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Ukraine War

Trump Derangement Syndome is indeed a very real and serious issue. The President of the United States tries to subvert the election results and makes totally unproven claims of electoral fraud. He incites thousand of people to march to Congress to overturn the nomination of the new President.

When his efforts at electoral subversion fail he then continues to control the Republican Party and demands that candidates support his lies on electoral fraud - or be trashed by the Sun king.

And all the while millions of people see him as an acceptable/ GREAT political leader. That is derangement on an scale that only Stalin and Putin have ever achieved. And they needed a full KGB/ controlled media Press to achieve that outcome
Well that was bloody brilliant. The telling of a true story that goes to the heart of the Ukranine War, Russian war history and Arnold's personal long term affection for the Russian people.

Really hope it gets the coverage and impact it deserves.
Nice propaganda, and I mean that in the most charitable way.

I do share Arnold's thoughts on the Russian people and also the disdain for the regime...

It would be a little bit like the Oz attacking New Zealand, or the US attacking Canada.
I agree. I have donated to Medicines sans frontieres as I think this is a good way of trying to help the Ukraine people affected.
Nice propaganda, and I mean that in the most charitable way.
Yeah... no..! The descriptor "propaganda" is tainted in itself. It automatically tars the a story for an observer with the brush of " this is almost certainly BS. Don't get sucked in"

It is an exceptionally well done story. I sincerely hope almost all of it is truthful. Otherwise - yes it would move towards the propaganda field. But as presented it highlights the horrors of wars and in particular unjust wars and the lies being told by Putin to justify his attack on Ukraine.

On the bigger picture we know that Russia is under the most stringent media and legal control for decades. The slightest hint of dissent from the Putin line is perceived as treason with consequences that would stretch to 15 years in a gulag jail. That would be a slow death death sentence.

Challenging that regime with some facts on the ground from a person like Arnold Schwarzenegger who offers rare authenticity is powerful stuff. I can think of no other person who could credibly and persuasively present such a perspective
Yeah... no..! The descriptor "propaganda" is tainted in itself. It automatically tars the a story for an observer with the brush of " this is almost certainly BS. Don't get sucked in"

Although that can be true with much propaganda, it is not necessarily so. Propaganda is not necessarily BS, mis-, or disinformation. it may simply be the dissemination of information which will promote the goals of the propagandist.

Although the sidebar into Jan 6 is BS, his story and his point about the Russian people is most certainly on the mark.

Think of the goal here though basilio. Clearly this is an appeal to the Russian people to dissent against their government. Certainly from our perspective (and perhaps even from their own perspective) that is a laudable aim.

However, and bearing in mind my earlier comments in this post, it is clearly propaganda in it's true meaning

Look at the etymology and base of the word...
Calm down and find your happy place. Trump will never be president again in my opinion.
He won't hurt you no more.
Calm down and find your happy place. Trump will never be president again in my opinion.
He won't hurt you no more.

Well who really knows Moxjo ? And frankly the Sun God is really only part of the problem. I'm more concerned about the spreading of the Trump infection to the hundreds of Republician politicians who have kissed his ring and fervently declare Trump was robbed. That's one big convention of truly cracked people. But they have learnt the One Big Truth from Trumpo and that is a worry.

When you lie, Make it Big, and Never, Ever Recant

And on top of that there are the millions of people in the US and worldwide who still hold a torch forTrump and hope he will rise again. They seem to have also taken the One Big Truth to heart.

As for your opinion on Trump ? About as useful as a Confederate Bill.
There's no way. A good portion of Republican voters know that he isn't the way foreword as he can't bring the country together.
He is also old. To old for another shot.
There's better choices.

The next move is to make a point of not buying any Chinese goods. On the other hand Europe and particularly Germany buys Russian gas and oil funding Russia's war effort. Germany is providing funds to Ukraine to help the war effort whilst funding Russia's weapons to attack Ukraine.
Funding weapons to both sides has been done before but usually to make two possible future enemies a lot weaker - is this what Europe is doing like it or not?
NATO will have a place in history for letting Russia completely destroy Mariupol.
And America will be regarded as a gutless bully that would only ever attack nations which were weaker, while doing nothing to intervene in Russia's attempt to overthrow not just a democracy, but also an vital buffer between the East and West.
Australia has gone from "all the way with LBJ" to " we all should pray" with Scomo.

We learned
When the going gets tough we just huff and puff
While the big bad Putin is blowing away Ukraine
We are newsfed a feast of war crimes during our evening meals
And chew over what should be done
Until the next day when it was nothing
But applause at Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Who has shown leadership beyond measure
Despite us constantly turning a deaf ear to his dire needs.

As supporting pillars to NATO we have "Five Eyes," the "Quad," and "AUKUS."
Adjectives coming to mind include "useless" and "shameful."
From the sidelines it looks like we can claim virtue by donating weapons rather than being in the firing line, and be smug if we can give money to feed the hungry rather than actually deliver food to starving Ukranians.

We clearly didn't learn much from events leading to 1 September 1939.
And what about your CCP handlers? Won't China have a place in history for letting Russia completely destroy Mariupol? Ukraine is not NATO. How is this NATO's responsibility? It's the whole world's responsibility.

America gets hammered for entering wars and not entering wars. How is that fair?
And just think we could solve the Russia problem, overpopulation, and global warming all in one fell swoop.

I would kind of miss the simple things like.... Sunlight for a couple of years, food, and people not being born with two heads.

(This is the difference between 1939 and now)
China has much to say about sovereignty and territorial integrity when those concepts apply to itself, but since Russia's invasion on 24 February it has remained curiously silent on the issue of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. China's cynical duplicity is on show for the entire world to see, and should be a reminder to the West that tyrants will always stand with, or behind, other tyrants.
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And what about your CCP handlers?
Where are they?
Won't China have a place in history for letting Russia completely destroy Mariupol?
China is non aligned.
Ukraine is not NATO. How is this NATO's responsibility?
"NATO remains the principal security instrument of the transatlantic community and expression of its common democratic values. It is the practical means through which the security of North America and Europe are permanently tied together. NATO enlargement has furthered the U.S. goal of a Europe whole, free, and at peace."
China has much to say about sovereignty and territorial integrity when those concepts apply to itself, but it has remained curiously silent on the issue of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity.
This is China's official policy:
  • China maintains that all states’ (including Ukraine’s) sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and protected according to the UN Charter;
  • China believes that the legitimate security concerns of all countries should be respected. Here, NATO’s expansion raised legitimate security demands in Russia;
  • China doesn’t want to see the current situation in Ukraine, and all parties should exercise restraint;
  • China supports a diplomatic resolution and peaceful settlement of the Ukraine crisis, and states that the Ukraine issue has evolved in a ‘complex historical context';
  • China stands against the invocation of UN Charter Chapter VII that authorises the use of force and sanctions in United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolutions, but believes that the UNSC should play a constructive role in resolving the Ukraine issue.

China's "official policy" is mealy mouthed fence sitting. It is very telling that they have not condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, nor have they used the term "war" or "invasion" when referring to it. Any government that claims to believe in national sovereignty and territorial integrity should condemn it when other countries violate it. China has paid lip service to it, but their actions speak louder than their words.
China has paid lip service to it, but their actions speak louder than their words.
Tell me more about China's actions....
The West's inaction redefines "mealy mouthed."
Here's a classic recent example in Israel's response to Zelenskyy.

America wants China to become involved, but at the same time they have numerous sanctions in place against China.
Maybe the Americans are so stupid they have not worked this out. Australia is in the same boat in terms of having an exceptionally poor relationship with China, and calling it out for not siding with the West's condemnation. Why aren't we instead calling out India who is a member of our Quad?
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