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Ukraine War

Well something needs to bring this pain and suffering to an end, way too much touchy touchy feel good stuff, bring it on get it sorted and move on IMO.
FFS how long do you stop the ongoing bullying, in my experience once civil discussion and bargaining has finished, it is time to sort it out one way or another. Obviously Putin isn't going to play nice, why don't they give him the ultimatum, you chuck a nuke and we will fry you?
Get on with it.
It's like everything else today, don't face the issue, dance around it and hope it goes away e.g house prices, why do they keep going up? because people borrow more to buy them, but why do they let us borrow more? because you ask for more and give them information to pass guidelines, but why didn't they say interest rates could go up? Well because interest rates have never been this low, so who knows? But the long term average on interest rates in Australia is between 5% and 7%, But what is long term average?
Kyiv: The Kremlin has warned that increasing the supply of US arms to Ukraine will aggravate the devastating 10-month war ignited by Russia’s invasion, and Russia’s defence minister called for expanding Moscow’s military by at least 500,000 people.
Speaking during a meeting with his top military brass, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Moscow would take lessons learnt in the conflict to “develop our armed forces and strengthen the capability of our troops”. He said special emphasis would go to developing nuclear forces, which he described as “the main guarantee of Russia’s sovereignty”.

Jeez I can't wait to get over these Christmas holidays, I didn't sign up for all these grandkids. ?
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Came across this story about how the USSR dealt with the hundreds of thousands of soldiers left limbless from WW2.
Grim beyond belief.

One of the appalling sub stories is how General Zhukov sent lines of infantry into German minefields outside Berlin in 1945. They cleared the mines with their bodies. This was to save the Russian Tanks.

At Midnight on New Years Eve it seems that the Ukrainians blasted a vocational college that was housing hundreds of Russian soldiers.
Absolutely nothing left of it.

It seems the Russians stored their munitions in the basements

Good morning
Local Media (New Corp) Nice story written about an ADF soldier based in Townsville 3 RAR:

Joshua Green: Townsville soldier recognised with Hassett Award for Ukraine work​

A young Townsville soldier has received his battalion’s first ever medal recognition for his work in Ukraine. See how the armoured vehicle expert ‘skinned the cat’.

Daneka Hill

less than 2 min read
January 6, 2023 - 12:00PM
Townsville Bulletin

A Townsville soldier who helped deliver armoured personnel carriers to Ukraine and created training programs for Ukrainian soldiers has been recognised with the Hassett Award. Corporal Joshua Green from the 3rd battalion (3 RAR) said it meant a lot to receive the award, which recognises outstanding junior leadership.

“I was told to come up with a training program for the armoured vehicles,” Corporal Green said. “We got tasked to come up with a training package and skin the cat, and I did.”

The training was part of Australia’s overall material assistance to Ukraine.
There was a second, deeper significance when the Hassett Award was handed over to Corporal Green.

The award was created by Sir Francis Hassett who commanded the 3 RAR in Korea - but it’s never been given to a 3 RAR soldier until now.
Corporal Green said it’s a massive honour to be the first. The Hassett Award was received by Corporal Green in Canberra on November 24.

Kind regards
Ater completing her uni degree at a Russian uni, from feelings of guilt for leaving to forgiving herself for growing up in Putin's Russia, I found this a fascinating clip about Natasha's life pre and post the "special operation" she calls a war.

All my fears were realized... Conclusions of 2022

From newsweek
Well, thats a nice development.
Peter Zeihan essentially paints a similar picture in his statement about South Korea, some Scandinavian countries, and possibly Saudi Arabia all becoming nuclear.
What Russia has to be careful of IMO, is someone deciding to strike them first, because of the veiled threats.
If credible information is obtained that Russia is going to throw nukes around, I don't think the recipients would just say o.k let's see how much damage it does.
Russia has already stated that they could send a nuke to wipe out the U.K, do they really think the U.K would just say please don't, it isn't as though the U.K has capitulated before due to threats.
Interesting times IMO.
if Russia has to resort t nukes, when they are the aggressor and the larger physical force, it wont go down well. Similar to if the U.S had resorted to nukes in Vietnam, middle East or Afghanistan.
Well, they resorted to invading a sovereign nation , so anything us possible
It is amazing how incompetent the Russian military is.

"This sloppiness can have lethal consequences. In December a Russian volunteer posted photos on vk of forces encamped in a country club in Sahy, an occupied part of Kherson province. His post included a geo-tag of the exact location. Ukrainian missiles later struck it, after which the volunteer posted yet again. This time he uploaded a video showing the extent of the destruction, in effect giving Ukraine a damage assessment from on the ground, noted Rob Lee of King’s College London."

Things are escalating with no sign that there's a way out of this for either team. The UK and Germany preparing to send MBTs might not be a red line for Russia but it's getting oh so close to NATO being on the ground. What next, trainers and advisers inside the country?

The next step for Russia might be to have the Belarusians join the fight and invade from the north west. But, I can't see how they can do that without the Baltics and Poland feeling comfortable. Belarus joining might be a red line for NATO.

I still think Russia's strategic plan is to have Ukraine ask for a ceasefire and then negotiate the eastern boundary of Ukraine to go down the line of the Dnipro River from Kherson - Dnipro - Kharkiv.
Whatever Putin's plan is, his wish to relive the good ol' Cold War days has certainly come true and has set Cold War 2.0 in motion.
With the Russians being routed at the beginning, this conflict is proving to be an absolute media bonanza.
Thus we see the semi-retired David Letterman interview President Zelenskyy.

Things are escalating with no sign that there's a way out of this for either team.
Most Ukrainians don't want to live under a Russian yoke. Let's hope the Quisling talk doesn't gain traction.

Putin can call off the invasion. That would solve a few issues.
Whatever Putin's plan is, his wish to relive the good ol' Cold War days has certainly come true and has set Cold War 2.0 in motion.

That's can happen to leaders that read only one perspective of the history books, and then come to the conclusion that they could have done better. Maybe Mikhail Gorbachev might gain back some prestige in Russia, for his wise handling of the Cold War.
Most Ukrainians don't want to live under a Russian yoke. Let's hope the Quisling talk doesn't gain traction.

Putin can call off the invasion. That would solve a few issues.

I agree, the lines on the maps should be respected in this current age. But, European borders have been a moveable feast for a very long time prior to the end of WW2. Since then, there's hardly been a longer period of peace in Europe, probably due to MAD. There needs to be another major World wide treaty that states borders are set in stone and an international body upholds those boundaries. Hello UN. But, that's unlikely to happen until there's another significant bout of fisticuffs and a replacement of the UN is founded with more meaning and relevance to the 21st C.
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