Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

I dunno but his face rings a bell? I am sure I had dinner with this guy at Peter Fosters house around 1995?

I thought I recognized the old fella too. I can't remember which one but I think he was one of the bad guys in a spaghetti western made back in the seventies. Maybe a fistful of dollars or something like that with Clint Eastwood. Maybe you can enlighten us too easy...which film was it?
Bloody Hell,

Is this a forum or a School Yard.
Any way thanks for taking a look at links etc and with this threads name it looks like i will recieve these comments!

Joey did try and start a fresh thread but you shut it down.
Also i read your thread which took you several months to right about online scams and fraud and scams.
Made for good reading and i though twice about SWTV when i found out it is based in QLD:banghead:

Now i was hoping to make a dollar out of this venture if what im hearing is a very healthy IPO price when it happens.

The man tells you his name?????

So im hoping you keyboard junkies can take another look in to this company.

Thanks and too easy :)
Bloody Hell,

Is this a forum or a School Yard.
Any way thanks for taking a look at links etc and with this threads name it looks like i will recieve these comments!

Joey did try and start a fresh thread but you shut it down.
Also i read your thread which took you several months to right about online scams and fraud and scams.
Made for good reading and i though twice about SWTV when i found out it is based in QLD:banghead:

Now i was hoping to make a dollar out of this venture if what im hearing is a very healthy IPO price when it happens.

The man tells you his name?????

So im hoping you keyboard junkies can take another look in to this company.

Thanks and too easy :)

OK just to humor you as you seem like a genuine person who is caught up in the hype ... I went to their website and found this statement:-

It's been 30 years in research, design, testing, and building, and now the end is in sight. Safe Worlds TV is coming soon. In 2008 we thought we would go to market, but then the "Global Financial Crisis" occurred and we pulled back to let the dust settle. In 2009, we decided to update our user interface in Silverlight; and in 2010 and 2011 we have been creating a vast global marketplace structure and what we believe will deliver a unique, commercially viable Internet Television experience. Soon, when we think the time is right, we will start the rollout. When we do, we think you will share our belief that it has been worth the wait.
Safe Worlds TV will be rolled out through communities worldwide. At present we are finalizing development of the community model on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia.
If you would like more information please email us at the links below:
Investment Information
Community Channel Information
Business Channel Information
Keep the faith. It's happening.
Alan Metcalfe

Only problem is the internet is only 25 years, 11 months, 1 week, 5 hours and 29 minutes old :eek:

So asking me to buy a share for $5 with a million shares on offer and to "get on board" REALLY sends the alarm bells off for me as the CEO cannot even get it right that he has been "researching" for 30 years on a technology that has only been around for 25 :1zhelp:

Tim Johnston from Firepower also told you his name.
Bloody Hell,

Is this a forum or a School Yard.
Any way thanks for taking a look at links etc and with this threads name it looks like i will recieve these comments!

Joey did try and start a fresh thread but you shut it down.
Also i read your thread which took you several months to right about online scams and fraud and scams.
Made for good reading and i though twice about SWTV when i found out it is based in QLD:banghead:

Now i was hoping to make a dollar out of this venture if what im hearing is a very healthy IPO price when it happens.

The man tells you his name?????

So im hoping you keyboard junkies can take another look in to this company.

Thanks and too easy :)

Your problem is your approach. Aussie Stock Forums is almost 10 years old now and many of the members have been here almost that long, and are used to recognising a spruik with very little substance.

If you wish to present this company as a serious investment prospect then provide some detailed analysis that others can evaluate, comment on and discuss. Anything that comes across as a ramp with little substance is most likely going to get torn apart here at ASF, because we've seen it all before many times.

Give people something of substance to chew on, don't simply urge them to "get on board". That might fly at other forums, but it isn't going to work here.
Bloody Hell,

Is this a forum or a School Yard.
Any way thanks for taking a look at links etc and with this threads name it looks like i will recieve these comments!

Joey did try and start a fresh thread but you shut it down.
Also i read your thread which took you several months to right about online scams and fraud and scams.
Made for good reading and i though twice about SWTV when i found out it is based in QLD:banghead:

Now i was hoping to make a dollar out of this venture if what im hearing is a very healthy IPO price when it happens.

The man tells you his name?????

So im hoping you keyboard junkies can take another look in to this company.

Thanks and too easy :)

Forget that stock. I've got a better stock for you. Name is "aerotyne industries". It is a cutting edge high tech firm, out of the midwest awaiting imminent patent approval on a next generation of radar detectors that have both huge military and civillian applications.
Very good starting to get some content!
I'm all about high risk with big gains....

Proper- jump off a cliff! this mighten be the bargin you are looking for.:p: joking

Trainspotter - good movie! lots of trains up here in the topend of WA running around.
Thanks for info, check this one out also let me know your

Joey - Sorry i should have worded it get on board with comments! thank for honesty.

Bighead - do you have trouble getting through door ways? :xyxthumbs just joking but i like the humour of the site!
Can you PM me more about this company? I spend abit of time out back of Laverton repairing the gensets at the RX & TX Miiltary Bases. run by another US Company - Lockheed Martin Aust.

Theres afew more up the coast but to far north for the Midwest.

Too Easy
Very good starting to get some content!
I'm all about high risk with big gains....

Proper- jump off a cliff!

There is no content too are ramping...end of story. Won't suck anybody in here I'm afraid...wrong forum.

As for high risk with big about high risk and losing the lot...think about it. Apart from that, thanks for giving us all a laugh you are quite funny at times;)
There is no content too are ramping...end of story. Won't suck anybody in here I'm afraid...wrong forum.

As for high risk with big about high risk and losing the lot...think about it. Apart from that, thanks for giving us all a laugh you are quite funny at times;)

It almost reaches the level of insulting, doesn't it Porper? Akin to the [insert name of suspect product provider here] stuff where an article says nothing about the value of the organisation but someone attempts to portray it does or cites a person as endorsing a product who is an actor paid to say some lines.

Maybe a couple do fall for it and that's how the low-life steal money from others.
Thanks Guys & Joey for posting my reply.

I will try and log back in 6 months when I'm able with and update!

Also RBC Capital Markets made the comment that eBay is Predicted to make $300M in transaction end of 2015.

too easy
aerotyne industries - is a worthless dilapidated garage in Dubuque, Iowa - its name has comes from name sake aerotdne industries.
aerotyne industries - is a worthless dilapidated garage in Dubuque, Iowa - its name has comes from name sake aerotdne industries.

So worth a lot more than SWTV then and a much safer bet?
aerotyne industries - is a worthless dilapidated garage in Dubuque, Iowa - its name has comes from name sake aerotdne industries.

Isn't this the company mentioned in the movie The Wolf of Wallstreet?
Isn't this the company mentioned in the movie The Wolf of Wallstreet?

Yep it is CanOz ...

Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) shows up to Investor Center in a suit. The place is merely a small establishment that hardly looks professional. Jordan is greeted by Dwayne (Spike Jonze), the man who runs the place. He assigns Jordan to pitch a sale for a company called Aerotyne, and he will receive 50% of the commission. Dwayne also offers to blow him for free if it works. Jordan calls a potential investor about Aerotyne. He sells it to him as a huge company (we're treated to a pic that shows it looking no bigger than a tool shed), but the way he pitches it draws everybody's attention. Everybody in the office stops what they're doing to listen to Jordan. He succeeds in making the sale.

bigheadache was being facetious :D

What he really meant was Cyberdyne Systems are about to announce their IPO.
OK just to humor you as you seem like a genuine person who is caught up in the hype ... I went to their website and found this statement:-

Only problem is the internet is only 25 years, 11 months, 1 week, 5 hours and 29 minutes old :eek:

So asking me to buy a share for $5 with a million shares on offer and to "get on board" REALLY sends the alarm bells off for me as the CEO cannot even get it right that he has been "researching" for 30 years on a technology that has only been around for 25 :1zhelp:

Tim Johnston from Firepower also told you his name.

Hi trainspotter,

Your research regarding the internet is wrong.

The US Department of Defense awarded contracts as early as the 1960s for packet network systems, including the development of the ARPANET (which would become the first network to use the Internet Protocol.) The first message was sent over the ARPANET from computer science Professor Leonard Kleinrock's laboratory at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to the second network node at Stanford Research Institute (SRI).

But your correct when you state the World Wide Web is 25 years old.


Hi trainspotter,

Your research regarding the internet is wrong ...

Mr zest,
Hi and welcome to ASF.

Whilst your post may be accurate and informative, it is entirely irrelevant, as the named alleged scammer would not have had use of ARPANET
Mr zest,
Hi and welcome to ASF.

Whilst your post may be accurate and informative, it is entirely irrelevant, as the named alleged scammer would not have had use of ARPANET

Thank you burglar,

Your absolutely correct, the alleged scammer would not have use of the ARPANET.

The Internet turned 30 on January 1 1983.
Known as "flag day", it was the first time the US Department of Defence (DoD)-commissioned Arpanet network fully switched to use of the Internet protocol suite (IPS) communications system. Using data "packet-switching", the new method of linking computers paved the way for the arrival of the World Wide Web.

Is it not possible the alleged scammer held a high interest in computers early in his career when mine planning and design, mineral and coal exploration, sales and marketing, advertising, newspapers, film, television, publishing and multimedia to ignite a passion for computing.
Maybe this has led the alleged scammer to be at the forefront of the quest to use the Internet for ubiquitous e-business for the past 30 years.


Sorry was getting late last night. The previous post should read the internet turned 30 on Jan 1st 2013.

The Internet, a revolutionary and cheap communications system that has transformed the lives of billions of people across the world, officially began its technological revolution when it fully substituted previous networking systems on January 1 1983.



Skynet was a computer system developed for the U.S. military by the defense firm Cyberdyne Systems. Skynet was first built as a "Global Digital Defense Network" and given command over all computerized military hardware and systems, including the B-2 stealth bomber fleet and America's entire nuclear weapons arsenal. The strategy behind Skynet's creation was to remove the possibility of human error and slow reaction time to guarantee a fast, efficient response to enemy attack.

Skynet was originally activated by the military to control the national arsenal on August 12, 1997, at which time it began to learn at a geometric rate. On August 29, it gained self-awareness, and the panicking operators, realizing the extent of its abilities, tried to deactivate it. Skynet perceived this as an attack and came to the conclusion that all of humanity would attempt to destroy it. To defend itself against humanity, Skynet launched nuclear missiles under its command at Russia, which responded with a nuclear counter-attack against the U.S. and its allies. Consequent to the nuclear exchange, over three billion people were killed in an event that came to be known as Judgment Day.

Following its initial attack, Skynet used its remaining resources to gather a slave labor force from surviving humans. These slaves constructed the first of its automated factories, which formed a basis for its agenda. Within decades, Skynet had established a global presence and used its mechanized units to track down, collect, and dispose of human survivors. Skynet serves as a computer which seeks to destroy humanity and to control the Earth.

(Thanks Wikipedia)

IPO coming real soon !
Your a funny guy Trainspotter, i got little chuckle out of that.

Yes Wikipedia is a great source of information. Difference is i quoted it to back up a fact, whereas you quoted a science fiction movie.

