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The state of the economy at the street level

I've been expecting this the way this council wastes money.

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Debt of $6b but they will save $1m by not repairing footpath, the issue is more fundamental.
The Olympics for one, the trip to Paris for too many, and the actual absence of productivity.
It would be very interesting to get the number of Brisbane employees and subcontractors per inhabitant in the 1950s vs nowadays.
And we have mechanisation: road repairs, sweepers, garbage trucks as well IT/automation for the back office.
I am not Brisbane based anymore but i guess this is probably true of all councils
This is the norm.
This is public servants everywhere in Australia. They think it's a bottomless pit of money.

One of my sons just got into a position where they look after neglected kids. Paid $35 straight of the bat. Apparently a lot of money going in this area. But it's not looking like it's efficient spending. Extrapolate this across multiple portfolios and there's billions wasted.
BCC used to do everything themselves until about pre-1990's, then they started using contractors. They used to mow the footpaths and fix the roads themselves, now they have contractors who do the bare minimum work. If you ever put in a complaint against them and make it public, they'll come after you like a savage dog.
Another icon going, founded in 1956.

All Katies stores across Australia will shut in January following its parent company entering into voluntary administration in October. Picture: Supplied.
Another icon going, founded in 1956.

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All Katies stores across Australia will shut in January following its parent company entering into voluntary administration in October. Picture: Supplied.
I believe their whole business was sticking to a specific generation , and see that as simply an age pyramid result.
Their clientele literally died.
Not sure we should see more than this.
I understand the model: grind it to the last drop and close when figures say so.
Rivers did the same while they had a way out imho but choose not to take it.
I hooe the mother company will hire a new crew, stock new funky shops with see thru shiny sling modern stuff, blare some music in and be the next jay jay
people have been saying it here, there and everywhere:

"Over the past year, government has accounted for an extraordinary 82% of all new hiring, leaving the private sector to take just 18% of jobs. It is like we are living in a centrally planned state. Back in 2000, the public sector only accounted for 22% of existing employment. Today that share has exploded to 31%.

"A similar theme is evident in the composition of growth. Australia’s economy expanded by 0.8% over the past year. But more than 100% of that was made up by public spending. In the absence of all this public largesse, inflation and interest rates in Australia would be a lot lower....
Christopher Joye
where's our Milei?
People are dying in ambulances waiting for a bed in hospital, but we shouldn't be hiring more doctors and nurses?
Or maybe they need to streamline getting them out of the ambulance, rather than having ambulance personel having to have a face to face meetings with a person in the hospital, there must be something available to facilitate that aspect as it is one of the causes the bottleneck from my experience.
People are dying in ambulances waiting for a bed in hospital, but we shouldn't be hiring more doctors and nurses?
Definitely no!
But the existing doctor and nurse degrees should be doing med work, not white collar management task or pouring new processes
A backend office is supposed to support a frontline, not the other way out.
How many in the education, medical, policing departments etc are doing actual related job instead of the previously discussed BS jobs?
We have had an IT revolution, now AI revolution, automation all along and yet the proportion of PS vs actual productive forces is increasing.
This is an aberration and economic sabotage
Pears are $5.95 a kilo.

Disgraceful. I blame Albanese.


My fruit and veg bill have more than doubled over the past year. It makes me realise how much my parents and grandparents saved by having their own vegetable and fruit garden, we hardly ever purchased vegetables.

My son has taken on my dad's influence and has a beautiful veggie garden sorted in his back yard with his wife's help, new fruit trees planted as well, and already saving a small fortune to put towards his mortgage.

Sadly, very few will have the advantage of being able to grow their own vegetables, not when they put 2 or 3 houses on a block, or build multi-story apartments.

Australia is going backwards.
People are dying in ambulances waiting for a bed in hospital, but we shouldn't be hiring more doctors and nurses?

Ideally. Unfortunately, hospital budgets are not infinite - although the demand for health services is. At present, there are a number of nurses graduating from a University in Canberra but the public hospital system cannot offer them a placement due to monetary constraints.

It may be difficult to find but if interested see if you can locate the annual reports for public health services in your State.
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