Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

The symbol of the Halal Certification Authority Australia

Food companies can simply reverse this by requiring the Halal Certification Authority to pay a Fee for permission to inspect their product for their requirements and another Fee to advertise their endorsement for their clients. These Fees paid to Food companies would then provide income that would effectively reduce the cost of these foods to consumers, so everyone would be happier! OK consumers, contact food companies with the Halal Certified logo on and suggest this! They are sure to welcome such a suggestion which is a win/win situation because reducing costs to consumers generally increases sales!
Re: HCAA - Halal Certification Authority Australia

From what I was told by a muslim religious guy (was the religious part of the inspection team that inspected our factory), it comes down to knowingly partaking of non-halal food versus unknowingly. If you know it's not halal, then it's a bad thing (Hara(a)m). If you don't then it's (essentially) not.
If the above is true then it is just another prove that all those are just inventions of the man. Why ? Because they contradict themselves. Just an example : why fish should suffocate to be halal, whereas other animals shall NOT suffocate to be halal ?

And if the motivation for all this is true - quote :
"A variety of substances are considered as harmful (haraam) for humans to consume ..."

then those Quranic verses shall be updated with other things like harmful food additives, drugs, tobacco etc. Or may be they are already - if yes then I would start buying products with HCAA logo now - at least I would know that I did what was reasonably achievable to protect my body from the outside world's food junk. But it will never happen - MONEY will protect those things from being included in any 'halal' like list of prohibited foods.

And here is a tough one for 'halal' aware people: do you take vaccinations ? If you do then you have a REAL problem because of the organic crap that is in them and the way they are prepared.

And I think Jesus was teaching people this:
"what comes out of your body (hatred, lies, bad words etc) is impure - not what goes into your body".

But it is so much easier to obey some man devised rules than to change your inner self and thus lift up / purify your character.
And I think Jesus said also something like this:
"you condemn yourself because you value man originated rules more than God's"

:rolleyes: (Thanks The Creator of the Universe that I am a free man and can decide myself what to eat and what not to eat).
Re: HCAA - Halal Certification Authority Australia

:rolleyes: (Thanks The Creator of the Universe that I am a free man and can decide myself what to eat and what not to eat).

Romans 14:14: As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.

Good thing rather. I am somewhat impartial rasher of nice crispy bacon, and crab/lobster is one of my favourite seafoods.
If the above is true then it is just another prove that all those are just inventions of the man. Why ? Because they contradict themselves. Just an example : why fish should suffocate to be halal, whereas other animals shall NOT suffocate to be halal ?

My way of thinking on this means that the fish has been taken from the water fresh and died in a known way as opposed to have been poisoned etc and found dead and consumed not knowing how it came to die.
My way of thinking on this means that the fish has been taken from the water fresh and died in a known way as opposed to have been poisoned etc and found dead and consumed not knowing how it came to die.

I agree but this applies to all other animal derived food as well. When you take the fish out of the water you can kill it quickly and thus save it suffering or let it suffocate and suffer. No offence but as long as a ritual / approach to food does not have a LOGICAL backing / reasoning it is childlish and unnecessary.

But I realize that many people / organizations feel "good" and "better than others" when they obey their group's rules.

What is interesting is that if one combined the rituals / believes / traditions etc of most of the religion and non religion groups then you would end up with a total mess full of contradictions. I did this once with horoscopes - I compared 'advices' for the same week from different magazines - the result was 'pure predictive nonsense'.
No offense taken, I was baptised a Catholic and think the Catholic Church are the biggest mob of opportunists and hippocrites ever to step on this earth, so religious arguments don't bother me, being an outsider looking in the Halal looks like a very old consumer food health guide, nothing more.
Have to agree with Putty7 on this one. Pork in particular putrifies much faster in hotter climates than other meats... so, in the times before refrigeration, the best thing to do was just to tell the populace to avoid it rather than providing an education on how far past its used by date it is.

Much of the ritual washing that is practised prior to prayer in the Muslim faith is also for health. Long before modern housing with internal plumbing, there was a tendency not to wash very often. This wasnt just a phenomena particular to desert climates. Its part of the reason that we Australians make jokes about the English hiding their money under the soap. People just didnt wash very often in past times. It was even worse in climates with a limited water supply. By encouraging people to wash hands, feet, heads, faces, noses, mouth etc a couple of times a day you are in effect providing an education in good hygiene practices.

Combine this with an education in what is the right thing to eat and you improve the overall health of your society.
So in Australia we gladly pander to the whims of these backward, outdated cultures that insist on inflicting unnecessary suffering to animals?

Halal/Kosher is nothing short of disgraceful conduct by humans towards animals and anyone inflicting such cruelty should be punished severely.
So in Australia we gladly pander to the whims of these backward, outdated cultures that insist on inflicting unnecessary suffering to animals?


Like leaded petrol we used to love it, but it is not good any more.

Sooner we will find the way to stop animal cruelty the better.

RSPCA in NSW comes to mind as soft on some cruelty cases, wander why all cruelty cases are not treated the same?
I wander what Australian Government body, which is supposed to look after the welfare of animals is doing in regard to unnecessary animal cruelty that is performed to satisfy some culinary requirements?

Taboo subject?

The Australian government is up to its neck in problems its breaching the human rights act that say basically that you can believe what you lie or nothing at all. May people like to say their own prayers over their food and the religious rituals of another religion haven prayed over their food is rather upsetting. What is more upsetting is Sikh's Hindu's and other cannot eat halal food at all. Then there are the Atheists and other non religious folk who does not want religion anywhere near their food. The other issue is one regarding the constitution section 116 where the government should not promote a religion at all and here they are ordering slaughter houses to become accredited and will not allow meat to leave the country unless it is accredited. Then we have the issue of cost which is passed on to go the consumer, we are paying a religious tax on our food. I suggest Australians really thing whether non Muslims should have to eat food that Muslims require and if they should have to pay the cost or whether the cost should be born by the people who require that food
I don't see this as particularly sinister.

Isn't it pretty much the same as companies paying the Heart Foundation to apply the "Tick" scheme to their products?

i.e. just manufacturers doing all possible to increase their market share.

It is very sinister and there have been links you need to read posted earlier, I for one do not need to pay for halal as it is against 99% of religions with the only one that wants it and needs it are Islam. Did you know they slaughter animals while they are fully awake. Halal=Allah a pagan god. Also Halal is a religious tax and it supposed to be about meat and meat products. Tell me how sugar is meat by product. I have even seen Halal furniture which proves the halal certification is nothing but a money grabbing rort and part funds DO end up in the hands of terrorist organisations. Also the RSPCA is letter the laughter of our animals by the halal method is is against what the RSPCA stand for.
I have only today become aware of this practice and will not be purchasing a religion approved product from now on. Feel a bit deceived at the moment. I cannot believe that companies want to pay for a certificate to feature a label supporting a belief system that is inherently pervasive by subtle (halal cert., mosque preaching) and aggressive (Iraq mass execution killings, Bali bombings) means.

There is absolutely no need in a free society for religious approval of anything. Religious ideologies and dogma have no place in our lives without our consent. For this reason I will be checking every product I intend to buy and buying only religious free products.
Dear GOD.

Ok, Halal food rules were originally meant to make sure you're decent to your animal (you can't beat them to death, only kill them by cutting the jugular), and you don't have foul things in it.

The Halal certification dairies get is to show that they aren't putting gelatine in stuff. Just like you do to get vegetarian or vegan approval labels.

So they don't want critters who have been beaten to death, and they don't want skin-and-bone-slime in their yoghurt.


This entire "controversy" is bloody embarrassing. I really thought we were better than this.

An AUSSIE company wants to sell stuff to a different country, goes through a brief process to certify that yes, their product is what they say it is, and yes, will suite the market they're going for, and the AUSTRALIAN public stop them from doing it. Because, of course, Aussie dairy farmers are doing so well, they don't need no stinkin' foreign markets.


NOT EVERYONE ON EARTH IS LIKE YOU. The world? It is ROUND. Some people don't like pig-fat being used to fluff up smoothies. Some people don't like to eat animals that have been tortured to death. Some people have different ideas on what animals are good to eat. They think guinea pigs are delicious in South America, and they think dogs taste great in Korea. Plenty of Veggos in Australia think you're wrong to eat baby lambs.

Who the hell are you people to tell other people what they should or should not eat??? How is it any of your god-damned business? And what in holy HELL does the stuff people eat have the SLIGHTEST thing to do with terrorism?

Ugh. Just... ugh.
Oh I believe I have to cave in to reasoning now. Theological Determinism. Sharia law has come to roost in Australia and as a non bull **** believing citizen I have to accept the new laws and approvals propagated and perpetuated by whom? That slippery little self confessed millionaire signing sharia law certificates of approval? Nuh. Never.We are voting with our money and it will never go to a religious group without willingly doing so.
Quote from the islamic council of W.A. My bold.

Australia is a multicultural and multi-religious country. The problem of Halal-Haram with respect to food thus becomes an issue because some non Muslims may not understand the problems and sensitivities of the Muslims. This is compounded by the fact that Australian manufacturers are either unaware of Muslims requirements or choose to ignore them as insignificant.
The problems and sensitivities? I see this as another common theme with this mob. They demand special privileges above and beyond everyone else. There are about 400000 (source: islamic council Victoria) islamic religious believers in Australia and they get to label an approval of what is okay and what is not in foods. Forever I thought the Australian Government, a non religious entity and voted in by the people, was the governing body on food standards. Indeed all Government Departments are non religious.

Why is a minority religious group allowed to impose their Islamic Law via a stamp of approval on the food broader Australia eats?
Found a product in my cupboard that I saw had a different symbol to the Kangaroo or recycle symbols. The first time I have taken a close up and it is definitely an islamic law religious symbol. The product is exported as well as sold in Australia.
