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Trading The SPI - NON-Gann Techniques


Oh well you were warned about VSA and index futs games

It was a joke.

Warned about VSA whats that about!
Volume spike was shown as buying in the very next bar.
Another one seen at 12.40 and confirmed as buying by the next bar.

Hell I like what I see with this volatility.
Damned sight easier than Stocks!
You still have 2 parties.
One wishes to sell one buy.
Still volume at an agreed price.
Its certaintly reacting as expected.
3660 Frank---(3659 actually).
Seeing climatic action currently, next few bars will see if it comes off.

Will keep reading Frank.


  • SPI 12.jpg
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Damned sight easier than Stocks!

now who tried to tell ya that 2 weeks ago -- lol

looks to me like it needs a 'player' to belt it up higher so they can dump some volume on the short side ----

prefer to see a high range up spike if its gona go short ---- could be wrong -- dont do Index much --
So far at this stage in the day ( 1 hour left), everything has played out how
I thought it would, but not as I hoped it would.

I hoped today had far more volaility and the speeds of the moves
occured much quicker, because at this stage in the day I don't think
my view of a 87 point reversal down is going to play out.

As you can see my view of the market was simply based on a shift in
'TIME' based on the completion of the R44 upwards and a reversal down
from the channel highs

But regardless of whether there is a reversal down or not, once you take a partial
exit out, then you can sit back and see where it goes, and run
breakeven stops.

Every trade was taken in a systematic fashion simply based on my view
at the start of the trading day, and as price action takes place I trade accordingly ;- chart reading and pattern recognition

BTW, it Won't surprise me to the SPI actually kick up higher into the
close simply based on price not selling off after a 10 point reversal down if
it breaks 3663.


  • spi1-14f.gif
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Howdy all,

thanks for the interesting stuff on VSA and Franks methods as I hadn't heard of them before. I use mp and volume so have found some vsa articles quite enlightening from a market behaviour perspective.
At first glance Frank, your screen grabs look like schematics for building a robot. Any new knowledge of the SPI is good knowledge though and I'm interested in getting a longer timeframe perspective.

Anyway, In looking into both, I got quite sidetracked (as you do on the web) and followed some links on market makers. The first one led me to look up the second.

Do we have a market maker for the SPI? On the asx site, it lists asx mini200 futures which I hadn't heard of before.

This quote from that page:
"The minimum volume of contracts a market maker may quote a market for is 30 contracts."
Does that mean that at a minimum, the market maker must always provide at least 30 contracts of liquidity?

I'm always curious to get a better understanding of just who's in the SPI and how it physically operates as I still don't have a solid grasp on it.
I've read parts of Cameron's site so have some idea of the players, but not so much the mechanics of it.

Any comments on this topic appreciated.
BTW, it Won't surprise me to the SPI actually kick up higher into the
close simply based on price not selling off after a 10 point reversal down if
it breaks 3663.

looks like a good call atm Frank ---- im not holding , but id be cashing in my longs on any spike up at the close !!
Well for analysis which evidently will struggle on the SPI
VSA had a day out today.
This is a 5 min chart which I think is the best timeframe for the SPI.(Personal view which may alter the longer I use it on the SPI.)


  • SPI 17.jpg
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There's your spike!

yeah it was always gona get dumped at some point ----- picking the point correctly is the hard part ----

those who took the 'early' shorts would have been chewing their nails a bit ---

out of curiousity ---- TH ----- how many trades did u make between 4.02 and 4.13 ------

and did u manage to pick the bottom and get the ride back up ??
I'm forward testing a trend following system. Couldn't have cherry picked a better example than today. It will never return the kind of results that TH and Frank no doubt get, but it's a place to start. Only exited to avoid maintenance margin.


  • spi6.jpg
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Not that many cartman, only did about 30 today still on holidays till mid feb.

Tech when are the signals taken and do you take the triangles as well as the rectangles?
only did about 30 today still on holidays till mid feb.

lol ---- relax mode ---- only 30 trades !! ----- more than most do in a week --- are u having a snooze in between trades as well

Tech when are the signals taken and do you take the triangles as well as the rectangles?

actually i was wondering re the entries also Tech ----- with vsa u have to wait till the next bar is printed --- is that correct? ---- that would make trading the cut and thrust areas around the open and close on a five minute chart difficult/even riskier i think?? ---- personally im still pretty crap at those areas anyway, but i would think vsa might be a little slow there --- probably better for trends in the steadier parts of the day??
Hi guys, I'm new posting here but have been trading the SPI on and off for about a year now with mixed success. After a little while away I decided to start trading again last week.

The last week and a half have be very successful, and I'm waiting for it to end to be honest. Has the last 7 trading days been particularly easy or have I now paid my dues and finally learned some discipline?
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