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The West has lost its freedom of speech

Oh, and willingness to challenge your dogma doesnt make me bully.

That I disagree with you doesnt make me a bully anymore than you disagreeing with me, makes you a bully.

I have never used my mod status, to silence anyone, even if some have tried to use that to suggest I should not have an opinion. In fact I haven't performed any moderating action for quite some time, apart from spam and suchlike.

So again, you miss the mark by a wide margin, bas.
My respect to the victims of the Islamic terrorist attack on the journalists of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper.

My condolences to all their families.

No other religion gets special treatment like Islam.

We are self censoring ourselves.

This is crazy. How can a man-made fantasy (Islam), get such special coverage and laws passed for their benefit (worldwide) ??? I think the violence that comes with Islam has something to do with it.....

Did they send a memo to the ABC?

How about Julian Porteous in Tasmania who was taken to Court by the Greens for writing a book about Marriage as it stands in law today.

The problem is the lawyers are getting fatter, and freedom of speech is getting smaller.

People now are no longer allowed to speak, the lawyer speaks for them.

A fractured society, in my view.
No other religion gets special treatment like Islam.


Such as?

Freedom of religion laws protect all religions. I am totally against all religions, and I wish people would give them up. But I am not for any laws that restrict peoples ability to practice their faith, and I not for anything that unfairly discriminates against people because of their religion.

We are self censoring ourselves


This is crazy. How can a man-made fantasy (Islam), get such special coverage and laws passed for their benefit (worldwide) ??? I think the violence that comes with Islam has something to do with it

Christianity is the most privileged religion in Australia as far as I can see.

I would be interested to hear what Tink's definition of "Freedom of speech" is.
Our heritage is Christian, VC.

As much as you dislike hearing it, our separation of Church and State was set up by a Christian.

I have already said, I am a conservative, small governments, liberty, life, responsibility and accountability.
I would be interested to hear what Tink's definition of "Freedom of speech" is.

care to give your thoughts on what you think it is tink.

our separation of Church and State was set up by a Christian.


How do you know?

Are you just assuming that all people from the past are Christian? you are good at that.

even if they were Christian, the wording of our constitution shows they had no intention of creating a "Christian nation", and purposefully put in wording to prevent any religion being in control of government, and protected the rights of all people to practice or not practice any religion.

If we are a Christian nation, please point me to where the words "Christian, Christ, Bible" or any other such references to Christianity are in our constitution.

Just because some of our fore fathers had some crazy opinions doesn't mean our nation is that or should be defined by that other wise you could equally describe us as the following.

Australia's heritage is Racist.
Australia's heritage is misogynistic.
Australia's heritage is xenophobic.

etc etc, offcourse some of our forefathers had opinions and believed things that were nonsense, Christianity is just one of those crazy things some of them believed.
Our heritage is Christian, VC.

As much as you dislike hearing it, our separation of Church and State was set up by a Christian.

I have already said, I am a conservative, small governments, liberty, life, responsibility and accountability.

I think the moment those founding fathers thought to separate the Church's sticky fingers from the State coffers, they're no longer Christian of the faithful kind. They'd be better described as Atheistic politician respecting no Pope and no Bishop, working for no God but the people alone

How does being a religious person fit in with most of your values there?

Conservative... OK, I guess.

Small govt? Liberty?, life? responsibility? Accountability?

Religion, with an all powerful, all seeing, all spying, hardazz and not at all forgiving god; one who create you and have plan for all of you... that whatever happen in the world, it's to God's plan...

That's the biggest, baddest form of government there is.

Our constitution drew heavily on the American version 3001
Our constitution drew heavily on the American version 3001

Can I suggest that our constitution drew heavily on the 10 commandments. I suggest that when society ignores these then we are in deep split! That was a Christian influence that should even be a code of behaviour for atheists.

There would be no problem with freedom of speech issues if the 10 commandments code were observed.

The Ten Commandments??? Most of them are rubbish rules, and the only ones that have any real value eg thy shalt not kill, are pretty much Common place among all societies.

some of the Ten Commandments actually breach the constitution, so I can't see why you would say it was based on them.

And as far as freedom of speech goes, the Ten Commandments doesn't even allow freedom of thought, eg thy shalt not covet, and it directly outlaws speaking against God, so no freedom of speech there.

Are you for real?

Start at the 1st commandment....

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

There goes freedom of speech. Cannot believe in or suggest that there may be another God other than the God of Abraham.
Are you for real?

Start at the 1st commandment....

Thou shalt have no other gods before me

There goes freedom of speech. Cannot believe in or suggest that there may be another God other than the God of Abraham.

Yep, and the 2nd and 3rd bury freedom of speech even more,

2, thy shalt not make unto thee any graven image.

3, thy shalt not use the lords name in vain.

Seriously, how can anyone think these rules inspired the constitution, I seriously think that people that go around saying the Ten Commandments are the height of moral thinking haven't ever really read them, or give them any thought, like a software license they just scroll to the bottom and click accept.

Like those that going round saying God is infinitely merciful and in the same breath saying he will send you to Hell for all eternity should you not believe in him or obey his commands. They simply do not really put any thought into the words they use, just mouth them vacuously. In this case "infinitely merciful".

Look at Islam. It gets special treatment. If I mock or make funny remarks about any other religion, they shrug it off as banter. Do it with Islam and they want to behead you.

If this picture was reversed and it was Christianity, they would be uproar. They only got a slap on the wrist. Sad.

Look at Islam. It gets special treatment.. Do it with Islam and they want to behead you.


How is that special treatment under the law, it is still illegal for them to actually behead you, they don't get special treatment, if they did kill some one they would be jailed.

But anyway, aren't you guys fans of freedom of speech, you want people to be able to say what they like regardless of who it offends, you should be supporting peoples rights to wave such signs around.

If I mock or make funny remarks about any other religion, they shrug it off as banter

No, there are buddists and Christians that would kill you, or even burn you alive, it still happens today.

If this picture was reversed and it was Christianity, they would be uproar. They only got a slap on the wrist. Sad

Ever seen the signs that the west borrow Baptist church wave around? look at these darling upstanding Christian children.

If you think Islam holds the patent on crazy, you are dead wrong.

are all Christians like the westborrow Baptist church,... No
Are all Muslims extremists,..... No.

Here is a Christian preacher calling for gays to be executed.

But yeah, only muslims preach hate hey,

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Agree, DB, and the reason 18C should be removed or changed.

This country was not built on offence.

It is being gutted from within.

Be the hero of your life, not the victim.

George Orwell had it exactly right when he said:

“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
Agree, DB, and the reason 18C should be removed or changed.

I think the question about 18C is whether it is preventing factual discussion of issues.

The exemptions to a complaint under 18C are

Personally I think that this allows civil debate while preventing people being subject to hate speech.

It seems to have worked well to date, I don't see any need to repeal it.
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