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Tick chart question

4 March 2006

Sometimes I trade side by side with my mate on different Comps, we use a low setting tick chart.

Now if he logs on say 20 seconds later than me, we both have differents looking charts. The bars on his will be diff than mine, because his ticks will start at a slightly diff time.

Do you think that this is a problem with tick charts?

Same timeframe?
Or are we talking EVERY tick?
Same timeframe?
Or are we talking EVERY tick?
Either way should be exactly the same except for the time missed.

Say its a 80 tick chart. If my mate starts just after me then his 80 tick bar and all further will look diff because my 80 tick bar will finish before his all the time . He will still have some ticks left on his bar before his new 80 tick bar starts. (they wont be in sync)

The only way they can be the same would be if you both logged on exactly the same time and your ticks would then start identicaly.

Sounds confusing but you try it, have two comps log on to the same instrument with one comp then the other, the prices will be the same but the shape of each tick bar will look diff. One might look like a doji the other a long candle.

Because they are not time frame bars eg 5min ect ect.


If the units on your tick chart are based on the number of ticks then it makes sense that you will see different charts. Its like opening a window as a train goes by, each of you can see the same number of cars, just that they are different cars.

hmm yes see what you mean.

Generally though the "Charts" would tell similar stories I would think.
Not having seen two together I cant say but would think that turning points as an example would be within a bar.

Like any bar chart its a continuing story,the longer the story the more similar they would be---wouldnt they?
Your right they do tell a similar story. But not the same when your scalping, I might get a entry signal, but my mate on his screen says he hasnt triggered yet.Therefore he misses out and visa versa.

See what Im getting at.

You are Freezing a process (waves of buying and selling)

By taking a snapshot


By "discretization"

There is discretization by time or price

Tick charts produce snapshots by cutting up the

swings (waves) into discrete aggregations of ticks

They are still "photographs" of a moving picture..

As are most charts.........

Yes by varying where you start the cutting up and the size of the discrete aggregations ... (in time or price)

you do change the resolution and the boundaries of what you see....

For example when you move to a 160 tic chart
do you aggregate from the odd or even bars??

age old question (the age old answer is use both odd and even)

It will be different

Yet the underlying reality is unchanged

Your right they do tell a similar story. But not the same when your scalping, I might get a entry signal, but my mate on his screen says he hasnt triggered yet.Therefore he misses out and visa versa.

See what Im getting at.


Isnt it a case of both then starting at the same time---the beginning of a session.

I would think also that even if you did start at different times as M/W says being a snap shot in time you both could trade what you see on your screens.
Similar to trading different timeframes in the same instrument.
In the end you'd both get similar opportunities albeit at different times.
So getting back to my original question then it's not a big problem ,only if you use very small tick chart time frames.

Also I should make sure both computers are on before start off session. ( I think this will work)

The problem we were having was that we are trading the same set up criteria, but at the end of the day i might of had six trades triggered, but he only had three, they should be the same.

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