If you wish to placard your ignorance? you're no stand out, crowded room here.Just because Jacinta wants to drag indigenous people into the modern world doesn't make her an "aunty Tom".
On futherment of Indigenous Development I'll put the work of Prof Peter Yu forward . ( Ever heard of him rumpole? ) Whilst Price is out being duchessed by Easten Star Crack and Frac, off load those Wheat Board Shares, Kings School Sydney olde' boy John Anderson( not an elite of course). Wonder where Jacinta's kiddies will go to school; I'd hazzard a guess.
Is there a party more toady to mining than the Nationals?
Oh what the minerals council carn't do for you! Pulverise a peoples history to dust. There's a name for that type of thing, you learn it at the better schools.
The empircal fact is Price has the support of one in four of her Indigenous constituants on the threads issue.... one Box big tick, Stings doesn't it. The best part of 75% think She's keeping them down.
And Peter Yu? he's a lifter.
Is it two olympic class swimming pools and one Polo rink or is it two Polo rinks and pool at Kings ? I can never remember....