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Trainee prop trading options, prep, credibility in Australia - Outsider Research

You using ADL to do that? You have co-location or trading our local stuff? You doing any manual trading anymore or all algo setups?

Tigs how did you go with cgynet?

2) Thank you Bear for your contribution. There is alot of detail there.

I have a couple of more questions for you
Do you have any association with star beta at the moment?
Can you provide more about how you operate at the moment at your current position in your prop shop?
Do you think that algo domination is inevitable

Cheers omega

I had a quick meet and greet, waiting for the next round of interviews. Will you be applying again in the next intake? Pretty small office isn't it, not necessarily a bad thing but just means there's limited positions



Realistically the options are limited in Perth and Australia.
There is only a handful in Australia and one that just started in Perth haha

Some things stand out to me as positive, the feedback from other sources, chat with traders etc etc.
The freedom to branch out into other strategies not just rebate/spreads etc

Other things stand out as negative, the online media seemed quite rudimentary.
The ad seemed reminiscent of these get rich trading courses, 'don't miss out, Apply now' etc etc
Sales of courses/education etc

I don't want to be to negative and often do read too much into things.

The whole setup seemed ad hoc even the chat/interview seemed very ad hoc. One the one hand that could be good given what the prop environment represents in terms of making independent decisions/ being entrepreneurial, as well as the difficulties faced in being profitable etc but on the other hand too much of a blase attitude comes across as laissez faire/as you please and can ring alarm bells.

The office space was a postage stamp. Yet I recall from that if all went well that the plan if successful was to expand etc.

I don't know if you have seen that street or go into the city but practically the whole street/commercial properties are for lease or sale.

I remember you asking about a trading groups in perth, both meetup groups I referred to have subsequently died a slow death. More will pop up and probably suffer the same fate. I hope this doesn't go the same way......
I mean it is different to a meetup but you know.

Stepping back from what I have seen, I thinking that the options are very limited anyway so getting a free education for your time and effort is still providing tremendous value if you are in a stage of your life to be able to commit.

In terms of my own journey, I feel that if I reapply the result will be the same. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

You know the conundrum - we don't want anyone who knows how to trade but that meets our criteria for training. In fact it is better if you know nothing about trading.

I need to focus on saving a reasonable amount for trading relevant to my own personal situation and going from there. I have made a rule that I will not do anything else or be distracted until I have done that and started to be actually serious in spending time meaningfully and trading with a meaningful amount.

If I have done that by then I will reapply in some form.

Cheers Omega
You know the conundrum - we don't want anyone who knows how to trade but that meets our criteria for training. In fact it is better if you know nothing about trading.

Is this really true? If you submit your broker statements, are you sure they'll not give you risk capital to trade if you have a successful track record as demonstrated in your broker statements...??
Is this really true? If you submit your broker statements, are you sure they'll not give you risk capital to trade if you have a successful track record as demonstrated in your broker statements...??

This is for the trainee option, a track record is a different scenario.

I have been told that it is better for a trainee to have not traded because they could start to internalise mistakes/ develop their own style etc .

They seem legit in my limited opinion. There is three ways to get in.

1) Trainee program
2) Established trader looking to plugin in to resources and capital.
3) Pay to be part of the program
Thanks for clarifying that. Knowing how to trade and having tried to trade before are obviously a couple of different things....i totally understand their view. They know what works....
I've spent more effort and time trying to get into a nightclub than some of you young bucks have spent on trying to get into prop.

LOL I am now officially old.
In terms of my own journey, I feel that if I reapply the result will be the same. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.

I am pretty sure the quote is "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

No body is going to define you insane if you try again after failing the first time!

I've spent more effort and time trying to get into a nightclub than some of you young bucks have spent on trying to get into prop.

Recent advances in big data quants have revealed lots of secrets about getting into night clubs. What time of the day, the expression you should wear when you greet the bouncer, your apparent age, BMI, body odour index and many others...
Hi Omega,

No association with Starbeta. I just know them well and like them. They have done something quite unique out there and I respect that.
Unfortunately I can't say much how I operate now, other than that I am still in prop.
No I think there will always be click/discretionary trading. There are very few all-encompassing algos so there will always be manual opportunities in the market.

I read your posts and can see you are still keen to get into the space. Good luck to you!
I've spent more effort and time trying to get into a nightclub than some of you young bucks have spent on trying to get into prop.

LOL I am now officially old.

I am happy to swap roles with you
Except for the age part.

Yeah a bit dramatic, but nothing has changed since the last time.

I find facial hair helps ahahah

Thanks for that and all of your contributions.

Anything else you have to add would be of benefit to anyone reading this thread

A recent email

Cygnet Trading Remote Trader Mentoring
The cynic in me says this was probably major part of the business plan the entire time .

I am not getting involved in this one

I am just presenting the information as it lies.

If it is noise or an indicator is for each person to decide for themselves.
LOL then why post it ... whats the term , " bait and hook "

got ya lol

Just don't want a pointless fight to start, that seems to happen every 2nd post- metaphorically.
Just trying to be impartial so others can look at the info and not be influenced by any of my implicit biases. So others can see a bit more of the bigger picture.

So if they are in the entry level position it is easier to see both sides.
got ya lol

Thanks for posting that. It's interesting to say the least. This part is hilarious.

FWIW, the concept is OK from an aspiring trader's perspective. And if the content is good the fee is nothing. Obviously being a totally new service, it could be great or it could suck.

However, from the perspective of the trader who would be your mentor... no fking way! You can't pay me 20x that amount to babysit new traders plus their emotional problems. It will just get in the way of their own trading.

The cynic in me says this was probably major part of the business plan the entire time .

$495 per month for an initial intake of 5 people = <$30k per year. If it's a business plan it's not overly ambitious, is it?

My guess is that it is not a bad way to get some prospective traders. You charge them something to make sure they are not total time wasters. You get to see how they trade in quite detail without risking your own capital. And if you see great potential tell them there's 10x the limit available in your shop if they join up.

Whether too many people will sign up... I don't know.
$495 per month for an initial intake of 5 people = <$30k per year. If it's a business plan it's not overly ambitious, is it?
Once again the cynic in me sees MAX 5 as a way of getting signs ups fast for FOMO . Down the track potentially(due to overwhelming applications we have decided to expand our intake )

How many times have you seen the limited numbers , sign up now blurb or miss out that repeats months/years on end . Bit like the rugsamillion discounts

They may be legit , I am not convinced and neither should you be .

500 applications to become prop , if 20% sign up for mentoring that's a decent lick and virtually no risk , find a gem in the pile of gravel and take em on . Rock solid
Far out... that's just free money isn't it. A 30min conversation per week.

I'm happy to offer a 40min package at the same price
500 applications to become prop , if 20% sign up for mentoring that's a decent lick and virtually no risk , find a gem in the pile of gravel and take em on . Rock solid
That is the prop model. To be fair I reckon it's worth a try from them to have a go at a different approach. Which is what they have said they wanted to do from the start. Traditionally the prop model is some vague interview process and then a promise of riches while you sit on a desk for 6-12 months earning absolutely nothing. For the 9 out of 10 in an intake that means racking up bro rebates for the firm and nothing for yourself but poverty points and a wasted year to put on your CV until you pull yourself out of the game, which is hard cuz you have just committed 1 year of your life. Or you blow out one night on an NFP release cuz you have been trading for 22 hours straight 4 nights in a row and made - $312.50 so go in full clip and hold while it gaps over your drop dead stop and does a 2 std div move against you.

If you don't 'make it' thats a hell of a bigger cost than a few thoudy $$.
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