There they are all fooling about and acting like idiots at the edge of a slippery precipice, "we're alright don't worry about us, mind your own business", they said, laughing and hooting out loud.
It came to pass that a great storm blew up and the rain fell exceedingly hard. They slipped and slipped and all fell to the great depths below. Angry and confused the great one fought, argued and blamed each other.
A while later they sat down and realised they must somehow concoct a plan to explain their positions and let the people, their citizens, bail them out from their disaster.
Money poured in by the billion and then the trillion. A few fell be the wayside as agreed, after all there are always a few to be sacrificed.
The investors suffered and who should help more now, well of course, the poorer shareholders will put in more and those who invest with us will be paid low interest rates.
It came to pass that the banks again entered the promised land and were hailed as Gods once more.