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The Gillard Government

Similar to your sista sails who can label people as twats etc as she pleases, thanks to the new lower standards that are now deemed acceptable by Joe.

Actually, the standards are not lower, but I do take several factors into account when making a moderation decision. These include, but are not limited to, the person's previous record of behaviour and the element of provocation, both of which were taken into account in the decision to which you refer. My decision in that case was that a warning was appropriate, and one was issued.

However, I am not going to take this thread off topic. If you wish to discuss this further, you may PM me.
That was what my comment was referring to, not racist not discriminatory just a recognition that we are fast moving to being a truly Asian nation along with the influx of the Asian people into Australia.

There are plenty of Australians who could learn from the study and work ethics of many Asian cultures.
This article in The Australian wouldn't have helped investors frame of mind today.

There are plenty of Australians who could learn from the study and work ethics of many Asian cultures.

Yes many years ago Aussies hated the Italians because they took all the jobs, but the fact was they were prepared to work harder.

Just one post, Joe. I am offering an apology to Eager for calling him a "twat". I looked the word up today and didn't realise just how offensive it is and would never have used that word. .. . Yes, Eager's insulting post got me very annoyed, but he didn't deserve that. However, I will keep him on ignore as I find the insults he weaves into his posts generally tend to raise the blood pressure a bit too much and subsequently draw out swiping responses from me!

Back on the depressing topic of the Gillard Government!
Just one post, Joe. I am offering an apology to Eager for calling him a "twat". I looked the word up today and didn't realise just how offensive it is and would never have used that word. .. .
Thank you, your apology is accepted. Really.
The HSU report has been tabled in parliament tonight. 1127 pages of it.

Read more from NineMSN:Thomson spent union money on campaign: FWA

Full report:

Will be an interesting day in the house of reps tomorrow...
Thank you, your apology is accepted. Really.

Thanks Eager. I saw you had posted and took you off ignore to see if you had responded. I'll leave it off for now and see how we go...
He must get so sick of her constant school yard tactics. I think he has earned the right to be PM putting up with this constant nonsense.
Actually, imo if he continues with his present tactic of saying little and ignoring her personal jibes it's likely he will acquire more brownie points. Her behaviour says way more about her than it does about him.
He seems to be gradually learning the dignity of shutting up.
Have you lost trust in modern Australian politics?

Yes 68%
What's trust got to do with it? 18%
No 14%
6124 votes counted
from ABC poll
Lucky for him.... Every time he opens his mouth dumb usually falls out.

Below is Abbott's speech at the Red Cross yesterday - no digs at Gillard. It seems dumb frequently comes out of her mouth in the form of personal attacks.

And this was Gillards little quirp.
An excerpt from Niki Savva on Bolt's Blog - Why doesn’t Labor choose a leader who’ll change its policy?:

And I agree with Bolt when he adds, "Niki is right about the what: the carbon tax. Which means the decision for Labor is not which leader voters will like most, but which will scrap the tax. "

Full article from the Australian (Subscription required): Nothing to lose but the wrong leader
Sounds like Oakeshott might falter, he has to decide pension or pride. I think pension will win. LOL
The hand is on the ripcord ready to bale out and I bet Wilkie isn't far behind. Jumping second doesn't score as well with the electorate.
It is great to see the penny has dropped with labor, queensland result would have told them.
Also Bob Brown walking away into the sunset with his partner, smile on his face, mission accomplished. He really played Julia and the problem for her is she faces a secret ballot it's called an election.
I am betting this will be the biggest swing against a government ever recorded in Australia.

If the independents don't jump ship they are just giving the coalition more numbers.LOL
If the independents don't jump ship they are just giving the coalition more numbers.LOL

Even if the rats jumped ship today it still would not save them at the next election.

They are gooooooooooone!
If the independents don't jump ship they are just giving the coalition more numbers.LOL

Could we hope for a balance of integrity in this fiasco.?

Thompson responds to allegations.
Parliament discuss the situation rationally.
Thompson is suspended from parliament, because of vote from independents until the legal system gets into motion.

No sorry I was just being hopeful.
I could just see that "little grub" Wilkie going for another deal to buy his vote.
Any which way, I believe Oakeshott will be the key!
He has decided he would like to stay in politics.

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