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Useless Labor Party

Yes Wayne, all those chardonnay sipping virtue signalers will just have to keep their franking credits, they so wished to give away. Oh well maybe they will just have to try and stop taking them in three years time, meanwhile as they watch the sun set over Sydney harbour, they will just have to tut tut for the poor working class.
Of course they could always just back up their disdain of the system, and remove their millions from super, thereby solving the problem. Cheers
Bill Shorten has gone back to doing what he does best, working the phones.

He'll cast a dark shadow over Labor as long as he remains in parliament.
Bill Shorten has gone back to doing what he does best, working the phones.

He'll cast a dark shadow over Labor as long as he remains in parliament.
Maybe the media will get after him, as they did Abbott.
At least Labor had the sense not to put Bowen in.

Now we have to wait and see, if Shorten and Bowen, become the Abbott and Dutton of the Labor Party.

How Bowen could have got it so wrong and not understand it, just shows he hasn't got a clue.

From his press release:
But he also believes that Labor's election loss was about campaign tactics, not policy alone.
"We need to remind ourselves how to talk to the base, which is not inner city," Bowen says in an interview.
"If you look at the election, wealthy areas swung to us and poorer areas swung away from us.
"When you consider our agenda was fairly redistributive, that's pretty extraordinary.
"So we're obviously not communicating with that part of society who would be natural Labor supporters if we were talking the right language to them."

Labor gained voters where it needed them least, such as the wealthier electorates of Goldstein in Melbourne and North Sydney in NSW. It lost voters in "battler" areas like Bowen's seat of McMahon, where there was a 3 per cent swing to the Liberals and 8 per cent support for Pauline Hanson's One Nation
Bill Shorten has gone back to doing what he does best, working the phones.

He'll cast a dark shadow over Labor as long as he remains in parliament.

I expect Shorten will quietly retire from politics in a few months, I doubt if he's as silly as Abbott to hang on when he knows he's not wanted.
Labor, the party for women. They like to stick the boot into everyone else about female representation, where are the women candidates for Opposition leader?

Tanya, Penny, Catherine .. hello, anyone there?
Did identity politics just die?

I doubt it. But it does feel on the outer, thank God
I don't think identity politics will ever die, it will always be around and always has been, vis a vis, racial supremism (no not just white), religious supremism, feminism, postmodern intersectionality and all the other toxic shxt.

But I think there is a huge lesson about silent majorities and that extremists are often the most noisy. Treat with ignore.
I hope so.

It's about time politicians treated the people as Australians rather than Muslims, Jews, Christians, atheists or women.
Exactly what I was trying to say in my previous post but you just put it much more succinctly.

Exactly what I was trying to say in my previous post but you just put it much more succinctly.
Rumpy got it right.
Unfortunately your post was not actually about "identity politics" because we don't have parties espousing such policies.

"Silent majority" and "noisy" are also a poor fit.
But again, top marks for consistency.
Rumpy got it right.
Unfortunately your post was not actually about "identity politics" because we don't have parties espousing such policies.

"Silent majority" and "noisy" are also a poor fit.
But again, top marks for consistency.
The village idiot playing the man again. You are a bad faith actor Robbee... a p1ssed off one too because your mob got rolled.

Happy to debate if you have a point.
The village idiot playing the man again. You are a bad faith actor Robbee... a p1ssed off one too because your mob got rolled.
I commented on what you posted.
It's typically poorly informed and licking in logic.
And as I added, you are consistent.
You also did not guess my vote correctly, but given your history of guessing rather than knowing, it was hardly a surprise.
there are "i" statements, and there are "you" statements.

i generally find posts that are written with "i" statements tell part of the life journey of the poster.

i generally find that posts that use "you" statements are often critical, controlling and demeaning.
Deal with the content.
Readers can work it out from there.
These are give-away phrases:
village idiot
playing the man
bad faith actor
a p1ssed off one
your mob
The above were used by wayneL without substantiation.
Deal with the content.
Readers can work it out from there.
These are give-away phrases:
village idiot
playing the man
bad faith actor
a p1ssed off one
your mob
The above were used by wayneL without substantiation.
(that was a general post for all btw)
i understand the point but we can only be responsible for the things that we write.
i am no angel, and i find "i" statements work well for me to temper my thoughts ...... because my thoughts do need tempering (something to do with me being the smartest person in the world).

that last bit was about me, not aimed at you - but i am willing to share it if appropriate.
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