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The Gillard Government

This is a policy issue not a backdoor issue for two individuals.
It's a policy issue mostly for the government, including those untouchable Greens who are part of the government.

Its her mess she needs to clean it up! - but I guarantee she won't.
She's hoping the Coalition will weaken.

That's Labor's only hope of salvaging anything from this mess.
Whos talking about running the "country" ?

This particular issue requires a bipartisan approach.

This is running the country, dealing with these boats is the responsibility of the government, of which Gillard is the head. Bi-partisan approach or not it's up to her to sort it out, if she needs the Coalition's help because she won't put pressure on the Greens - part of her own government- she needs to initiate it.
Gillard plea for offshore solution.!!!
Abbott was on the radio today saying she has not even contacted him.

What? Is Tony Abbott running the country all of a sudden. The responsibility is Gillard's. Pure politics, she knows his number.

Exactly right. There's no political advantage to Tony Abbott to do anything.
The Labor government created the problem. It's their responsibility to fix it.
At the very least they could put in writing their proposed revised position to Mr Abbott.
What have they done? Sweet nothing other than mouth platitudes on the media.

the Liberal Government caused it all by invading countries at the request of George oil Bush that now supply the bulk of refugees and asylum seekers to the world market. You cant change the past no matter how many times you say labor caused this.

Oh God, you have posted some ridiculous stuff on this forum but this about takes the cake. How many years back will you choose to go in order to attempt to evade the question? (it's a rhetorical question: please do not attempt to answer).

We all know, yourself included, that the Howard government essentially stopped boat riding asylum seekers.
The government changed and so did the relevant policy in order to appease the Greens.
We are now seeing the results.
End of story.

Hmmm - I expressed part agreement with this sentiment a few days ago, just to get the debate past the alleged cause of the problem, so that the focus could be on the pernicious trade of people-smuggling.

But not any more, so let's start with Afghanistan. As I previously said, the ethnic Hazaras who make their way to Australia by boat have been persecuted for centuries by the Taliban. The so-called "George oil Bush" war has severely knee-capped the Taliban (ask Osama). Still the ethnic Hazaras leave, stay in Pakistan, come to Australia because of their fear of persecution. But let me ask you this. Would their fear be much greater, and persecuted in much larger numbers if the Taliban had been allowed to roan Afghanistan with impunity?

With Iraq, was not Saddam Hussein the greatest persecutor of his own people, the Shias to the south especially after Bush senior failed to chase the Kuwaiti-invading Iraqis all the way to Baghdad, and the exploits of his henchmen (Chemical Ali in particular) in gassing the Kurds to the north?

Yes, I don't particularly agree with Bush's wars either (particularly his motivation for getting into them). BUT would the refugee problem not have been much greater if he hadn't gone in and got Saddam and Osama? Just watch Syria right now without intervention.

Do you recall in the 80's when we set up temporary visas to fly people from the Balkans over to Australia when the genocidal Serbian commanders went about their work. Do you remember US jets under Clinton's command going in for a sortie and almost bringing the conflict to an end overnight?

History. You gotta love it.
And let's not forget all the asylum seekers coming from Sri Lanka (Tamils), Iran and various other places.
And why not? No need for any documentation, first class hospital and dental treatment. Social security payments. Free public housing. Hell, why wouldn't they want to come!
We all know, yourself included, that the Howard government essentially stopped boat riding asylum seekers.

No they helped cause it - millions have been refugees looking for a Home since - and it continues to unfold. And now the its come home to roost both sides are playing politics - I would predict labor will buckle as they are more humanitarian to do whatever Liberals want if it slows the flow and reduces the risk of death.


Labor abolished the Pacific Solution. The Solution that clearly worked. I understand the Pacific Solution was set up with bipartisan support with Labor in 2002.

Why labor stupidly decided to politicise for the 2007 election by wanting to abolish it beggars belief when they had a landslide win due to work choices anyway. They didn't need to make Boat Arrivals political.

What silly nonsense you keep posting.
If l were in their position, l would bypass, what, 6-10 countries to get here. You'd be stupid not to

And lets not forget about the 10s of thousands of unemployed Kiwis who fly here instead of catching a boat ?

60 thousand odd environmental refugees fled Christchurch for example probably half coming here and many getting help yet you all go on about 4k refugees from other countries who are fleeing persecution mostly.

NC - the Pacific Solution provided safety for genuine refugees while discouraging wealthy people (who may not even be refugees) paying smugglers to get here.

I would have thought you would have been more compassionate for the plight of genuine refugees who are being made to wait longer now that these wealthy ones are pushing in front of them and using up our resources.
Hi Sails -

Is there a rule that says you arnt aloud to be a wealthy refugee ? If you are fleeing for your life do you stop and tell the gun toting person , stop im rich you cant hurt me ?
Hi Sails -

Is there a rule that says you arnt aloud to be a wealthy refugee ? If you are fleeing for your life do you stop and tell the gun toting person , stop im rich you cant hurt me ?

A genuine refugee I don't care if they are wealthy or not. But money shouldn't be an issue. What about the thousands languishing in refugee camps around the world waiting for placements??? These were definitely fleeing for their lives.

Captain Emad was not a refugee, but he is likely very wealthy from his people smuggling activities and he arrived by boat and was clearly untruthful in his claims.

There have been many articles and facts over these last couple of years that indicate many boat arrivals are not genuine refugees but clearly you do not bother to educate yourself.

Your posts lack intelligence and have done nothing to change my mind - in fact your posts just make a bigger fool of labor and their policies, imo.
Hi Sails -

Is there a rule that says you arnt aloud to be a wealthy refugee ? If you are fleeing for your life do you stop and tell the gun toting person , stop im rich you cant hurt me ?

Hey numbercruncher, does your mum know you are still up playing on the computer?
And lets not forget about the 10s of thousands of unemployed Kiwis who fly here instead of catching a boat ?
Not sure what boats would ply the waters between here and NZ.

60 thousand odd environmental refugees fled Christchurch for example probably half coming here and many getting help yet
What total rubbish. Try to find anything to support that. You'll be looking for a long time.
New Zealanders arriving in Australia are not eligible for social security benefits.

Maybe instead of continuing to post complete nonsense, spend a bit of time learning how to spell.
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