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The Gillard Government

Makes you sick doesnt it, she's going to spend as much of our money as possible to buy votes before she gets thrown out
The worst of it is the way they play favourites. Joe Hockey this morning on 'ALP Insiders' called it carbon tax cost-of-living compensation.

I say, it is only for (the usual) select few.

Hot tip: watch out for your superannuation in the Fed budget when announced.
Hot tip: watch out for your superannuation in the Fed budget when announced.
It's allready known that the super tax rebate on super contributions for earners over $300k will be reduced. That though only affects a very limited number of people and therefore the revenue gained.

The question though is what else is to come ?
Here is economist, Professor Judith Sloan on the Bolt Report this morning talking about the attempts to bring the budget back to surplus. Interesting...

Here is economist, Professor Judith Sloan on the Bolt Report this morning talking about the attempts to bring the budget back to surplus. Interesting...]

She is very impressive. She is contributing economics editor for The Australian.
Makes you sick doesnt it, she's going to spend as much of our money as possible to buy votes before she gets thrown out

I got kids! I win!

(Agree with comment though)
I got kids! I win!

(Agree with comment though)

If you've got kids, you would have already been eligible for 50% rebates on uniforms and whatever else Gillard sprouted off before the last election. But, once again, she doesn't keep that promise, lets most of the financial year go by where people have been keeping their dockets only to find she changes the goal posts AND apparently it is to be means tested.
All that hot air out of universities, in the case of La Trobe Uni, must be igniting the coal sitting under it.
Oh, the ignorance!!!!!

You think that LaTrobe University is situated in the LaTrobe Valley, which is known for its brown coal mines and power stations.


Do yourself a favour and stop assuming things. Do some research instead. Never mind, I feel sorry for ignoramuses sometimes. Here y'go:

You know what's REALLY ignorant ? People who barge in and call others names with no purpose other than to offend, that's you Eager....ignorant.:bad:
You know what's REALLY ignorant ? People who barge in and call others names with no purpose other than to offend, that's you Eager....ignorant.:bad:

lol - was Eager talking to me? I remain blissfully unaware and blood pressure remains intact...
lol - was Eager talking to me? I remain blissfully unaware and blood pressure remains intact...

No he was talking to StumpyPhantom who just happened to be in his line of fire.
The French don't seem to mind a Gillard-esque government, having elected President Hollande, who at first glance seems a socialist cut from the same cloth.

The French have rebelled against the austerity measures of former Pres Sarkozy. As far as France and Europe are concerned, I've got a bad feeling about this.
You know what's REALLY ignorant ? People who barge in and call others names with no purpose other than to offend, that's you Eager....ignorant.:bad:
Similar to your sista sails who can label people as twats etc as she pleases, thanks to the new lower standards that are now deemed acceptable by Joe.

Have you devised your own meaning for ignorant, Mr Burns? One to fit your way of thinking? To be ignorant is to sprout off while lacking knowledge in the subject at hand - I pointed out to StumpyPhantom that LaTrobe University was indeed not in the LaTrobe Valley and it was obvious that he/she made a false connection due to its name.

If you are now saying that it is no longer acceptable to pull people up on erroneous posts, what are we all going to talk about????

I might have to start charging you for lessons in "niceness" calling someone ignorant is an insult.
The typical Liberal mantra:
Originally Posted by MrBurns
I think we better just forget the idea that Australia is meant for white Anglo Saxons.

Under your standards this is an ignorant statement on your behalf, please be free to take this as an insult.

For generations we had the white Australia policy, it was in place to avoid racial tension, even when it was done away with people still thought of Australia as predominantly occupied by white skinned people and that thought that Australia is still predominant white still persists, it doesn't mean that others aren't welcome but many draw the line at total domination of this country by other races of people.

That was what my comment was referring to, not racist not discriminatory just a recognition that we are fast moving to being a truly Asian nation along with the influx of the Asian people into Australia.
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