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Ukraine War

Russia's destruction of the dam that is located in Russian held territory shows that Putin and his Generals can no longer have the capacity to move forward or defend. It also shows their desperation. An advancing army does not flood land in front of them.
Instead, they have created two headaches of Ukraine forces; sending troops and equipment forward is now drastically reduced, and resources will have to be diverted to help flood victims.
The flooding has caused water restrictions to the Crimea region held by Russia.

The problem for Putin IMO, is that it isn't a good look even to the Russian general public, they must be getting fed up with their sons and daughters coming back in body bags.
I really can't see this lasting another winter, stalemates drive out a lot of enthusiasm and with social media the younger generation must be getting very restless.

I agree, but the propaganda machine must be a top-notch model. 100,000 body bags, and still no unrest from parents and families.
Peter posted this in the last 24hrs and around the 4:20min mark is where he clearly states Putin's croonies did it.
The mind boggles that approx. 1 million acres of irrigated land has been swamped.

Peter posted this in the last 24hrs and around the 4:20min mark is where he clearly states Putin's croonies did it.
The mind boggles that approx. 1 million acres of irrigated land has been swamped.

I missed that vid until you pointed it out.
After listening to his reasoning, it buggers up my argument completely .
I missed that vid until you pointed it out.
After listening to his reasoning, it buggers up my argument completely .
I'm no military guru but on the dam I agree it's incredibly unlikely to have been a legitimate failure.
I agree, but the propaganda machine must be a top-notch model. 100,000 body bags, and still no unrest from parents and families.

Peter posted this in the last 24hrs and around the 4:20min mark is where he clearly states Putin's croonies did it.
The mind boggles that approx. 1 million acres of irrigated land has been swamped.

Excellent contribution. One thing that took my interest was his discussion at the end of the segment on the massive increase in Russian bots and trolls on Twitter. This has occurred as direct result of Elon Musks opening up Twitter again for "Free Speech" . Trolls and bots are back in town.

Peter offers excellent advice on how to disengage from trolls and bots.
Never, ever respond. You will just get fed more and more rubbish
Put trolls and bots on mute. Don't block mute means they keep trying and can't get through.

Well worth checking out.
lets hope that the hawks on the WSJ don't have any real affect on US polcy.

yeah, that should show em who's boss.
This is quite a paradox, but the only thing stopping a modern world war is MAD.

Let's hope people with their finger on the button understand that if they push it, they die.

It's such a shame that nuclear energy and nuclear bombs were invented around the same time. If it was just for energy, we'd be flying to other galaxies on flux capacitors.

But, no.

Humans just have to go to war against their neighbour.

Another example of why unedited history must be taught in schools.

" cannot let the Russians believe there is profit in war..." Putin thought he would profit from a short, sharp war against his much smaller neighbour. He miscalculated, but 345,000 have been killed or injured to prove him wrong. “They will lie, they will cheat, they will do anything to win,”
“What has happened is that the communists have been defeated. But the ideas of freedom are now on trial, If they don’t work there will be a reversion, not to communism, which has failed, but what I call a new despotism, which would pose a mortal danger to the rest of the world because it would be infected by the virus of Russian imperialism which, of course, has been a characteristic of Russian foreign policy for centuries.”
“The independence of Ukraine is indispensable. A Russian-Ukrainian confrontation would make Bosnia look like a Sunday-school picnic.” It was March 1994 and Putin was then the discredited – almost sacked – deputy head of the city administration in his hometown, St Petersburg.

Russia invade a sovereign nation against all sorts of international norms and laws but:

That's the problem with using mercenaries, you buy their loyalty, when the money runs out the loyalty goes with it, they look for the next employer.
Hmm maybe Putrid will be stretching the lacky band to breaking point with the Wagners up against his not so enthusiastic army.
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