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Tony Abbott for PM

Poly Crackers are experts at using them to their advantage ;)

"Hey you promised 3500 new beds."

"No I did not promise NEW beds."

Poly Crackers... They're all the same :rolleyes:


I agree Wavesurfer. The media circus who are actually the richest people in Australia try to display a diametrically opposed view of both. In the end the parliamentary members of major parties are all mates in politics. They go out together, they drink piss together, they dine together and they're respective parties collect wads of cash from the SAME private lobbyist interests oh and of course don't forget us taxpayers.

Poor little multi-millionaire tax-payer funded superannuants. Diddums for likes of Rudd, Swan, Albanese, Ferguson, Abbott, Abetz, Tuckey & Bob Brown. Oh it's so hard to choose how to vote. :rolleyes: Yeah right!!! ROTFLMAO :D
A debate between Barnaby Joyce and Wayne Swan on finance would be, well, err, um, interesting.

Not withstanding BJ's shortcomings, any debate with a hybrid monetarist/Keynesian totalitarian Fabian (ie Whine Swine) is aways, err... ummm, interesting.
I only caught the last 30 minutes of the debate so I can't comment on who was the better overall. However, I was very disappointed in Abbott's style. His constant pointing of his finger at Rudd just came across as very bad manners, to me at least. He also interrupted Rudd on may occasions, but I didn't see the reverse happen. It may be OK in parliament, but on a TV debate he should have been a bit better groomed on how to act.

belle , I was there and it was just as bad a performance from Tony as it appeared on TV. He was absolutely bloody hopeless.
Drawn into a trap by Rudd he decided to fight his way out by accusation instead of showing positivity,
I've spoken to his advisers and they have taken this debate on board.
At least it happened this far out from the election and its impact will be diluted by the time the 12% of voters who decide elections, get off their asses away from Oprah and Crazy Clarks to vote.
His present "Superman" image has been turned successfully by the ALP into a negative and again his backroom have taken this on board, I told them this, so I hope they have.
Rudd is reinvigorated and the ALP cowers again in his shadow.
Tony needs to get Barnaby Joyce well away from Canberra now that he has been relieved of any finance portfolio, finish his 9 day sweatathon which I think is barmy, and get on with attacking Labor and showing a constructive alternative Opposition.

"Pyne backs Abbott's ironman bid15:24 AEST Sat Mar 27 201049 minutes ago

Opposition frontbench MP Christopher Pyne has backed his boss Tony Abbott in his bid to become an ironman this weekend.

Mr Abbott will join more than 1500 athletes in the Ironman Australia Triathlon event at Port Macquarie on the NSW north coast on Sunday.

The gruelling course will see the opposition leader tackle a 3.8km swim, 180.2km bike ride and 42.2km run - all, hopefully, before the cut-off time of 17 hours.

Mr Pyne on Saturday praised Mr Abbott for taking part.

"I think it's sensational that we have a leader who is actually putting physical health ... first," he told reporters in Canberra.

"(He) is leading from the front, is providing an example to Australians about taking care of themselves."

Labor earlier this month criticised Mr Abbott for focusing too much on his daily jog - instead of his job.

Mr Pyne said the federal government was just spinning a "big positive" into a negative, and voters loved the 52-year-old's get up and go.

"When I am out in my electorate, people are delighted that we have a leader that isn't a pale, pasty, faceless bureaucrat sitting quietly in Canberra, behind a desk, pushing a pen," he said.

"He is out there, supporting charity, he's healthy, he's active, he's fit and he's a great example to all other people.""

Bit risky,what if he cant finish or is well down the line?
I met Tony Abbott just outside Dungog NSW last year on one of his cycling jaunts. He looked very saddle sore but had to do his next leg to the finish.

I have great admiration for him (politics aside), and if he doesn`t finish, or is down the line, there is no shame, for it is no mean feat to achieve that level of fitness, and I think it is a glowing example to a lot who may not concur with his ideologies. It`s shame our P.M. cant set a similar example.
"Pyne backs Abbott's ironman bid15:24 AEST Sat Mar 27 201049 minutes ago

Opposition frontbench MP Christopher Pyne has backed his boss Tony Abbott in his bid to become an ironman this weekend.

Mr Abbott will join more than 1500 athletes in the Ironman Australia Triathlon event at Port Macquarie on the NSW north coast on Sunday.

The gruelling course will see the opposition leader tackle a 3.8km swim, 180.2km bike ride and 42.2km run - all, hopefully, before the cut-off time of 17 hours.

Mr Pyne on Saturday praised Mr Abbott for taking part.

"I think it's sensational that we have a leader who is actually putting physical health ... first," he told reporters in Canberra.

"(He) is leading from the front, is providing an example to Australians about taking care of themselves."

Labor earlier this month criticised Mr Abbott for focusing too much on his daily jog - instead of his job.

Mr Pyne said the federal government was just spinning a "big positive" into a negative, and voters loved the 52-year-old's get up and go.

"When I am out in my electorate, people are delighted that we have a leader that isn't a pale, pasty, faceless bureaucrat sitting quietly in Canberra, behind a desk, pushing a pen," he said.

"He is out there, supporting charity, he's healthy, he's active, he's fit and he's a great example to all other people.""

Bit risky,what if he cant finish or is well down the line?

Sounds a bit narcisistic to me. A 52 year old man trying to delude himself and others, that he's still "got it", competing with people half his age in a triatholon. Whats he trying to prove?
The last thing I would want in a leader of this country is an enthusiasm to parade arround in budgie smugglers for the world press.
Sounds a bit narcisistic to me. A 52 year old man trying to delude himself and others, that he's still "got it", competing with people half his age in a triatholon. Whats he trying to prove?
The last thing I would want in a leader of this country is an enthusiasm to parade arround in budgie smugglers for the world press.
That sounds a bit like the comment of someone who hasn't known the joy of ultra physical fitness, Nulla.

Nothing narcissistic about keeping fit, especially as you age. And if he can complete a course like that, I'd say he definitely still "has it".

There's much about Mr Abbott to criticise, but his determination to keep healthy and fit isn't part of it, imo.

And he is hardly "parading around in budgie smufflers for the world press. What do you expect him to wear when doing his life saver duty? A suit? He's always appropriately dressed when at work.
That sounds a bit like the comment of someone who hasn't known the joy of ultra physical fitness, Nulla.

Nothing narcissistic about keeping fit, especially as you age. And if he can complete a course like that, I'd say he definitely still "has it".

There's much about Mr Abbott to criticise, but his determination to keep healthy and fit isn't part of it, imo.

And he is hardly "parading around in budgie smufflers for the world press. What do you expect him to wear when doing his life saver duty? A suit? He's always appropriately dressed when at work.

Excuse me Julia but as a dedicated ASF blogger, I'd really like to know how much taxpayer-funded super Tony is sitting on as opposed to Rudd (he must be on more since he was posted to Beijing for all those years).

However, it would be great to know certain facts. It's probably exponentially more expensive to keep Rudd from a taxpayer perspective??? I don't know can someone enlighten me on this point. :confused:
That sounds a bit like the comment of someone who hasn't known the joy of ultra physical fitness, Nulla.

In my youth, i have prepared for and participated in the "Big M" Melbourne marathon from Frankston to the City and finished. I have participated in the Sydney City to Surf several times and played competitive competiton squash for many years. However I was also smart enough to know when to pass the baton. The joy of ultra physical fitness eventualy give way to the pain of worn out knees, ankles and lower back. Fortunately I can get by without resorting to a constant intake of anti-inflamatories.

Nothing narcissistic about keeping fit, especially as you age. And if he can complete a course like that, I'd say he definitely still "has it".

If he can complete it in the required time, good luck to him.

There's much about Mr Abbott to criticise, but his determination to keep healthy and fit isn't part of it, imo.

And he is hardly "parading around in budgie smufflers for the world press. What do you expect him to wear when doing his life saver duty? A suit? He's always appropriately dressed when at work.

Of course all those photo shoots of Tony Abbott snapped in his budgie smugglers (smufflers?) were spontaneous and there was nothing contrived about it. Yeah I believe you...
In my youth, i have prepared for and participated in the "Big M" Melbourne marathon from Frankston to the City and finished. I have participated in the Sydney City to Surf several times and played competitive competiton squash for many years. However I was also smart enough to know when to pass the baton. The joy of ultra physical fitness eventualy give way to the pain of worn out knees, ankles and lower back. Fortunately I can get by without resorting to a constant intake of anti-inflamatories.

If he can complete it in the required time, good luck to him.

Of course all those photo shoots of Tony Abbott snapped in his budgie smugglers (smufflers?) were spontaneous and there was nothing contrived about it. Yeah I believe you...

If Tony Abbott was a plumber and not a politician, would you be saying the same thing?

Politics aside, 10/10 for anyone of that age doing such events. :2twocents
Whatever his weaknesses, Abbott has got everyone talking about him. On the Insiders this morning they talked of little else, and not all bad, even with that low-life David Marr on the show.

I also noticed that health minister Nicola Roxon was wearing Rudd's boots; and we all thought that Gillard would fill his boots.
Whatever his weaknesses, Abbott has got everyone talking about him. On the Insiders this morning they talked of little else, and not all bad, even with that low-life David Marr on the show.

I also noticed that health minister Nicola Roxon was wearing Rudd's boots; and we all thought that Gillard would fill his boots.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A low-life or lowlife is a term for a person who is considered unacceptable by their community in general. Examples of people who are often called "lowlifes" are skells, prostitutes, drug addicts, drug dealers, alcoholics, hustlers, pimps, slumlords, criminals and corrupt officials or authority figures.[1]

Often, the term is used as an indication of disapproval of antisocial or self-destructive behaviors, usually bearing a connotation of contempt and derision. This usage of the word dates to 1911.[2]

Marr is a social commentator agree / disagree sure but he is no low life

Strong performance by Roxon
I wonder if he's going to finish his iron man challenge today? I heard on the radio he wanted to do it within 14hours. It will be dark by time he finishes! :p:
Gongratulations are in order for Mr Abbott for completing the triathalon in under 14 hours. This is an acomplishment for any-one let alone a man of his age.
If anything I feel sorry for the security personel assigned the job of accompanying him. The fellow crossing the finish line with him looked more releived it was over than Mr Abbott did.
How pathetic it was of health(?) minister Nicola Roxon & Tanner to whine about Abbott 's time & interest devoted to fitness.

If they had half a brain, they'd realise if people devoted 1/100th the effort of Abbott's 2 or 3 time's a would be the best Health Policy Australia could have!

38m swim, 1.8km ride & 400m run a few times a week would be more than enough to keep anyone in good health

Here's even a good slogan ....Be Fit & Health....Be 1/100th the Man(or Woman) of Abbott!!:D
