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The Gillard Government

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it, and biologically probably not quite possible. However, there absolutely are people who would do this if they could.

I can assure you there are many families where it's of the utmost importance how old the youngest child is.
I've seen quite a few women who have never worked, who have usually five or six children, and who have without shame stated that when the youngest turns 16, they will get pregnant again.

They regard the taxpayer as an idiot. I've asked many young men what they're doing about finding a job.
In response I've received a blank look and the question "why would I want a job"?

It's very difficult for governments to devise a fair system. Ideally every individual would be treated one on one with mentoring, and supervision. Obviously that will never happen so we have amoral people usually from families where no one has ever worked and people who have just had some tough breaks all being treated similarly.

What's your proof for this statement?

A lot of people sprout it, but can you name 1 person you directly know who has done this??

I would hazard a guess that most single parents did not plan to have children, or if they did they have been left i the lurch by a partner who walked away from their responsibilities.
Gillard, with her pal Bob Hawke in tow, turned up at the Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland about a week ago. Obviously a publicity stunt that she hopes will rake in some younger voters at the next election.
My guess is that Julia Gillards attendance at these events is to create an impression.
An impression that that she is a capable and willing communicator-thus creating a difference with Tony Abbott.
Gillard, with her pal Bob Hawke in tow, turned up at the Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland about a week ago. Obviously a publicity stunt that she hopes will rake in some younger voters at the next election.

I saw this on the news and was disappointed to hear Hawke trot out the line that Gillard had been a victim of unfair criticism because of her sex. Never thougth Hawke would stoop so low as to play the sexism card

You're a bit late to the party sydboy. This has been covered ad infinitum by DocK and I.
I saw this on the news and was disappointed to hear Hawke trot out the line that Gillard had been a victim of unfair criticism because of her sex. Never thougth Hawke would stoop so low as to play the sexism card

Hawk was a drunken loud mouth idiot back in the day.
He would tell porkies as much as the next poli
I saw this on the news and was disappointed to hear Hawke trot out the line that Gillard had been a victim of unfair criticism because of her sex. Never thougth Hawke would stoop so low as to play the sexism card

Hawk was a drunken loud mouth idiot back in the day.
He would tell porkies as much as the next poli

Ah yes.......Bob Hawke – a foul-mouthed, drunken, womanising degenerate back in his heyday, a man of poor character who was capable of blatant dishonesty, and still is. Just the type who would impress someone like Gillard.
It sounds like some of you people know Bobby on a personal level.Perhaps you would like to titilate us with some salacious recollections?
Ah yes.......Bob Hawke – a foul-mouthed, drunken, womanising degenerate back in his heyday, a man of poor character who was capable of blatant dishonesty, and still is. Just the type who would impress someone like Gillard.

That sums him up, a nasty arrogant ********, who used tears to get votes.
The children are still in poverty Bob , you made that promise while rubbing shoulders with Kerry Packer at the casino with a huge cigar in your mouth.
Backstabbed his wife into the bargain, a Labor legend and a true match for Gillard.

+1 I agree Burnsie.
It sounds like some of you people know Bobby on a personal level.Perhaps you would like to titilate us with some salacious recollections?
ask him how great he was at kung fu. Loudest wanker in the pub
It wouldn't hurt though for Abbott & Co to be a little more visible within the general population. I'm not suggesting that Tony make an appearance at Summafieldayze or the like, but he needs to be seen as a Man of the People. I haven't seen much of him on telly lately? Maybe something connected with women to show wouldn't hurt - is there a netball comp or the like he could open?
ask him how great he was at kung fu. Loudest wanker in the pub

Or how he crushed the pilots when they went on strike for his good mate Sir Peter Ables, funny how Bob was President of the ACTU then PM for a while yet retired with millions, must be just lucky I guess

Cried like a baby at Ables funeral.

Crawled all over Sigrid Thornton at one stage but she fended him off, a creep of the highest order.
The Weekend Australian Financial Review - Page 41 - "Another fine mess you've got us into"

Very interesting article.
With Bob Hawke's as PM, you have to remember it was a different time.

The Coalition a had a long reign pre-1975, and by 1983 Malcolm Fraser wasn't liked. Hawke was loud and abrasive, a rough diamond, but very bright, and there was a mood for change. History will rank Hawke highly as a PM, certainly much higher than Whitlam, Keating, or Gillard. But not as highly as John Howard.

Bob Hawke was a man for the times, and very popular with voters.

When you strip away the trappings of power and prestige, then you see the man, and this is what posters above have been commenting on. Think small person syndrome (smaller that 'Little Johnnie'), and euphemistically, an "appetite", to rival JFK.
Here's an interesting letter from Keating to Hawke - it throws some light on what a dishonest, egotistical dingbat Hawke was and still is.

Not that Keating was a paragon of virtue either, but despite his abrasive nature I think he was a more honourable man that Hawke ever was.

There are many similarities of character between Hawke and Gillard - which no doubt explains their mutual admiration.
Both are people of poor character who are unfit to lead our country.
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