I've just taken a poll at my building site. A few wage earners and a few subbies. 100% Rudd.
I'm suprised that subbies sided with Rudd. There was a great exodus of subbies to liberal while keating was around.
There is also a lot to fear if your a subbie and the unions are in power.What terrifies you? If anything terrifies me it is the prospect of Abbott for PM.
Outside the Master Builders Association in Melbourne, the CFMEU's Bill Oliver captured this determination with the unions' message to Labor and the bosses that: "Today's the beginning of our industrial campaign, today is the day we take the construction sites back, that we tell employers that we are in control."
And it was just this response that the 25,000 construction workers promised Labor and the employers at rally after rally. Against such determined enemies, anything less will lead to defeat, while a fighting campaign could actually deliver Bill Oliver's promise that now is the time to "take the construction sites back".
Yay for militant unions. I go to a few meetings now and then and they deadset hate employers (construction). It’s an us or them mentality. I don't have a problem with fair pay, but the above quotes mainly refer to the ABCC and the unions wanting it abolished. Mainly due to the fact that it has kept them in line and stopped all the bs strikes. At the moment Labor has kept the ABCC which I applaud them for, but for how long?
Currently both liberal and labor have their plus and minuses for business. The Henry tax review may change how that is viewed though.
So yes there is a lot to fear (for me) and it's due to the unknown factors, or past performance of governments.
Tony Abbott is a bit of a wildcard atm