production soon, the dropping POG will probably mean we won't see even see anywhere near a new high.

Actually, not entirely right.

You said RED was going nowhere when it was at ~18.5c?

Up to the announcement of gold pour, RED shot up to 2.32 (or 23c).

That's quite a large share price increase % for any stock. Best trade would've been to sell at that top. Every day since the "November gold pour announcement" didn't come in, RED share price dropped ~1-3%. (i.e. peaked on 31 November with 11% rise over those past 2 days to end of Nov)

You were right though that price has been factored into gold pour at that time.

Anyway, RED shares look rosy compared to what's been happening to MML.
Also said that price had already factored in the pour announcement
Seems it had.
And it's gone no where!

Carry on holding---
An interested onlooker on this thread (not an invester in RED at the minute) it has been an interesting study, this little period. I personally think macroeconomics are dominating most of the market at the moment, including gold and commodity prices, with the flow on effects to the RED share price (and others significant asx companies)

Its interesting that this has been captured in the analyis of some who simply study chart analysis only, without a thought for the macro picture.

Its great education a as far as Im concerned and does seem to show some interesting things that I have been questioning whether chart analysis alone, does pick up.

So thanks for the discussion guys, I know people are making/losing real money here, but its invaluable from my perspective to see these types of discussion.

Also for a second there I thought (hoped maybe?) there weren't going to be any 'I told you so' because I think graciousness while your 'up' is classy, (but tough after a spirited debate). And really at the end of the day, 'up' can only be determined from a personal reference point.

Thanks again..
This is still a spec stock even at these prices in my gold pour yet! The consolidation was poorly timed in my opinion as they shoud have done it after 2-3 quarters after producing.

Yes, the current market conditions are affecting the share price on this one, but I still think it is over valued in my opinion. We can go on about the reserves etc and the valuation of the company but still, what are the future goals for the progression of the company???!!! I think this may drop further and will watch with interest...
Gold breached $1600, somewhat bearish. Apparently buyers in China and India have let up. The other thing I have heard is that central banks are doing some sort of canoodling with banks involving lots of sales and leases of gold.

Not getting too much into that, seems that there is significant potential for RED to drop quite a bit further. The nature and pace of the recovery will depend largely on CB action more than anything in my view (same goes for every gold stock).

RED will present good opportunities in the future, the only issue is how long is it before it does so.
Keep watching, one day RED might end up GREEN!!!
You will be right eventually but for the moment its going down and your profits are being eroded.

How funny is it when RED goes down, we start to rake in the comedians. When RED goes up, we lose them. lol.
The so called comedians are closer to the action than you think, the reason they are laughing is because they saw the direction in the bars on the 7th and 8th and now have a good reason to laugh.

low grade stockpile material which was apparently very puggy - clearly increasing pulp densities beyond ideal levels
Thats how to make money, get in on some of that puggy stuff with the increasing densities

Sold out at 2.24 a while back actually and was sad for a few days when it hit 2.30.
Bet your not sad now

RED will present good opportunities in the future, the only issue is how long is it before it does so.
Tend to agree with you, its on my list with others that may have similiar potential but for now there are over 730 other stocks just in the Metals and Mining sector...
I personally think macroeconomics are dominating most of the market at the moment, including gold and commodity prices, with the flow on effects to the RED share price (and others significant asx companies)
and in turn the flow effects your account balance/wallett/hip pocket unless you know how to disengage from it (in some cases just temporarily).

Its interesting that this has been captured in the analyis of some who simply study chart analysis only, without a thought for the macro picture.
Chart analysis alone is not the be all and end all but it is far better than waiting for or depending on Gus or whoever to tell you what they want you to hear.
There are numerous examples stacks where the chart becomes the barometer before the news etc.
Go into hospital with chest pains and they are not going to read your horoscope for next week, but if they don't analyse the site of the action asap then they could probably write a fairly accurate horoscope of an upcoming event.

Its great education a as far as Im concerned and does seem to show some interesting things that I have been questioning whether chart analysis alone, does pick up.
Just two recent examples off the top of my head, look at the behaviour of GXY in the first week of Nov and CDU in the last week of Nov, you could see that something was happening on both prior to any news.
Have a look at the current behaviour of HCH at the moment in a supposedly negative market.

Use everything that is available to you stacks, just don't get hung up on any one item and overcome the "I bought it so I must be right" psychology/mentality.
There are only three ways that the price will go, up, down, or sideways and if its not going the way you expected it to then you may as well start discussing the density of poggy as you become one of the 90% that come and go.

Have a read of the PEN thread from around Feb this year and you will see a pattern.

Ya.. pretty interesting RED rising ~20% and not a peep from these 'RED haters' prior to gold pour.

With people saying it's dead... etc.

Then it drops 30% and everyone goes I told you so.

*rollls eyes*

Meh, I did a nice trade from 16.5 to 21.5 and caught some of it. Then had some offsets from 21.5 down to 19.5ish. Real dumb not to sell @ 2.30.. but wasn't really looking at RED s/p and was looking at NST and other trades I had on while doing exams... sigh.

Should've noted what Bank of america did, sell the rumour
Oh wow, the RED thread has had more action than the market in the past day, and if I'm not mistaken there have been many "I told you so's", lol. And I don't mind reading the posts, it keeps me involved while waiting for the activity on the ground.

Just for your information Boggo, the word is puggy, not poggy, but that isn't relevant to your reading of the tea leaves I guess, haha.

And from my own personal point of investing in RED, nothing I have read here has deterred me from holding every share that I hold. I am not in RED for the short term, notwithstanding that I could have made a lot of money IF I was able to read the cyclicity of its share price (which I have no confidence in me being able to do - yes I am not a smart trader like you guys, but actually I am not a trader anyway!).

At the appropriate time Siana will be producing gold, and whatever happens to the gold price is up to other far less certain factors. And RED will make its ups and downs, and in time I will be less frustrated than the past few weeks of not seeing an announcement. But keep up the posts, even when RED is going up, seems only us true holders post both when its going UP and when its going DOWN - Moit was spot on with his observation. (Although I can be sure whenever someone kicks RED that they have just got out and/or want it drop a bit more before getting in/back in, lol, but thats ok). Its part of the game you guys play I guess.
Hi all RED team. Beatle thanks for the info regarding processing. Not long now my friend.

And for all those concerned, Petra Capital have a new report out for RED. And also the share market and share registry reports are out as well...

Cheers Moit.
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