Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Tony Abbott for PM

I've just taken a poll at my building site. A few wage earners and a few subbies. 100% Rudd.

I'm suprised that subbies sided with Rudd. There was a great exodus of subbies to liberal while keating was around.
What terrifies you? If anything terrifies me it is the prospect of Abbott for PM.
There is also a lot to fear if your a subbie and the unions are in power.

Outside the Master Builders Association in Melbourne, the CFMEU's Bill Oliver captured this determination with the unions' message to Labor and the bosses that: "Today's the beginning of our industrial campaign, today is the day we take the construction sites back, that we tell employers that we are in control."

And it was just this response that the 25,000 construction workers promised Labor and the employers at rally after rally. Against such determined enemies, anything less will lead to defeat, while a fighting campaign could actually deliver Bill Oliver's promise that now is the time to "take the construction sites back".

Yay for militant unions. I go to a few meetings now and then and they deadset hate employers (construction). It’s an us or them mentality. I don't have a problem with fair pay, but the above quotes mainly refer to the ABCC and the unions wanting it abolished. Mainly due to the fact that it has kept them in line and stopped all the bs strikes. At the moment Labor has kept the ABCC which I applaud them for, but for how long?
Currently both liberal and labor have their plus and minuses for business. The Henry tax review may change how that is viewed though.
So yes there is a lot to fear (for me) and it's due to the unknown factors, or past performance of governments.

Tony Abbott is a bit of a wildcard atm
I've just taken a poll at my building site. A few wage earners and a few subbies. 100% Rudd.

Doesn't look good for Abbott being PM this year.

There are polls and there are polls. Then again we have a great active Labor member after a century of Nationals or CP. This election will get down to local members.
The talk was "Rudd is a pansy, Abbott is a sleeze bag".?????????????????

Took a poll from a few of my neighbours last night and they all hate Rudd = 100% for Abbott. Perhaps we should wait for the real poll whenever that may be!!!!!!!
this has to be the best story, laugh I have had for ages.....

you just gotta love this one.....this is the gift that the Indonesian pm gave to your pm this week......(note he is not my pm)

I thought it looked like dog see the photo of it on the front page of the age....

then I read the story,,,,its called 'crappacinno'
how is it made...well this little creature eats coffee beans....which then pass thru its sysem.....come out the other end.....and voila....there you have it....poo:)

does that pm have a sense of humour.....or is it a more meaningful message for your pm

another blogger on this other forum....said....
Totally appropriate.....SBY obviously thought that excrement from a weasel like creature would be the perfect gift to another weasel like creature.

Wake up Australia of Pennant Hills (Reply)
Fri 12 Mar 10 (01:11pm)
The Comrades on ABC Four Corners tonight are attempting a hatchet job on Tony Abbott.

Lets see if they are game to similarly treat Kev07.

What a pack of old leftie bastards.

What a pack of old leftie bastards.

There is no doubt about that GG.

He did say in the interview 'The Left puts too much trust in the State'. I'm sure statements like this unnerve the mothball smelling ABC incumbents.

Although 'The Poison Dwarf' was on Insiders
on Sunday and did stand up for the Boxer more than once.

Shame he's a godbotherer hey GG! :(
The Comrades on ABC Four Corners tonight are attempting a hatchet job on Tony Abbott.

Lets see if they are game to similarly treat Kev07.

What a pack of old leftie bastards.


Little JOHNNY had 10 years and work choices to oust them,just imagine if it was controlled by the right???????
I shudder,leave aunty alone!
There is no doubt about that GG.

He did say in the interview 'The Left puts too much trust in the State'. I'm sure statements like this unnerve the mothball smelling ABC incumbents.

Although 'The Poison Dwarf' was on Insiders
on Sunday and did stand up for the Boxer more than once.

Shame he's a godbotherer hey GG! :(

Little JOHNNY had 10 years and work choices to oust them,just imagine if it was controlled by the right???????
I shudder,leave aunty alone!

Jeez, I should go to the Ross Island Hotel on Monday nights, just endured Media Watch and now Q and A. All the leftie bastards seem to be about on Mondays, against Tony and the conservative side.

I'd be at the Ross Island now only for went there on Friday for the Raunch and Karaoke Night and am still in Berocca land.

Jeez, I should go to the Ross Island Hotel on Monday nights, just endured Media Watch and now Q and A. All the leftie bastards seem to be about on Mondays, against Tony and the conservative side.

I'd be at the Ross Island now only for went there on Friday for the Raunch and Karaoke Night and am still in Berocca land.


Your random sampling at The Ross is pure genius GG. You should work as a consultant for AC Nielsen. :D How many of the patrons you straw-sampled are actually with it on a Saturday to vote or do they just all remain in a state of inebriation until the following night? Surely Kev07 would get the nod from most cane toads. Although I did notice he copped a bronx cheer last week at the Cowboys/Broncos game. :cool: Maybe he'll get an applause at the next Reds game at Ballymore being an ex-Churchie boy and all. ;)
Jeez, I should go to the Ross Island Hotel on Monday nights, just endured Media Watch and now Q and A. All the leftie bastards seem to be about on Mondays, against Tony and the conservative side.

I'd be at the Ross Island now only for went there on Friday for the Raunch and Karaoke Night and am still in Berocca land.


Berocca on the following Monday?What were you drinkin Petrol!
What on Earth is Peter Costello trying to do to Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party with his criticism of the Parental Maternity leave?

Is Costello now working for the Labor Party?

What a feast those Labor Party stooges will have in Question time today!!
What on Earth is Peter Costello trying to do to Tony Abbott and the Liberal Party with his criticism of the Parental Maternity leave?

Is Costello now working for the Labor Party?

What a feast those Labor Party stooges will have in Question time today!!

Labor have more to worry about in question time than Pete's comments.

If we thought the "Batts in ceilings" was bad the latest bombshell is the school projects.
$16 billion of taxpayers money has been spent so far and claims that the jobs were overpriced.
Labor is being attacked by their own union.
There will be a public enquiry.
Its fraud at its finest.
Another Labor govt role out without checks and balances.
Labor have more to worry about in question time than Pete's comments.

If we thought the "Batts in ceilings" was bad the latest bombshell is the school projects.
$16 billion of taxpayers money has been spent so far and claims that the jobs were overpriced.
Labor is being attacked by their own union.
There will be a public enquiry.
Its fraud at its finest.
Another Labor govt role out without checks and balances.

Speaking of checks and balances, read this little ditty by Ross Greenwood and you can see why we have these problems.

Quoted by: Ross Greenwood of Money News.

Right now the Federal Government is at pains to tell everyone

- including us the mug-punters and the International Monetary

Fund that it will not exceed its own, self-imposed, borrowing

limits. How much? $200 billion. And here's a worry. If you work

in a bank's money market operation; or if you are a politician;

the millions turn into billions and it rolls off the tip of the tongue

a bit too easily. But every dollar that is borrowed, some time,

has to be repaid. By you, by me and by the rest of the country.

Just after 5 o'clock tonight I did a bit of maths for Jason Morrison.

But it's so staggering its worth repeating now. First though; here's

what Chairman Rudd has been saying about - what he calls

- these temporary borrowings.

Remember those words: Temporary Deficit. But the total

Government debt could end up around $200 billion. So here's a

very basic calculation ... I used a home loan calculator to work

it out ... it's that simple. $200 billion is $200,000 million. The

current 10 year Government bond rate is 4.67 per cent. I worked

the loan out over a period of 20 years.

Now here's where it gets scary ... really scary. The repayments

on $200 billion come to more than one and a quarter billion dollars

- every month - for 20 years. It works out we - as taxpayers - will

be repaying $154 billion in interest and principal every year ...

$733 for every man woman and child - every year. The total interest

bill over the 20 years is - get this - $108 billion. Remember, this is a

Government that just 18 months ago had NO debt. NO debt. In fact

it had enough money to create the Future Fund to pay the future

liabilities of public servants' superannuation ... and it had enough

to stick $20 billion into the Building Australia Fund last year.

He continues ... a note that was sent to me which explains that the

six leading members of the Government from Mr. Rudd down, the

top six have a collective work experience of 181 years, but only 13

in the private sector.

If you take out of those 13 years the number that were spent as trade

union lawyers, that total 11, of the 181 years only two years were

spent in the private sector.

So the people who will rack up a net Federal debt of a minimum of

$188 billion, the highest in our history, have virtually no experience

in business.

So out of those 181 years:

- no years spent running their own business

- no years spent starting their own business

- no years spent as a director of a family business or a company

- no years as a director of a public company

- no years in a senior position in a public company

- no years in a senior position in a private company

- no years working in corporate finance

- no years in corporate or business restructuring

- no years working in or with a bank

- no years of experience in the capital markets

- no years in a stock-broking firm

- no years in negotiating debt facilities with banks

- no years running a small business

- no years at the World Bank or IMF or OECD

- no years in Treasury or Finance.

But these people have plunged Australia into unprecedented debt,

and now threaten to torpedo employee share schemes which they

plainly don't understand.

Well, in a way you can't blame them. It's clear the electorate did

not do their homework, because the Goverment is there by right.
@ noco

Costello is speaking his mind ... he is stating the obvious.
Its a crap Maternity Leave scheme.

But granted, he could have been more subtle.
Liberals wanted to take away my overtime pay and penalty rates.....why would I vote for that!!

Tony Abbott for PM...not with my vote!
Liberals wanted to take away my overtime pay and penalty rates.....why would I vote for that!!

Tony Abbott for PM...not with my vote!

Why can't you Labor lackies be honest for once. Open your eyes man and don't believe everything you read in the paper of statements made by our dear Julia. Overtime pay and penalty rates were well and truly compensated with increased rates in Work Place Agreements. The calculations on pays were also made easier without having to be menaced with time and a half or double time or what you should receive on a public holidays or whether one worked on night shift or day shift
You can't tell me in the majority of mining projects that work place agreements still don't exist where one works a 12 hour day in some cases two weeks straight in mines that operate 24/7.
I know of a case in Townsville where this woman has worked for a well known Hotel for 25years. She is on rostered days which may include Saturdays and Sundays. She works a 38 hour week and her pay never varies from one week to the next, however the rate of pay is well over the award for the duty she performs. I believe in the vicinity of some + 15%. She receives sick leave, 4 weeks annual holidays and long sevice leave. The variation in wage rates are agreed to every 2 years. Any employee who is worth his/her 'SALT" will, in the majority of cases, be well and truly compensated by his /her employer.
Why can't you Labor lackies be honest for once.

Not that I'm a 'Labor lackie' as you put it noco.(Mr.Burns & co would probably disagree)

But I can appreciate what Go Nuke is talking about and can also appreciate your own view as well. Having worked at a variety of workplaces over the years (both unionized and non-unionized) there can be pitfalls for wage-earners in both. At times I worked at unionized workplaces where OH&S standards were 'obliviously' ignored, award conditions were broken and the union did nothing to help out workers. On the other hand, I've worked at non-union places where conditions were also dangerous, bosses not appreciative of the sacrifices made by staff for the good of the business and at times encroached on the well-being of family life. Having said that, I've also worked at both unionized and non-unionized places that have been great places to work.

noco; said:
Any employee who is worth his/her 'SALT" will, in the majority of cases, be well and truly compensated by his /her employer.

I think the same could be said that any employer who is worth his/her "SALT" will also pay above award rates to retain staff and keep a profitable and harmonious business as well. Do you agree?
But like you, I'm sick of the one-eyed idealogues on ASF who keep pushing the idea of taking one for the team. I no longer believe in taking one for the team, if it means taxing the pants off someone just trying to get by.

As for Abbott or Rudd, I won't be voting for either.