Now I really have no idea what point you are trying to make.First you said there was only a few "high probability" trades per day. Now you are saying the shorter the time frame the "the higher the probability your target will be met". By that logic you agree with me and not with your first point. That is, a ten point target trade is now MORE "high probability" than your two trades a day aiming for more points.
Ok, let me see if I can put this another way.
Assume that your trade has a scalp component and and a swing component - where lets say you trade 2n contracts, sell n at 4 ticks, move your stop to b/e and let the rest run, say to a stop on the opposite side of a channel.
Now the scalp component has a higher probability of making it than the swing component, for example your b/e stop will routinely be taken out, except on the very best trades.
You can choose to scalp all, swing all, flatten at any point, it's a judgement call.
Clearly you win bigger when the swing component comes home.
That's it, and if this conflicts with anything I said earlier then this takes precedence.