^ Gillard, and particulary the First Bloke, make a poofteenth of the salary of corporate high-flyers, yet your diatribe is directed at those COMPARATIVE paupers.
At least Gillard and Mathieson pay tax!!!!!
+1.Those 2 bludgers will be sucking at the teat of the taxpayer for the rest of their miserable lives. Fine reward for protecting their own position at the expense of decency and honesty.
According to the Budget Reply speech, the cumulative budget bottom line has
- deteriorated by $26M in 12 months, and behind the scenes the Govt is
- proposing to add a further $50M to the Commonwealth debt ceiling. This is being hidden in Appropriation Bills.
There's your likelihood of a surplus.
Thanks Noco,
the sum is billions.
- $26Bill bottom line deterioration in 12 months
- covertly seeking a further $50Bill to the Commonwealth debt ceiling
How can the current Government go further in debt, but still have surplus?
How can the current Government go further in debt, but still have surplus?
There are rumours floating around that the current Gov is borrowing 100million a day? Is this true, are there any links to it?
If so, why isn't the opposition pointing it out.
Only link l could find was;
Glenn's post was all about people enjoying a high life due to their priveliged positions. I appreciate the difference between taxpayer funded and not, but realistically, even if Gillard was paid $10m per year that only equates to less than a dollar for each taxpayer.+1.
And Eager, what a silly comparison you attempt to make.
The people whom you describe as 'corporate high fliers' are not paid by the taxpayer.
It's only the business of the shareholders what the CEOs of corporate Australia are paid.
No it wasn't. It was about what the taxpayer is funding.Glenn's post was all about people enjoying a high life due to their
privileged positions.
Really? Your post suggested otherwise.I appreciate the difference between taxpayer funded and not,
It doesn't matter what she is paid if she is not delivering value for money. And she sure as hell is not. All she is about is maintaining her own position at the expense of the electorate and the long term good of the country.but realistically, even if Gillard was paid $10m per year that only equates to less than a dollar for each taxpayer.
Dannyboy, I remember the $100m per day being plastered all over the polling boths in the last federal election so it has been brought out. Maybe the libs will zero back in on that for their election advertising.
And here is a website which explains debt vs. deficit: http://thenationaldebtcrisis.com/national-debt-vs-budget-deficit/
In my basic understanding:
Income less expenses = deficit or surplus (cashflow or lack of)
Expenses include interest expense incurred from loans (debt)
I am sure someone will correct me if I have it wrong...lol
I believe the reason she is doing o.k in the polls is she keeps harping on that they will bring the budget to surplus. The general public is thinking that means they are out of debt.
What Abbot needs to do is start and tell the public how much debt we have on board due to these goons.
Also how long it will take to feasably get back to where we were 5 years ago.
I believe the reason she is doing o.k in the polls is she keeps harping on that they will bring the budget to surplus. The general public is thinking that means they are out of debt.
What Abbot needs to do is start and tell the public how much debt we have on board due to these goons.
Also how long it will take to feasably get back to where we were 5 years ago.
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