I don't see this as particularly sinister.
Isn't it pretty much the same as companies paying the Heart Foundation to apply the "Tick" scheme to their products?
i.e. just manufacturers doing all possible to increase their market share.
Just wander if the same food can have Australian Heart Fundation accreditation, as well as Halal and Kosher Certification?
Non-Halal is Haram (I think that's the word) - think "dirty". You can have Kosher and Halal and tick all on the same item
Posting in magenta coloured font - now that's terrorism! ARRRGGGHHH!
Posting in magenta coloured font - now that's terrorism! ARRRGGGHHH!
Does anyone else find this statement a little too "white power" for their liking?It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism.
If 99.9% of Islamic people can be slandered for the actions of a few, ....
Islam has laws regarding which foods can and cannot be eaten and also on the proper method of slaughtering an animal for consumption, known as dhabiĥa.
Explicitly forbidden substances
A variety of substances are considered as harmful (haraam) for humans to consume and, therefore, forbidden as per various Quranic verses:
* Pork meat (i.e. flesh of pig)[Qur'an 2:173]. Pork may be eaten in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* Blood[Qur'an 2:173]. Blood may be consumed in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* All carnivores and birds of prey. Such animals may be eaten in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but Allah. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be "divine"[Qur'an 2:173] [Qur'an 5:3].
* Carrion[Qur'an 2:173].
* An animal that has been strangled, beaten (to death), killed by a fall, gored (to death), savaged by a beast of prey (except that which you may have slaughtered while it was still alive)[Qur'an 5:3].
* The fish must die out of water and because of natural suffocation in the free air, on the ground or on the deck of the fishing boat. Otherwise, it's not halal.
* Food over which Allah's name is not pronounced[Qur'an 6:121].
* Alcohol and other intoxicants[Qur'an 5:90-91].
i respect the belief but seriously folks how can one tell that some of the above did not happen to your food. How the Fk can you know the difference.
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