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The loss of a pet

Sorry to hear of the loss of Scotch Matty. He looked like he was a great cat (we had a white cat like that once with the very unimaginative name of Snowy).

I think that's true. Up until that point we have been able to do everything to look after them and we inevitably feel like we've let them down when the end comes. As I get older though I find I am coming to terms a lot better with death being a part of life and I think the loss of various pets over the years has helped me to learn that lesson.
I don't post very often on this forum, but found I was very touched by some of the sentiments expressed here as we had to make the decision to to put our Jack Russell cross breed down this weekend.
He was 15, maybe 16 or 17, not sure as we inherited him from the wife's father.
He was still quite lively up until 3 or 4 months but kept getting some kind abscess forming in his jaw muscles so eating was a real task for him. The vet could treat it for a while then it would recur until the point we had to feed him with a syringe of soppy food.
He lost so much weight and was clearly not enjoying life, so we thought it best to let him go while he still had some dignity.

We buried him under a tree on one of his favourite walks where we also buried 2 of our other dogs that he grew up with, so the 3 little mates are reunited again and sleeping peacefully together.

R.I.P Richard Cranium.
To all those who have lost their best mates, please accept my respects...this is a great thread and I think of every animal I've lost when I read through here. What a fitting tribute to them this is.

Certainly something we all have in common and its so great to hear how you all have treated your pets. With two young cats now, I hope they will live happily in good health for a number of years yet before we again must mourn the lost of our dear mates.


Alfie went peacefully this morning, very sad but relieved its over for him.

Thanks for all the memories and happiness he brought me and my family and thanks to all the kind words from the forum.

R.I.P Richard Cranium.
Thinking of you, and along with you Pager today.

Nothing will take away that awful sense of loss, the presence no longer there when you come home or wake up in the morning.
But always remember how much love you gave and received, and the good life your dogs enjoyed with you.
All they ask is to be with you. Yet they offer so much more in return.

All the best
Condolences to both Pager and Wooly1 for the loss of your great pets and mates.
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condolences to all the pets
Pager and Wooly1 - it is a painful time and I can only offer sincere condolences. Having lost pets, I know it is an intensely painful time. Even hearing about your such recent losses brings back memories of the sadness. Take care and enjoy the wonderful memories...
Wooly, do you mind if I ask why you called your pet Richard Cranium ? which we all know means d*** head ???

No, not at all, it is attributed to the wife's late father from whom we inherited Richard and reflects his sense of humour so we let the dog run with the name.
Used to get some funny looks from the local council people when I went to pay his registration papers, the vet staff laughed as well but they all seemed to like old Richard.

Fair enough, just curious, I bet he would have gone for your ankles if he knew what it meant.
Condolences Pager and Wooly, your much loved furry friends will be missed.
Condolences Pager and Wooly, your much loved furry friends will be missed.

Thank you for your sentiment. Yes he is missed, he was always a quite dog but the house seems even quieter now, if that makes sense.
I cant believe I am writing this -- my little pomeranian (10 Years old) died suddenly on Friday, heart problems.
We are heartbroken and still in shock.

RIP my little friend
You have given us so much happiness.
Bright and bubbly, mischievous bundle of joy.
Taken too soon.
We miss you.


So sorry Tink........
That's sad Tink, what was his/her name?
Oh, Tink, I'm so very sorry. I know how much you loved that little dog. I remember you talking about how he and your cat were such great companions.

It's just a dreadful shock when a pet dies suddenly. (I've lost two suddenly at just six years of age.)

Words are of little comfort. I'm very much thinking of you.
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