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Ukraine War

According to this NYT Aug. 18, 2023 article, 500k from both sides.

The main sticking point is troop numbers.

However, as war is such an ever changing dynamic the front line along with the data, is far different today than back in August.
Funny how we are hell bent on saving the planet from climate change and yet hell bent on killing each other, irony.

It would be interesting to note how many caring left wing people support violent causes and how many right wing loonies drive E.V's.
Dec 15, 2023 #Ukraine #EU #Hungary
Hungary has blocked €50bn ($55bn; £43bn) in EU aid for Ukraine - just hours after an agreement was reached on starting membership talks. "Summary of the nightshift: veto for the extra money to Ukraine," Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said after Thursday's talks in Brussels. EU leaders said the aid negotiations would resume early next year. The aid blocking was announced by Mr Orban shortly after the EU leaders decided to open membership talks with Ukraine and Moldova and to grant candidate status to Georgia. Hungary - which maintains close ties with Russia - has long opposed membership for Ukraine but did not veto that move. Subscribe here: For more news, analysis and features visit:
Dec 14, 2023
The EU has agreed to open accession negotiations with Ukraine. A spokesperson for Charles Michel, the President of the European Council, said that agreement on this was unanimous. European leaders have also decided to open membership talks with Moldova and to grant candidate status to Georgia.
Came across this story on the extensive shadow oil tankers that are moving Russian oil across the world. Makes sanctions very difficult to stick

from the wires:

The latest surge of news pages discussing the openness of the Kremlin for "peace talks" is something what was expectable. The Kremlin monitors closely debates in the West, and from time to time inserts talking points into the debate, either directly or through its lesser minions in politics or in social media. To clarify this in the beginning: this proposal is neither serious nor it is viable. Behind that lurks the same perfidious attempt as previous attempts of the Kremlin, playing with idea of peace but without seriously wanting it. It is about to dissuade and deter the West from doing the right thing and what the Kremlin seriously harms: serious opposition. The Kremlin cannot win this war when the West decides to help Ukraine in an organised and especially large fashion. Russia has always been working with that method.

If Moscow cannot achieve its goals by military means, needs time or even gets into trouble, then it speaks of ceasefires or peace talks. Chechnya in 1995, Ukraine in 2014-15, Syria in 2015-19 etc. the list goes on. Whenever Russia needs to pause then it "negotiates" temporal peace fires in order to reorganize and to focus at certain other points. In Syria "de-escalation" zones were formed, but they were only tactics to free Russia and its Iranian and Assad's minions on the ground, in order to focus on those battles they deem necessary. They did not have the numbers to fight all opponents in Syria at once. One by one Russia and its helpers violated the deals and destroyed the "de-escalation" zones.

Russia, especially under Putin, considers peace and ceasefire as signs of weakness which can and will be exploited in the long run. They are but means to establish control and are stages of preparation for later engagements. In fact, Russia stands as the best example for the proverb: "Treaties are only ink on paper". Moscow regularly violated treaties whenever necessary. The Budapest Memorandum is but another example how detrimental any agreement with Putin is. He is a spy and thug, thinking only in categories of grandism, revanchism, imperialism and the zero sum game. There is literally no room for genuine peace with this kind of an opponent. Not today, not tomorrow.

Any suggestion of a peace deal with this Russia would lead to anywhere but peace. In the contrary, aside from a eventual escalation in Ukraine, Putin would feel so emboldened that he would even consider a direct attack against NATO possible. He would conclude that the West is weak and not even considering to defend its eastern borders. This is of course a misconception, but a dangerous one because it would eventually lead to a world war. It is imperative that the West leaves not even the slightest ambiguity. The only lasting solution leading to peace is Russia's sound and clear defeat. We already have very good examples in this very war in Ukraine how this works. Without any grain deal, Ukraine was able to re-establish grain supplies to the world. It achieved this not by having any fragile agreements, but by thoroughly defeating the Russian navy and forcing its withdrawal. This is the only language Moscow understands and even respects.

It is time that the last people in the decision-making positions in the West recognize, accept and react to this very fact which even the Romans understood
: "Si vis pacem para bellum." If you want peace, prepare for war.
it is never that easy to refocus efforts. War is incremental.
F-16s are more powerful but also more fragile than the Soviet fighters that Ukraine uses and require specialized logistics and infrastructure.

For example, they require smoother runways. One of the biggest challenges will be resurfacing the runways that Ukraine plans to use without attracting the Russians’ attention.

“Airfields must be protected from air strikes, which means it will be necessary to deploy the air defense systems if it has not already been done,” Viktor Kevliuk, an expert of Ukraine’s Center for Defense Strategies, told the Kyiv Independent.

“The allies should also provide us with air-to-air missiles for air combat because Soviet bombs are not suitable for this plane,” he said. These weapons, plus all the fuel reserves have to be kept somewhere safe and well-guarded. ”This is quite a long process.”

Even though they’re thought of as modern aircraft, F-16s first entered production in the late 1970s. Ukraine is trying to get more modern avionics and weapon systems installed on the planes it will be getting, which would significantly improve their performance. The jets will require lots of spare parts that the U.S. has pledged to provide
  • Ukraine did not confirm or deny the downing of the Il-76 but the military released a statement which accused the Russian army of using military transport aircraft to deliver missiles to the Belgorod region. The statement followed a now retracted Ukrainskaya Pravda report, which claimed that the military had shot down an Il-76 jet which it believed to be carrying a shipment of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles en route to Belgorod this morning.
  • In Kyiv, there is skepticism about Russia’s claim that the plane was carrying 65 PoW. Anton Gerashchenko, a popular blogger and adviser to the internal affairs ministry, said that Russia’s version of events was unconvincing.
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Cats in Wartime
Both the Ukrainians and the Russians have mobilised their pussy platoons in the fight for pretty propaganda. On top of that the cute furry felines earn their keep by hunting the mice that otherwise plague the battlefield. And of course they are excellent crowd sourcing fundraisers .

War cats: Ukraine enlists feline friends in fight against Russia

But Russia is fighting back with its own front-line feline videos.


January 23, 2024 5:28 pm CET

Wars are fought by soldiers using bullets, shells and missiles, but also with ideas and propaganda — which explains why cats have become the latest battlefront in Ukraine.

Ukraine’s social media are full of felines, showing how they help soldiers as emotional support animals, attract donations to the military with their fluffy cuteness, and also fight invaders — in this case mice.

Russia is fighting back by humanizing its invading soldiers — often used in “meat wave” attacks against Ukrainian positions and accused of atrocities against civilians — by showing them with their own cats.



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Cats in Wartime
of course with all the drone footage out there, you could also post some of our cute furry 4 legged canine friends eating at the bodies of the "meet wave" lads that are left littering the battlefield.
"All for the sake of a small group of bored old farts gone insane with their untold wealth and full of lust for power and imperial arrogance."
and their gormless trolls

2,504,763 views • Feb 9, 2024 • #Putin #Carlson #Russia
Vladimir Putin began his much-anticipated interview on Thursday night by offering a more than 30-minute, counterfactual history lesson to a bemused Tucker Carlson. The former Fox New host’s interjections (how is this relevant, Mr President?) were swiftly shot down by the Russian leader: “Are we going to have a serious talk or a show?” Putin’s show, it seemed. Beyond the foray into the Russian president’s version of history, here are the five key and most surprising moments of the more than two-hour sit down.
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sadly this is the reality
Picture this: six Ukrainian warriors holding down a fort against a hundred-strong assault. That’s the level of courage we’re talking about.
the descriptor of "meat assault " is applicable and too true. Wave after wave.
The Ukrainians are rationing their ammunition.

The Senate Republicans have firmly approved the latest reduced package to help keep the Ukrainian's supplied and have told the house Republicans it is important that the aid continues.

The House leader has said no way etc. but it is believed as the vote is so tight and because some Republicans are retiring and so are not scared of Trump that the the vote will go through and the house leader will save face.

Honestly if the USA stops supplying ammunition while Russia keeps being supplied from China, North Korea, Iran and internally, well the war is over and Putin will own the bread basket of Europe.


The U.S is certainly stumping up some funding.

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