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The Gillard Government

A year ago our Department of Immigration predicted that 5400 asylum seekers would arrive in Australian waters in the financial year to 30/6/13.
Now the Department has just released figures showing that 11 months into the financial year the number of boat arrivals already stands at around 22500, (more than four times the figure predicted) with another 2500 arrivals expected in the next month.

I shudder to think of the thousands of millions of dollars this boat people debacle is costing us. No wonder the government coffers have run dry!
Well done Rudd, Gillard, Swan & Co – history will rightly record you as the most incompetent and stupid government this country has ever had the misfortune of being landed with. You deserve to be booted out of power over this issue alone, let alone all your other episodes of money-wasting incompetence. Not even the Whitlam government, bad as it was, could match the pathetic stupidity of you lot.

This incompetent Labor government simply cannot be allowed to stay in power. I implore every responsible Australian to vote against the ALP in September.
Apparently consumer sentiment is lower now than before the RBA started dropping interest rates. It just goes to show the public isn't as stupid as the government thinks.
The government should have gone to an election last October, lack of confidence is accelerating.IMO
I shudder to think of the thousands of millions of dollars this boat people debacle is costing us. No wonder the government coffers have run dry!

Bunyip, does this help answer your question?


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Bunyip, does this help answer your question?

Thanks Bintang.
I see that your graph doesn’t include the many thousands who have arrived so far this year. I believe the cost has now blown out to around 10 billion dollars.
That word ‘billion’ is so commonly tossed around these days that we don’t often stop to think just how much money a billion dollars really is – ONE THOUSAND MILLION dollars to be exact. Multiply that by ten to get some perspective on just how costly Labor’s incompetence has been in regard to this boat people problem, let alone all their other stuff ups.
This debacle has cost us 10 thousand million dollars so far. The school buildings debacle cost another 20 thousand million! And those are only two of Labor’s many costly mistakes.
In September this government should get no votes at all, and I do mean NONE. It almost beggars belief that in the coming federal election there are people who will be trying to vote Labor back into power so they can go on dishing out even more incompetence and stupidity.

Here’s a link to an article that was written about three weeks ago. Below the article are many irate comments from people who are justifiably angry and outraged at what Rudd and Gillard have done.
Bunyip, don't give me credit for the chart. it was just something that got delivered to my letter box.
Assumed it was a Liberal Party advert but there is no Liberal party logo on it?
The whole thing is a mess but it is not clear to me exactly what a Liberal government could do differently to turn back the tide.
I got one that was of similar format several weeks ago when the number of boats under Labor's watch reached 500.

The problem now is far worse than at any time under Howard's government and is obviously going to be much more difficult to turn around.
A tip of the hat to Martin Ferguson. One of few on the other side commanding our respect. The reason Martin fell out of favour is the same reason Australia will have an overwhelming change of government in Sept.
A tip of the hat to Martin Ferguson. One of few on the other side commanding our respect. The reason Martin fell out of favour is the same reason Australia will have an overwhelming change of government in Sept.

Absolutely, the loony's have blown any sort of equlibrium we had in our economy.
Now that mining is falling over, the government turns around to see who is going to save the day and all it can see is carnage.
Houses are already stupidly over priced and all the RBA can do is drop interest rates, which will further fuel house prices.
Absolute goons, they have snookered the Australian economy and it will end in tears. All because of self interest driving a government to appease minorities. It really is a sad state of affairs that will affect everyone.IMO
A tip of the hat to Martin Ferguson. One of few on the other side commanding our respect. The reason Martin fell out of favour is the same reason Australia will have an overwhelming change of government in Sept.

The unions have thrown up some great parliamentarians and Martin Ferguson is one. He makes the likes of Shorten and Combet look like imposters.
I liked Tony Abbott's tribute to Martin Ferguson - clearly genuinely felt.
I'm sorry to see Mr Ferguson go. He was one of the few in Labor capable of any empathy with business.
I liked Tony Abbott's tribute to Martin Ferguson - clearly genuinely felt.
I'm sorry to see Mr Ferguson go. He was one of the few in Labor capable of any empathy with business.

Yes I agree.
No doubt Mr Ferguson will be reminding the mining sector of the many kindnesses that he showed them while in Government and will pick up a well paying position upon his retirement.
No doubt Mr Ferguson will be reminding the mining sector of the many kindnesses that he showed them while in Government and will pick up a well paying position upon his retirement.

Don't worry about that all of the Labor members will be canvasing for Industry super fund board jobs and any other positions in expectation of being thrown out.
An about face by the Coalition, or a well executed piece of political trickery ?

Doesn't matter to me which it is. For once it is the right thing to do and I happen to like Andrew Wilkie's comment on the subject:

Tasmanian independent Andrew Wilkie said the original deal smacked of "financial self interest".
"So much for the public interest, and the disadvantaged ... (who) the Labor Party claims to represent," Mr Wilkie said.
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