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Ukraine War

The only question Lexy in my mind, USA who's gonna push the red button first. That someone is going to press it, seems inevitable now.
I doubt if anyone has the balls to press the red button unless they are an unhinged godbotherer.

Self preservation and that of your genetic imperative to protect your kin and cousins will prevail.

And we are all kin and cousins, whether from any continent or perspective.

I’ve never thought about traveling. Thanks for the suggestion.
But did you travel to China Russia and some of the emerging powers?
Anyway all the previously cheering anti red people are now supporting the communists socialists of the WEF.
Unless you still consider China communist lol
One war behind....
Anyway slightly off subject
I’ve only visited 121 countries, so have some work to do.
I’ve only visited 121 countries, so have some work to do.
Question remains, did you recently at 10 to 15y max visit any of the emerging countries, I could add Indonesia as well.
I am devastated to see the West collapsing, but I know where the real enemy is, and it is not Xi or Putin.
They are just opportunistic leveraging our own demise, no amount of Leopards tanks will change that.
Our real enemy is the socialist psyche, the BLM, voice, LGBT, tribes , fascist green and CG warriors and split of our society, the actual win of rot released by the KGB in the 70s and which is keeping its sapping work well after the KGB is gone via education, media spread and now the rotten twisted capitalism by installed big techs and Biden families & cie.
That is my view with a key symbol: the WEF clique.
And this is bloody relevant to Ukraine imho.
But let's cout burnt tanks and missiles launched.
over and out?
History is littered with predictions of the end of humanity. One day they will be right.

My advice to them is to follow your heart, and sell everything for gold. Otherwise shut up.

Question remains, did you recently at 10 to 15y max visit any of the emerging countries, I could add Indonesia as well.

I speak Indonesian and deployed to East Timor as an interpreter for the UN in 2001. I commanded a coalition hospital in Iraq in 2015. I deployed to Rwanda just after the genocide in 1994. I lived in Peru for 3 years. I’ve been around the block.
I think, collectively, the assortment of Haplogroup R1b1b2 (R-M269) carriers will be around for a while
Yea, just like history is littered with climate predictions.
perhaps one day they will get it right.
And my advice is to follow your own advice.
Yea, just like history is littered with climate predictions.
perhaps one day they will get it right.
And my advice is to follow your own advice.

Are you saying that the earth’s climate has never changed?
Are you saying that the earth’s climate has never changed?
So exactly how did you come to that conclusion from my statement?
I believe its called putting words into someone else's mouth.
I said so many climate predictions have failed, nothing about the climate not changing.
And those failed predictions have come have come from both by the climate change deniers, and the climate doomsayers.

JD, do you think the current psychosis of the climate clowns is part of this? It seems to me that it’s a natural part of evolutionary psychology and why we‘ve actually survived as a species. You know, jump at a rustling bush type stuff. Flight or fight. I’m really concerned there’s a mass psychosis across the planet, even here on ASF with seemingly educated people, who literally think the World is going to imminently explode due to a 1 degree change in the temp. ‘Oceans are going to boil’ apparently. These types of prophecies go back thousands of years. Maybe the flood did happen and there were plagues of frogs, but FFS…

I think you two are agreeing, not sure how that got mixed up.
Let it go, chaps.

It seems, as the one year anniversary of the latest westerly incursion of Russians approaches, and the weather improves, that both Russia and Ukraine are gearing up for counter offensives. The Russians seem to be aiming to take the bits of Luhansk and Donetsk not yet overrun or seized then lost, while the Ukrainians, well, who knows. Their ultimate goal is Crimea but whether that is feasible remains to be seen. And any territory retaken will come at such a cost.

I think you have a good grasp on what has happened during the history of humanity, and what seems to be intensifying today.

We’ve all grown up with some form of conspiracy, UFO’s, a return of a global Ice Age, changing to an overheating planet. Previously it was a bit of fun and a laugh for the majority with only a tiny fringe group taking it seriously. Now it’s appears to have gone too far and the fringe is almost the norm, with conspiracy theories taken by mainstream key and given a form of authenticity. This is very scary, reminds me of periods of our history where whole societies fell for a conspiracy and took drastic and deadly action against fellow citizens.

There’s an interesting article in The Economist today, I’ll try and post it later. Now I’m of to my garden to take advantage of this beautiful day.
Oh like sheep do some follow and then be led by the nose to slaughter.

My lived experience (hate that term) is what happened in Rwanda in 94. It’s absolutely mind blowing what happened in those 100 days once the genocide started. The bottom line, imo, is that you join in, or you are killed. That‘s what seems to be going on now. Agree, or you are toast. I’m not sure what thread I’m in now….
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