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The Gillard Government

Pardon, could you repeat the question?

Wow, these dudes are picking fights tonight - splitting hairs and generally trying to flame and bait other posters, imo. Constantly attacking other posters. I might put a few more on ignore (not you sptrawler...)
Wow, these dudes are picking fights tonight - splitting hairs and generally trying to flame and bait other posters, imo.

Alternatively, it could be viewed that some dudes are simply saying "well, put up or shut up" i.e. they aren't starting the fights but if people want them, they aren't backing down.
Something that can't be demonstrated or proved in the affirmative or negative. For example, an non-interventionist God is a unfalsifiable hypothesis. One can believe it all you like but when proving it or disproving it is impossible.
Ah, so you meant 'unfalsifiable'. Your original post, which I questioned, said 'unfalsiable'.
I see the new technology jobs are kicking in for the industry shut down by the DUMB carbon tax. lol

Blue Scope workers feel ripped off, well they need to get over it, they probably voted for

The coalition wouldn't have had the b@lls to force this on them.

I also read a report that said Howards tax cuts are to blame for the current lack of revenue.

So if Howard/Costello paid back the inherited debt, they should just keep taxing the crap out of

Like everyone would be happy with What a dick.

Welcome back! lol
I don't hold any magic key or intellect. I have average intellect but have been gifted with a good problem solving mind which is conversely balanced by being bat crap crazy in some other areas such as inter-personal relationships.

I am not surprised given you are so argumentive. I imagine your acquaintances give you a wide berth. e.g. "Here comes that boring Dude again".
I am not surprised given you are so argumentive. I imagine your acquaintances give you a wide berth. e.g. "Here comes that boring Dude again".

Indeed. People who like trying to push their views on other people usually don't like others who push back.

Get use to it or give the conversations a wide berth.

The choice, as always, is yours.
Indeed. People who like trying to push their views on other people usually don't like others who push back.

Push your views to your hearts content, even if they are mainly just semantics. I won't push you back. You are not doing any harm, and if it makes you feel superior, go for it.
Push your views to your hearts content, even if they are mainly just semantics. I won't push you back. You are not doing any harm, and if it makes you feel superior, go for it.

The ignore function works well with certain poster, Calliope...
Push your views to your hearts content, even if they are mainly just semantics. I won't push you back. You are not doing any harm, and if it makes you feel superior, go for it.

Aww so I won't be getting anymore comparison's to the devil? I guess it's up from here then
That's a new word to me. Could you clarify it perhaps?

Quite often it's when talking about aa point in the past and saying Labor did X and Liberal would do Y. Only 1 course can be taken, but the other side will claim that if their course had been chosen the outcome would have been better.

You can create models and hypothesis out the wazoo but at the end of the day the only provable outcome is the choice that was made, none of the alternatives.
From the ABC web site (of course)

Prime Minister Julia Gillard hosts community cabinet meeting at Regents Park in western Sydney

Talking about Bible studies in front of school photos, isn't she fantastic, oh my goodness she really DOES care
Looks like Labor’s budget has in general been given the thumbs down by the public....I just saw a news headline that said ‘Consumer confidence dips 7% in wake of budget.’

I hope Labor's support dips by a similar amount.
Looks like Labor’s budget has in general been given the thumbs down by the public....I just saw a news headline that said ‘Consumer confidence dips 7% in wake of budget.’

I hope Labor's support dips by a similar amount.

There does appear to be a change in direction but as the blog author warns, "Just because some polls went up, it still could be noise, and even if its real it doesn't mean the Budget made it happen)".

I still think they will lose come September.

Edit: More polling.
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