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The state of the economy at the street level

I bought 2 .. it was $3 for a pair.

yeah, I know; brace yourself
a pair or a pear?
seriously, fruits are horrendously expensive, I like eating a few nice navel oranges[and not orange navel cf GG]
nice non juice ones are around $4 a kg!!!
I used to get a 3kg bag of these last year for less than $3.5...
When you compare the price of 1kg of apple nearly $5 nowadays vs a KG of beef mince..we have a problem imho, and this is a reflection of manpower cost, fuel costs and abysmal well as margin taking along the chain....
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When you compare the price of 1kg of apple nearly $5 nowadays vs a KG of beef mince..we have a problem imho, and this is a reflection of manpower cost, fuel costs and abysmal well as margin taking along the chain

Inclement weather, climate change, or conspiracy theory?
Brazil grows about 35% of all the oranges on earth, and is the biggest exporter with around 70% of global supply.
This year, due to drought, heat and a bacterial disease called citrus greening have cut the supply of oranges significantly.
So it is unsurprisng that the coist of Oranges everywhere has gone up.
We were pulling out hectares of these in the last few years..someone travelling thru Gayndah regularly...
People are dying in ambulances waiting for a bed in hospital, but we shouldn't be hiring more doctors and nurses?
they would rather import more young people to replace them ( the dying people )

besides many are a result of medical misadventures as medicine charges into a new Wild West
It's even more extreme if it's considered that the bulk of these jobs are administrative.

It's not like they're hiring more tradies to build houses or more workers to maintain roads since all that sort of thing is either no longer done by government at all or is contracted out to the private sector. It's not like the days when government ran utilities, banks, an airline, built houses, built roads with its own workforce and so on. Today all that's either gone or is privately done, and yet the PS is expanding.
It seems that we are destined for Argentinaisation, at least until we find our own Javier.
There is a glut of tomatoes I believe, they should be pretty cheap if you want to throw a few at some politicians.
Yep . A dollar a kilo . I'm cheap but I won't be chucking any of mine at pollies.
Fry 'em if they start to go off in the fridge . Apparently they're better for your gut health that way , too. ( Learn something every day ! Got that straight from the horse's mouth ...Dr. Karl of Triple Jay fame . )
yet the PS is expanding.

I haven't gone back to check the figures but I do recall the PS is or has expanded to replace those from hire firms which were costing off book around 2.5 times the cost of in-house PS. Apparently outstanding claims in Veterans Affairs waiting registration (not investigation) reached over 6,000 and was increasing under the Coalition Government. A large number of PS were brought on board, including some from the hire firms being made PS, and the number of outstanding claims awaiting registration has been reduced to just on 3,000. That's only from anecdotal info from a contact of mine of which I have very few now.

It would not surprise me if there was a similar situation on other service areas such as Centerlink.
a team of 10, process software custom phase, and ocr scanners... but these anecdotal figures are irrelevant, getting a passport has never taken longer nor has it ever been so expensive to buy, many countries in the world get you your passport for a few dozen of dollars, here it is revenue raising... rinse and repeat....
trying to keep the migrants IN more like it ( come across a few recent arrivals now thinking of moving on .. internationally )
@qldfrog so sad, but true.
I know a lady who worked in the passport arena, now retired, who used to say, it takes as long as it takes.
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