Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

“godbothering pugilist”
“Abbot is one bloke I would never vote for”
“No to Tony Abbott”
“Can't stand Abbott as a person”
“Couldn't vote for anyone stupid enough to believe in the 3 books God”
“I dislike Abbott too”
“Wife is a dye in the wool Liberal hates Abbott with a passion”
“I can't stand Abbot”
“I've always disliked Tony Abbott”
“Him and Howard go hand in hand and not my cup of tea”.

Ah! He must be the right man for the job then, if all the usual suspects can't stand him.
Malcolm Turnbull

"He was a merchant banker and managing director and a partner in Goldman Sachs."

Did anyone know that? and he is worth 178 million?

Many know that. I'd think most know he's rich, and a good number are aware of his banking background.

I'll give Abbot a chance.
Ah! He must be the right man for the job then, if all the usual suspects can't stand him.

Yes Calliope, you are right. The Labor Party knives are out to ridicule and discredit Abbott when ever they can. IMHO opinion Rudd is starting to worry. I don't believe Rudd likes what's going on and that's reason for the dirty tricks. Hope it backfires on the B^@*t*?ds.
Yes Calliope, you are right. The Labor Party knives are out to ridicule and discredit Abbott when ever they can. IMHO opinion Rudd is starting to worry. I don't believe Rudd likes what's going on and that's reason for the dirty tricks. Hope it backfires on the B^@*t*?ds.

Noco, if Abbott had the taxpayer funded resources to employ a team of spin doctors and media advisers like Rudd has at his disposal it would be a more equal contest with Abbott the likely winner.

As it is, he has one hand tied behind his back. But what he has going for him is that he has Australia's interests at heart. Every action of Rudd's can be seen in the light of Rudd's megalomania.
At least the liberals are getting a lot of media coverage I suppose. Has not been much coming out of the labs in the media. Media has not even scrutinized much of what labor has been up to. They seem to have a free pass with their scripted media interviews.
At least the liberals are getting a lot of media coverage I suppose. Has not been much coming out of the labs in the media. .

Labour dont need to say a word .......Let the liberals dig there own hole in the media circus with all this in party fun and games .. LOL what a joke ......

Currently liberal looking like they couldnt organise a piisup in a brewery let alone run a country.
Noco, if Abbott had the taxpayer funded resources to employ a team of spin doctors and media advisers like Rudd has at his disposal it would be a more equal contest with Abbott the likely winner.

As it is, he has one hand tied behind his back. But what he has going for him is that he has Australia's interests at heart. Every action of Rudd's can be seen in the light of Rudd's megalomania.

I would not under estimate Abbott as he is more interllectual than he looks. Who needs spin doctors when one can tell the truth and that I believe will beat Rudd's spin any day. So many people are beginning to realize that spin leads to lies and you have to have a good memory to be a good liar.
Labour dont need to say a word .......Let the liberals dig there own hole in the media circus with all this in party fun and games .. LOL what a joke ......

Currently liberal looking like they couldnt organise a piisup in a brewery let alone run a country.

Labor can't say a word while his highness is away (Plane broke down in Hawaii, how convenient :D). Wonder how the ex union leaders feel being forced into selling out. As far as a circus.... maybe, but it was also nice to see the party respond to an avalanche of emails and phone calls over delaying the ets. Even if they had other motives.
So why is it that the press, and various other commentators think that Abbott is a meddling godbotherer who will bring his religous beliefs to work? But krudd is not and is OK. Methinks they are hypocrites. A touch of bias perhaps.
Perhaps because Abbott has made his views about e.g. abortion very clear in the past (perhaps when he didn't anticipate being Leader?).
However, you make a good point. Rudd and Hockey (not sure about Turnbull) have banged on at length about their religious convictions.

Noco, if Abbott had the taxpayer funded resources to employ a team of spin doctors and media advisers like Rudd has at his disposal it would be a more equal contest with Abbott the likely winner.

As it is, he has one hand tied behind his back. But what he has going for him is that he has Australia's interests at heart. Every action of Rudd's can be seen in the light of Rudd's megalomania.
I think a lot will depend on what sort of plan Abbott can come up with in the New Year to appease the climate change enthusiasts. If he can produce something which seems to deal with what is perceived as 'the problem', without all the obvious disadvantages of the Rudd ETS, he will be halfway there.

He has already indicated a readiness to consider nuclear which makes total sense. This could be the factor which positively differentiates the Libs from Labor and the Greens. I don't know what percentage of the electorate would be in favour of embracing nuclear power as part of the total mix, but I suspect it would be quite high. As always, it will ultimately come down to costs for the various options.

Another potential problem for Abbott might be an unholy alliance between Labor and the Greens. Does anyone know how the numbers would stack up?
Mr Brown is inviting the government to negotiate with the Greens. God help us all if we end up with a Greens driven agenda!
I would not under estimate Abbott as he is more interllectual than he looks. Who needs spin doctors when one can tell the truth and that I believe will beat Rudd's spin any day. So many people are beginning to realize that spin leads to lies and you have to have a good memory to be a good liar.

I have to laugh at this spin about Kevin Rudds spin doctors versus Tony Abbotts "truth will shine through". John Howard and his team (including Tony Abbott) had the biggest budget ever about every government innitiative you could imagine and the money they threw away trying to push "Work Choices" would make Kevin Rudd look like a tight fisted Scot.
I have to laugh at this spin about Kevin Rudds spin doctors versus Tony Abbotts "truth will shine through". John Howard and his team (including Tony Abbott) had the biggest budget ever about every government innitiative you could imagine and the money they threw away trying to push "Work Choices" would make Kevin Rudd look like a tight fisted Scot.

Rubbish. Howard and Abbott are amateurs in the spin department compared to spinmeister Rudd. Rudd has spent record amounts of taxpayer's money on "consultants."
Politicians are all the same = spin specialists

I wouldnt put any on a pedestal

Currently liberal looking like they couldnt organise a piisup in a brewery let alone run a country.

I agree -- and if they keep talking about Industrial Reforms (WorkChoices), they wont be gaining any new ones.

Abbott is trying to take off where Howard left.

No one wanted Howard, thats why he got thrown out.
Rubbish. Howard and Abbott are amateurs in the spin department compared to spinmeister Rudd.."

I have to agree with this. Rudd has brought the game of spin to a new level.

IMO any PM that has a preference of going on Rove or a morning show, rather than having to face questions from credible news channels, is a bit suss in my books. He also seems to distance himself by flying out of the country every time the $hit is about to go down regarding policy. And Gillard is then left to fight his battles.

So will be interesting to see Tony and Rudd square off in future.
I have to agree with this. Rudd has brought the game of spin to a new level.

IMO any PM that has a preference of going on Rove or a morning show, rather than having to face questions from credible news channels, is a bit suss in my books.
I agree. He refuses to appear on "The Insiders". Going on the Rove type programmes is all part of his carefully designed strategy to appear to be 'the ordinary bloke', good for a bit of fun etc. It's in the same category as the way he apparently by mistake dropped some swear words, and spouted that rubbish of "fair suck of the sauce bottle" or whatever the expression was and which he apparently even got wrong according to experts in colloquialism.

Like everything he does, it's calculated down to the last word. He doesn't connect with the concept of spontaneity or naturalness at all.
Rubbish. Howard and Abbott are amateurs in the spin department compared to spinmeister Rudd. Rudd has spent record amounts of taxpayer's money on "consultants."
I'm definately no Rudd fan, but if you don't think Howard was close to his euqal in terms of spin I'm not sure how closely you've watched Howard during his tenure.

"Core and non-core promises" is a work of Sir Humphrey-approved sheer audacity/PR genius
I agree. He refuses to appear on "The Insiders". Going on the Rove type programmes is all part of his carefully designed strategy to appear to be 'the ordinary bloke', good for a bit of fun etc.
Yep, pretty tame and calculated isn't it? I did watch him on CNN yesterday, interviewed by another Australian, so hard to see the true Rudd. But, I do remember watching him and Joe go head to head on the 'old' Sunrise program and I think they were pretty good rivals, and friends. There wasn't too much spin then and it was good to watch. That was a while ago though...
Currently liberal looking like they couldnt organise a piisup in a brewery let alone run a country.

or a fart in a pickled-onion eating competition.

But I am one of those ElitistTaxScam denier extremists according to Combet, Gillard and Wong.

So I hope the Opposition can have a go hacking this economic burdensome ruse up.
Abbott talking to Alan Jones:

We're going to have to run a peoples' revolt campaign because we won't have much money. The big corporate donations, the massive union donations will all [go] to Labor.
He got that right. I can see the unions mounting a massive hate campaign against him.
Abbott talking to Alan Jones:

He got that right. I can see the unions mounting a massive hate campaign against him.

Great to see he had the balls to roll Turntable too. I bet Turntable and his scheming former work colleagues over at Gold man are sweating about the Carbon trading markets they are trying to corner. The financial markets are still healing and they tried to put this diversion smokescreen up. WAJ IMVHO