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The symbol of the Halal Certification Authority Australia

4 February 2006
I received this message by email yesterday and although I may not be as emotive as the author, I do believe all should be aware of "The symbol of the - HALAL CERTIFICATION AUTHORITY - AUSTRALIA", (verbatim):


This is a Muslim Association that collects money from the Australian Food Industry for this symbol so that Muslims will purchase the product. Yet we are told the Muslim population are only one and a half percent of Australia's total!

On a recent radio talk-back show a well know host was alerted to this practice. He hit a stone wall when trying to find out HOW MUCH money was paid to this organization and WHERE the money went.

It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism.

Many Australian Companies are paying this money including BEGA, CADBURY and many other well known companies. Check before you buy.


Until you know, support those companies that support the Australian way of life

I checked to see if this was another hoax and found:

An acquaintance responded to the email by checking one of the brands and, sure enough, there it was:

I have just checked our cheese and find that the Bega Brand does have the logo.

I phoned Bega this morning and enquired re the logo. They would not discuss, but wanted my name and address and said they would write to me. I gave my name, but declined my address and said that our family would support Australian business but not religious or overseas organisations, I also said that I will be returning the cheese and complain to Coles besides not purchasing any of their products, in future.

It would appear that I was not the first to complain as the telephonist said that she had spoken to me before. Of course I said that this was not true, but that the story of the logo was on the internet and going around Australia.

It is my intention to inquire by phoning the above company.


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Certified Halal is the same principle that the Jewish community use to certify food as Kosher, only this is the Muslim way to do this. There are certain foods that they do not eat, and they do not want those foods or traces of those foods in food that they buy.

If food producers want to sell to that community, the second largest religious community in the world or something like that, then they must certify their plants and lines as Halal. This payment is part of the registration process, and if your factory uses certain proteins or processes certain proteins, they will also come to inspect your facilities.

In short, don't sweat it mate, your worried about nothing. In most countries both the Kosher logo and the Halal logo appear on many many foods. Its just that the rest of the world is catching up now, especially as western countries are more and mor populated with multi cultural people.


I don't see this as particularly sinister.

Isn't it pretty much the same as companies paying the Heart Foundation to apply the "Tick" scheme to their products?

i.e. just manufacturers doing all possible to increase their market share.
I don't see this as particularly sinister.

Isn't it pretty much the same as companies paying the Heart Foundation to apply the "Tick" scheme to their products?

i.e. just manufacturers doing all possible to increase their market share.

exactly, i seriously doubt its being used to fund terrorism or anything like that. I think we have to remove that stereotype that muslim = terrorist. its quite simply not true!
“The belief that one's own view of reality is the only reality is the most dangerous of all delusions." Paul Watzlawick

The halal trade in Australia and terrorist financing

Human Appeal,terrorist finance, and the importance of Australia

I merely say one needs to be aware... not believe what you are expected to believe.

rhen, I am trying to understand what you are trying to say on this issue but finding your comments vague. Can you clarify what your point is? Is it just a general advisory to DYOR, in which case, thanks for the advice, or are you saying more than this?
Australia has Halal Certification Authority Australia (HCAA)
Should somebody know what Australian authorities don't know, best to contact Australian authorities

Halal Organisations

Halal Certification Authority Australia (HCAA)

ABN 33068275203 ACN 068275203
Hajj Mohamed El-Mouelhy

701/90 Pitt Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2000
Postal Address
G.P.O. Box 3906
Sydney, New South Wales 2001

Web site

Company Profile
For many years the Halal market place was desperate for a fast, efficient and effective Nationally integrated service to deal with Halal matters. In 1993 Halal Certification Services Pty Ltd was established to fulfil these requirements and quickly became indispensably the best partner in the Halal market place! HCS is an Islamic body appointed by the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) according to Federal legislation. Its distinctive green and gold certificates titled "Halal Certification Authority-Australia" and its matching logo are much sought after by those interested in Halal matters. HCS operates in all States.

Just wander if the same food can have Australian Heart Fundation accreditation, as well as Halal and Kosher Certification?
Just wander if the same food can have Australian Heart Fundation accreditation, as well as Halal and Kosher Certification?

I don't see why not if said foods fulfil criteria of each certification.
Been through Halal certification. Very much doubt it's terrorism funding - better ways to do that! Like CanOz says, same concept as Kosher but for muslims.

Non-Halal is Haram (I think that's the word) - think "dirty". You can have Kosher and Halal and tick all on the same item
Non-Halal is Haram (I think that's the word) - think "dirty". You can have Kosher and Halal and tick all on the same item

Maybe this can be used as plarform to reconcile their differences?
What should we be "aware" of? That Muslims have a criteria for the food they are allowed to eat? Where is the harm in that? In fact, having the Halal symbol may help Australian companies export their goods to Muslim countries, creating greater wealth in Australia and more Australian jobs. There are some aspects of Islam that I do not agree with - such as the way they treat women, and a few other things that I won't go into on here... but a label on food?

Buying pirated copies of music and DVD's provides a huge source of income for terrorists. Pirated music/movies also affects Australian music and film jobs. Perhaps you should focus your efforts on this instead of a harmless label on food packaging.

Oh and if you want to support Australian companies that support AUSTRALIANS, then you should buy Bega over Murray Goulbourn products (such as Devondale). Bega pays Australian dairy farmers better, has higher quality control measures for their raw product and treats dairy farmers with respect. (I could write an essay on how bad Murray Goulbourn are, but I'll stick to the topic)


Islam has laws regarding which foods can and cannot be eaten and also on the proper method of slaughtering an animal for consumption, known as dhabiĥa.

Explicitly forbidden substances

A variety of substances are considered as harmful (haraam) for humans to consume and, therefore, forbidden as per various Quranic verses:

* Pork meat (i.e. flesh of pig)[Qur'an 2:173]. Pork may be eaten in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* Blood[Qur'an 2:173]. Blood may be consumed in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* All carnivores and birds of prey. Such animals may be eaten in any instance wherein it will save your life and there is no other sustenance.
* Animals slaughtered in the name of anyone but Allah. All that has been dedicated or offered in sacrifice to an idolatrous altar or saint or a person considered to be "divine"[Qur'an 2:173] [Qur'an 5:3].
* Carrion[Qur'an 2:173].
* An animal that has been strangled, beaten (to death), killed by a fall, gored (to death), savaged by a beast of prey (except that which you may have slaughtered while it was still alive)[Qur'an 5:3].
* The fish must die out of water and because of natural suffocation in the free air, on the ground or on the deck of the fishing boat. Otherwise, it's not halal.
* Food over which Allah's name is not pronounced[Qur'an 6:121].
* Alcohol and other intoxicants[Qur'an 5:90-91].


i respect the belief but seriously folks how can one tell that some of the above did not happen to your food. How the Fk can you know the difference.
I wander what Australian Government body, which is supposed to look after welfare of animals is doing in regard to unnecessary animal cruelty that is performed to satisfy some culinary requirements?

Taboo subject?
It was explained that by buying those marked products at least you are supporting a religion that is actively trying to destroy the Australian way of life or at the other extreme the money MAY be supporting terrorism.
Does anyone else find this statement a little too "white power" for their liking?

If 99.9% of Islamic people can be slandered for the actions of a few, shouldn't us white males be banned from entering other countries given most serial killers fit the same profile? Where does it end?

From what I was told by a muslim religious guy (was the religious part of the inspection team that inspected our factory), it comes down to knowingly partaking of non-halal food versus unknowingly. If you know it's not halal, then it's a bad thing (Hara(a)m). If you don't then it's (essentially) not.
Both Cadbury and Bega are available in the Middle East. I just checked the Bega shredded cheese in my fridge (it has the halal logo) and it's the same packaging as in Australia except for a small sticker with Arabic on it.

It could be that this particular certification provides these companies with an easier/cheaper avenue to provide additional income through the export to the Middle East market.
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