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The Gillard Government

I suspect her criticism of the Europeans was more for domestic consumption.

She should take lessons from the character above, or better still, he should come over here and give our government a serve.

I think you are a bit annoyed with them trawler.
I think you are a bit annoyed with them trawler.

Mate I am so over them, I just wish they would go to an election so the true feeling of the Australian population, as to their worth, could be judged.
If they were people of honour and believed their deeds were reflective of the electorate, they would go to an election on their merit. LOL,LOL,LOL
No they are just running around telling everyone how good they are, yet not putting it up for judgement.
Yes go to the G20 and say how great a government they are, yet are too scared to call an election.

Well done Calliope, I said to myself I wouldn't get wound up about these goons after the holiday, well that lasted about 14 days.
Europe bristles after Julia Gillard's nagging over economic management.

The stupidity of this PM on a daily basis is beyond belief.

Not only is she worst PM Australia has ever had but she is also the dumbest.
Europe bristles after Julia Gillard's nagging over economic management.

The stupidity of this PM on a daily basis is beyond belief.

Not only is she worst PM Australia has ever had but she is also the dumbest.

And seemingly delusional. Seems unbelievable that she waddles around and carries on with "look at moi" while seeming totally oblivious that her and her ludicrous policies are simply not wanted and despised by the majority.
The small point she fails to mention when lecturing Europe on how to fix their difficulties is that the Labor government here started off in a position of inheriting a substantial surplus which allowed them the stimulus she is so fond of mentioning. Hardly a situation Europe finds itself in.
Ms Gillard said the Australian economy was the "envy of the world" and world leaders just "sighed" when she told them about the economy in Australia.

Perhaps they were just snoring.
Perhaps they were just snoring.

Maybe it is a diversion from us talking about Craig Thomson, Peter Slipper, the carbon dioxide tax, the flood of boat people, the BER, pink batts and all the other stuff ups.
I see the Labor party beginning to implode.
Gillard is campaigning over seas on the world stage!
Combet is starting to talk rot.
Roxon is carrying on .
Conroy is sniping at Abbott.
Conroy has ok'd the New Limited shake up, like he has much say in the matter!
Carr is where we like him, out of the country.
Where is Kevin.?:couch
Shorten must be up to something!!!

I've got chronicaly fatigued at this Labor Party, and gone into auto pilot over all this cringe-worthy embarrassment. It's one thing to get up the nose of your own electorate. We deserve it because we partially put them there.

I mean this collectively, accepting the weasel job Gillard did after the poll without giving a thought to cutting lose her 'no carbon tax' promise.

But to venture overseas and do a "Kath and Kim" meets "Wayne's World" impersonation just shows how insular they are.

I suspect most of the electorate are just going into hibernation and just waiting to unleash at the election. It correlates with the pollsters showing the 'switch off' effect.

The next 12 months are going to seem like an eternity.

I have a feeling you won't have to wait another 12 months.
If Ms Gillard goes ahead with her dirt file she could be in for more than she bargained for in the future as explained by Larry Pickering.

Home Live Gallery Blog About Contact JULIA IN DEEPER **** THAN CRAIG:

Thomson is involved in rorting $500,000 from the HSU.

Gillard is involved in rorting $1 million from the AWU.

To date, no attempt has been made by either union to recover one cent.

As a backbencher, Thomson had no clout with media.

As Prime Minister, Gillard used her clout to kill the story... and this is how she did it:

Bruce Wilson was an AWU heavy and Gillard’s boyfriend at the time. He had been threatening developers in a thinly disguised, mob-style protection racket: Industrial peace for payment... up to $50,000 at a time.

The payments went straight to accounts Gillard had arranged while she was still working for the Left wing law firm, Slater & Gordon.

Gillard was into the scam up to her elbows and, as she was screwing Wilson at the time, pillow talk wasn’t confined to her other sexual exploits including married father, and current, Trade Minister Craig Emerson and now Gold Coast spiv Tim Mathieson who departed the Coast leaving multiple unpaid debts.

Her part in the scam was rewarded with $50,000 of renovations to her house and a $25,000 account at a top fashion house (although one could be forgiven for thinking she never used it.)

The story broke and Gillard went into frenzied damage control.

When the dust settled, Gillard was still PM but ground-breaking journalists were sacked, News Ltd CEO, John Hartigan, resigned. Both Fairfax and News Ltd immediately spiked the story and pulled broadcasts, Andrew Bolt threatened to resign, Laurie Oakes was told, “Don’t even think about it!” Blogs disappeared in a cloud of dust. Radio jocks were instructed to drop it.

ABC and ‘The Australian’ journalist, Glenn Milne, had spent months carefully documenting Gillard’s devastating involvement. His story had been legalled and it ran in ‘The Australian’ on Monday, August 1st 2011. It was immediately pulled after one phone call from Gillard.

Slavish supporter of Gillard, the ABC, promptly sacked Milne.

Gillard continued a barrage of phone calls to the then CEO of News Ltd, John Hartigan and there was a meeting arranged at the offices of News Ltd. What exactly was said at that meeting may never be known but it certainly didn’t resemble what Gillard said it was about.

The Leveson Hacking Inquiry was threatening to engulf Australia’s media and Gillard saw her opportunity. She used Bob Brown as a verbal battering ram to threaten Fairfax and Murdoch with an “inquiry”. Gillard herself publicly entered the fray with her now famous utterance: “There are questions that need to be answered.” That statement was carefully crafted to put the fear of God into the media. After much questioning she has refused to say what those questions might be.

A Leveson-style inquiry here would mutilate the very core of Australia’s media and their executives as it has, and is still doing, in the UK.

Fairfax and Murdoch executives, to put it bluntly, were ****ting themselves. Their indecent grappling for a piece of an ever-decreasing circulation market-share would have opened an ugly can of worms. A can I will let sit for another time.

So, this squalid deal was done but the sordid tale still bubbles below the surface. It reaches to the very heart of the Labor movement. We are witnessing only the tip of unions’ mob-like protection rackets and their corrupt manipulation of our Parliaments.

This shameful story will eventually be told in full colour. It will be a long and agonising read.

But, in the interim, today’s fetid political power holds sway.

LARRY PICKERING • 6 days ago
It's clearly too much to hope that she might devote some attention to the thousands of Australians living in poverty.

The following letter appeared in "The Australian" yesterday. Says it all imo:

Trust me Gillard is going for a Nobel prize or a humanity award.

As she puts the Australians into poverty, she is traveling the Globe solving other nations problems.

It's clearly too much to hope that she might devote some attention to the thousands of Australians living in poverty.

The following letter appeared in "The Australian" yesterday. Says it all imo:


I concur Captain, or should that be 'Comrade'? LOL
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