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TV/Films - What ASF members are watching

Little Tich, Big Boots Dance in color! (1900) [A.I. enhanced & colorized]​

Just watched Good luck to you Leo Grande.

Brilliant 2 hander stating Emma Thompson and Darryl McComork.

Emma is a 60 plus year old RE teacher who has a very ordinary boring life and decides she wants to finally discover "sex" with a hot young sex worker. It's not simple. It's not straightforward. It's a joy.
Came across this comedy riff on the net.

The comedian started an interaction with a very attractive women in the audience. She had just given him a welcome package. Just so adept, quick and funny. Well worth the 10 minutes.

The new season of Married at First Sight New Zealand has lit up the internet with fans eager to compare the Kiwi show to the Australian franchise.
And some viewers have come away convinced that the current season four of MAFS NZ currently screening on 9Now and featuring Aussie relationship expert John Aiken is besting the drama filled version produced Down Under.

Carry On Regardless (1961)​

Publication date 1961Topics Comedy

The Helping Hands agency employs some very strange people to perform some very strange jobs! Even the simplest of tasks get bungled by the incompetent but lovable staff, as they get given jobs ranging from taking animals for walks (no ordinary animals you understand) to demonstrating new products at a large and prestigious exhibition...
Addeddate 2018-10-02 02:02:22Identifier CarryOnRegardless1961Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3

Out of left field. A smash viral hit in Germany. Knocked them out of the park. Barbaras Rhubarb Bar

Found and watched "The Accidental Twins" on Netflix.

Short story is that through a hospital accident a pair of identical twins born in a Bogata Hospital (Columbia) were broken up and switched.
Each family went home with a biological child and a "twin" that is fact was from the other family.

Truly amazing story that highlights how our genetic make up is exceptionally powerful. The final outcome of the 4 "brothers" discovering their connection is really cool. Check it out. The doco also gives an incidental insight into Columbia from the 1990's to the present day

Ever wondered how good Margot Robbie is with action sequences ? Check out how they devised and shot some of the extreme scenes in Suicide Squad.

And the final scene

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Just watched "Merkel" on SBS. Obviously the story of Angela Merkel who began her life in East Germany as a Physicist.

When the Berlin Wall came down she ended up changing careers and was a Minister in the Helmut Kohl CDU Government. Angela ended up being Chancellor of Germany for 16 years and retired in 2021.

Really interesting insight into East Germany as a Communist country and Angela's quite formidable intelligence and quiet strength as the leading politician in Europe.

Came across this clip by accident. Intriguing and very powerful. It comes from a German movie "Look who's back" which imagines Adolf Hitler magically reappearing in 21st Century Germany.

Hitler found himself in a different country than what he had envisioned. To add to his distress, everyone laughed at him when he introduced himself. Unable to convince people of his identity, he took shelter at a newspaper kiosk. He was finally discovered by TV reporter Fabian Sawatzki who was recently fired from his job.

Fabian also considers himself an incredible impersonator of Hitler. In a desperate attempt to get his job back, Fabian decides to take the Führer to his boss. Hitler was having a hard time digesting that people now take Nazism as a joke when he was presented as a "Hitler impersonator" by Fabian. Still, he became a big name in showbiz within a short span of time. But he soon realized the temperament of the present world, and moulded his speeches according to the demands of the 21st century, and started presenting his bizarre ideas of dominating the new world.

While impersonating himself, Hitler criticised all other actors who tried to portray him saying that all their acts were futile compared to his grandeur. It was comical to watch the audiences reactions too, as they took him to be an actor dedicated to bringing the character to life. In the grip of fame, Hitler wrote a book which became a bestseller. He becomes a role model in Germany. This is when things start spinning out of control. An elderly citizen who recognised him warned that this is exactly what happened years ago; people laughed at him in the beginning, then worshipped him - bringing forth grim consequences.

On the other hand, Hitler develops the belief that his resurrection was destiny so he could make Germany great again. By the time Fabian realises his mistake of promoting the real Hitler the Führer is already invincible. By the end Fabian in an asylum for protesting against Hitler, who, on the other hand, waves to his admirers and followers from the back of a sedan with plans to conquer the world again.

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Just found the full movie with English subtitles.

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