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Ukraine War

Its hilarious watching arm chair experts form opinions form 3rd or 4th hand information and you tube snippets.

No country is perfect, however fascism, strong nationalism is very present and has been present in Russia for a long time.

Not to say everybody else is a saint, not saying Russia or America is any better. You have the kkk in America and many strong neo nazi and soccer hooligan groups in Russia.

In America racism is different, it is present in the streets and in everyday life but as soon as it reaches media it is a very disgusting topic.

In Russia it is how it is, clean white European looking Russians are above. If you are black brown or euro asian from Caucasus by appearance you stick out. This will also concern other minorities which by appearance will not stick out but bring Ukrainian (obviously now) Polish, Czech or whatever will also make life different.

If you are interested how it actually works you could start with some classic Russian cinema masterpieces, I would recommend to start with

Brat 1 / brother

Perfect example how Caucasus minorities are portrayed as gangsters and bad guys in the cities

Vojna / War

A great movie about the Chechen war, from a Russian perspective but I think it has been portrayed very fairly and shown the good and bad on both sides Russians and Chechens

You just can't pretend to understand a culture form some youtube videos and some conspiracy theory texts

No world power is a saint, almost had a tear reading how the poor Russians are being bashed

Nova Kakhovka in the Kherson region has banned the sale of alcohol to members of the Russian military.

... oh great, now
  • a black market will emerge
  • they'll break into civilian houses to steal


What's hilarious is the intellectual arrog/ignor/ance of western society pundits who believe themselves to be educated, enlightened individuals speaking for truth... but actually are ~99% not. The opposite. Literal cannon fodder brainwashed out of their minds by relentless barrage of tabloid news & propaganda.

I agree no country is perfect.

But thinking Russia is THE place with "fascism, strong nationalism" and not bringing up more notable countries *wink* *wink* is hilarious.

It's funny western society has so much to say about Russia. With so much conviction. Surely these people are not arm chair experts but real experts ?

RE: How the Caucasus minorities are treated. You realize one of the most notable Russian leaders: Stalin AND Lenin are minorities right? Stalin was ethnic Georgian. Lenin was part Asian. Their most revered athletes are Dagestani. One of the most famous Russian singers of all time was Korean.

Yes there are instances of racism against minorities in Russia. But please. Are we really pretending it's better in western countries? Please don't say this. It is beyond ridiculous and shows your level of understanding of Russia.
uh ok, you got me there I give up you are right I am wrong, the Korean singer did it
What's hilarious is ..........Russia.
Meantime, in the real world

Sumska Oblast, Poltavska Oblast, Odeska Oblast, Chernivetska Oblast, Kharkiv, Kharkivska Oblast, Ternopil, Ternopilska Oblast, Volynska Oblast, Lviv, Lvivska Oblast, Kirovohradska Oblast, Donetsk Oblast, Rivne, Rivnenska Oblast, Mykolaiv, Mykolayivska Oblast, Zakarpattia Oblast, Zhytomyr, Zhytomyrska Oblast(10:10). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
28 minutes ago

Chernihivska Oblast(10:09). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Tell friends
29 minutes ago

Kyiv Oblast, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivska Oblast, Cherkaska Oblast, Khmelnytska Oblast, Vinnytska Oblast(10:09). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
30 minutes ago

Kyiv(10:07). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Tell friends
39 minutes ago

Kherson, Khersonska Oblast, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovska Oblast, Zaporizka Oblast(09:59). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Tell friends
7 hours ago

Zaporizka Oblast(03:33). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
8 hours ago

Zaporizka Oblast(02:44). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Tell friends
9 hours ago

Kharkiv, Kharkivska Oblast(02:02). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Tell friends
9 hours ago

Cherkaska Oblast, Dnipro, Dnipropetrovska Oblast, Poltavska Oblast(02:01). Red Alert: aerial threat. Sirens sounding. Take cover now!
Chemical weapon labs. Highly illegal. Both China and Russia were witnesses that a number of them existed. Must be true eh?
I am not sure chemical weapon labs are illegal, I think using the weapons is, but even Canada have the ability to produce small amount of chemical warfare agents. I know this because I have personally visited their chemical warfare labs, and trained using live chemicals.

The main cause of Russia's failure in it's invasion of Ukraine is endemic corruption in the Federation.

This flows from the lowliest clerk in charge of septic tanks in any hamlet in any Oblast of Russia all the way up to the Supreme Commander Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

The resemblances to the routing of the Russian Army and Navy during the 1905 Russo-Japanese War are quite moot.

Revolution followed.

A plaintiff letter from the 155th to the Governor.

Need to enable English sub-titles but one of my fav YouTube channels re. the conflict. Interviews (no, not interrogations) with Russian POW by Lviv Media.

This one is a classic. How a not-so-young, self proclaimed Russian drunkard was coherced into the war.

Yesterday Russian oil stocks extended their decline, as investors continued to gauge expectations of the sector’s profitability ahead of the EU’s oil embargo in December.

Vessel data compiled by Bloomberg indicated that weekly seaborne oil exports jumped to a five-month high in early November as sellers scrap to complete transactions before the start of restrictions.

Besides halting oil imports, the embargo will prohibit European tankers from operating oil shipments to China and India.
Neither the Ukrainian military nor President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed Russia's retreat from Kherson.

According to Ukraine's October assessment, there were 30,000 to 50,000 Russian troops on Dnipro's right bank.
Neither the Ukrainian military nor President Volodymyr Zelensky has confirmed Russia's retreat from Kherson.

According to Ukraine's October assessment, there were 30,000 to 50,000 Russian troops on Dnipro's right bank.

The Ukranians are much better at strategic information/propaganda management than the Vatniks.

Zelenskyy beats ole Putin hands down on this score.

It is now official.

The Russians are withdrawing to the Left (Eastern) bank of the Dnipro River.

They are all hat and no herd, as shown in this video.

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