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The Gillard Government

No, that accolade would have to go to Burns.

If he ever dared go to a pub and talk like he does here, someone would knock him out.

Keyboard hero Macquack at it again.

So you're a Hawke fan, that doesn't say much for you now does it.

Do you live in a part of town where people still try to knock each other out ?

I live in a part of town where people who try that are thrown in a cage where they belong.

Is that the best response you can come up with.

Your comebacks used to be more cutting and acid tongued.

Your slipping Burns, pick up your game.
Is that the best response you can come up with.

Your comebacks used to be more cutting and acid tongued.

Your slipping Burns, pick up your game.

I was told to go easy on you as you're old and cant even blow out your own birthday candles any more.

Yes, bunyip, I can't wait to see who gets the wrap for the post gfc, stuff up. The nasties have bandied together and are finger pointing at Rudd.
I would love to see how Swan comes
Notice how Gillard has got her head on TV a lot today, first the Tassie fires then the cricket and the McGrath foundation , election year ? You betcha

She's as cunning and calculating as sh******* rat.
Notice how Gillard has got her head on TV a lot today, first the Tassie fires then the cricket and the McGrath foundation , election year ? You betcha

She's as cunning and calculating as sh******* rat.

Good pick up. Her PR/Media department must be in over-drive after the NYE hangover...LOL...
It will take more than removing the strine and popping your head up at music festivals.
The goose is cooked, they are just trying to put sauce on it, to make it edible.
Yes, bunyip, I can't wait to see who gets the wrap for the post gfc, stuff up. The nasties have bandied together and are finger pointing at Rudd.
I would love to see how Swan comes

Which nasties are you referring to?

Rudd does have a lot to answer for. Above all he should be remembered as the idiot who, along with his deputy Gillard, threw out a policy that was doing a good job of keeping illegal boat people out, and replaced it with an idealistic and ill-considered policy that opened the flood gates to invasion from the north by people who are straining our resources and costing us thousands of millions of dollars a year.

Secondly, Rudd should be remembered, again with his deputy Gillard and his henchman Swan, as the fool who splashed money around with reckless abandon in pursuit of his grandiose dream to create ‘an education revolution’. More than twenty billion dollars later, our education standards have declined below what they were when Rudd took over.

For the life of me I can’t see why the media keep telling us how popular Rudd was and is. Popular with whom?? His own party dumped him because he was so unpopular with the electorate that the ALP was facing an almost certain landslide defeat if Rudd led them to the election. He didn’t even come close to rolling Gillard during the leadership challenge last year. Clearly he was unpopular with his own party and with Australians generally. So why do they keep telling us he is or was popular?
The First Bloke................

Tim Matheson, the First Bloke and Tony Abbott somehow ended up at the same barber shop.

As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken.

The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics.

As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Tim in his chair reached for the aftershave.

Tim was quick to stop him jokingly saying, "No thanks, Julia will smell that and think I've been in a brothel."

The second barber turned to Abbott and said, "How about you" Mr. Abbott?"

Abbott replied, "Go ahead, my wife doesn't know what the inside of a brothel smells like".
No need to be nasty, MacQuack.

Burns is a serial offender.

Anybody with a memory will remember Burn's insidious character assasination of Kevin Rudd. His new target is Julia Gillard.

I am no big fan of Julia Gillard, but a bit of respect is in order.
Oh dear. And I thought the new year was off to a quite civilised start until now.
Burnsie, please take it easy and ignore the provocation.

Good to see you trying to stabilise a situation, albeit with a bit of a stir.

Politicians are merely instruments voted in by the overall electorate. The voters blew the whistle, deals or no deals, mind flipping changes or not; so get over it and work positively for your respective parties on the next election.

What is past is gone, shake and move on.
Oh dear. And I thought the new year was off to a quite civilised start until now.
You know, before I came to ASF I didnt really discuss politics much, if at all.

I remember being somewhat happier (ignorant too) then. Whether it is right or not, it kind of feels like politics (whether it is the reactions to the policies or the actual "benefit" derived from them) only brings angst, saddness, despondancy, and all of those sort of negative emotions. You don't find much positive written in the sphere of politics any more. I thought the ultimate goal of society would be something along the lines of happiness (although as a utopic idea it is nigh impossible) but I don't see much evidence that anything political seems to bring much if anything of this ideal. Perhaps I'm just a cynic.
That's a very reasonable observation, vesupria, sadly.

Why do you think it is so?
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