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The Gillard Government

Joke (or is it?). In two parts (sigh) because of ongoing problems with longer posts.
Here is the rest (I hope)
Be ready with your baseball bats for an early election.

There is no way that Labor will deliver the next budget.
The world leaders are apparently ignorant of her defence of the disgustingly misogynistic and vivid descriptions of female genitalia by the odious Slipper.
She is the ultimate hypocrite.
I would assume that Tony Abbott is completely unknown to the world leaders, so any opinion they expressed on the speech would have been on the assumption that Gillard's claims about Abbott were true. It is appalling that Gillard would use that as some sort of vindication.

I was also surprised by Janet Holmes a Court's approval of the speech. She spoke of the venom she has seen on the internet against Gillard and justified it on that basis. Whilst she is probably correct that there is a lot of misogyny on the net, she seems to forget that the speech was not directed against those on the net, but specifically against Abbott.

I am surprised too. There is plenty of venom on the internet against Tony Abbott as well, or anyone for that matter.
Does Gillard really think by sprouting her MISOGYNIST lie to world leaders will get her over the line at the next election.

I think NOT.

It was a cheap shot by a tacky lady, leading a tacky party.
Slagging off at people, with no basis, in order to promote your own standing, is a short lived popularity ploy.
How many of the people you worked with, that employed this activity, ended up on their ar$e.
It works well in the U.K, but If Abbott doesn't get sucked in, it will backfire here. IMO

What if Abbott asks for examples of his sexism?
What if he takes her to task on it, in the run up to the election?
There is one thing for sure, the coalition would be stupid to say anything untill an election is called.
This government stands for nothing, other than re election, there is nothing they won't back flip on, change policy on, or even adopt coalition policy on.
This government imo has no soul, it is just about retaining office, nothing to do with labor beliefs.
They sold out to the Greens and found it is wasn't that hard, it's just like running a
Obama-care, Obama victory, the US people have spoken. The ones that vote anyway.

Bolt is about a decade late with the following observation, and clearly hasn't worked with any state public service:

Obama win celebrated in post-racial US

...Well, welcome to the new age of identity politics - a time when seeming trumps doing, identity trumps performance and receiving beats giving...
Obama-care, Obama victory, the US people have spoken. The ones that vote anyway.

Bolt is about a decade late with the following observation, and clearly hasn't worked with any state public service:

It will be interesting to see how it plays out here.

The litmus test will be the W.A election.
Labor has a new, younger more popular leader, facing upto Barnett who has brought in a lot of price hikes.
My money is on the Libs, but I have been wrong before, on many occassions.
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