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The Gillard Government

Smith is already toxic imo, they wouldn't get the lift they are after.
Guess who is dusting off his colloquialisms

Smith is a dud always looks scared.
They only have one alternative if they change.
So what did the PM achieve today?
Craig Thompson is on the cross bench! He will still vote Labor.
Pete is on a paid holiday until the accusations are cleared. He is happy!
Media time was taken up.
Craig pointed out he was in control.
Julia pointed out she was in control.
The viewers realised nobody is in control.
What was achieved. NOTHING!!!. Business as usual.
So what did the PM achieve today?

She successfully perplexed us all by telling us that 'a line was crossed'. The use of the phrase aside, isn't it blindingly clear that she's done it because the STENCH was now overwhelming?
She successfully perplexed us all by telling us that 'a line was crossed'. The use of the phrase aside, isn't it blindingly clear that she's done it because the STENCH was now overwhelming?

The public are well and truly onto her now she wont get away with any more's over.
The public are well and truly onto her now she wont get away with any more's over.

The public was well and truly over it months ago. It's just one thing after the other with the list being so long that you can't even remember it all. People are just switching off from anything political.
The public was well and truly over it months ago. It's just one thing after the other with the list being so long that you can't even remember it all. People are just switching off from anything political.

Whats happening now is multiple nails in the Labor coffin and to be honest I'm enjoying it, she has been a thorn in the side for so long it's good to see her get what she deserves.
It is a pity the Governor General is a Labor supporter and is Bill Shorten's mother-in-law, she might have had the balls to desolve parliament and call a general election.
I guess under the circumstances she has little choice but grin and bare it!!
It is a pity the Governor General is a Labor supporter and is Bill Shorten's mother-in-law, she might have had the balls to desolve parliament and call a general election.
I guess under the circumstances she has little choice but grin and bare it!!

She would have to so what is "right" regardless of her wimpy son in law.
Well over here in the cold and miserable mother country, the only thing mentioned has been an interview with Bill Shorten. They kept replaying the part where he sounds like a mindless goon who can't think for himself when asked a question.
All he kept repeating was ,I agree with whatever the Prime Minister has to say on any issue whether it is right or wrong.
The interviewer was amused by it and didn't let it go, Shorten came over very badly.
There must be a real cicus going on over there.
This would no doubt apply to all states -
What has forced Gillard Labor back to the last line of defence ?

The obvious response is that the FWA investigation into the HSU will be sufficiently negative towards Craig Thompson as to warrant this shambolic retreat.

It is of course token as the government will still be counting his vote.

The Labor alligned independents will face some tough choices in the not to distant future.

She had to be seen to be doing something, this Govt is on it's last legs, get ready for an early election.
The obvious response is that the FWA investigation into the HSU will be sufficiently negative towards Craig Thompson as to warrant this shambolic retreat.

This is eminently plausible. It seems to fit the language of 'having crossed the line".

I'm still having trouble visualising how the early election will eventuate though. All of the independents and cross benchers have more reason to avoid the 'no confidence' vote than to vote in favour of it.

I just have the feeling that things are so bad something's got to break.....soon.
I just have the feeling that things are so bad something's got to break.....soon.
That point could be when the prospect of a legacy stained with the stench of the current government becomes too much for the independents.

A very real possibility now after the events of the past 24 hours.
That point could be when the prospect of a legacy stained with the stench of the current government becomes too much for one or more of the independents.

A very real possibility now after the events of the past 24 hours.

I've been saying that for a while, at some point one of them may decide that to side with the majority of public opinion and withdraw support will give them a better chance at retaining their own seat....and it would.
Probably a blood vessel in Wayne Swan's forehead, because it is all about him in the next week!!

If the budget is a balls up and let's face it thats possible, that would signal the end, Windsor would be first to jump I think.
What has forced Gillard Labor back to the last line of defence ?

The obvious response is that the FWA investigation into the HSU will be sufficiently negative towards Craig Thompson as to warrant this shambolic retreat.
Yes, that's how I see it also. They know what's in the dreaded report so the government thinks the electorate is stupid enough to swallow the line which will inevitably be trotted out when the **** hits the fan:

"The government will not tolerate any member behaving inappropriately, whether such inappropriate action is criminal or otherwise. We have therefore removed Mr Thomson from the Party".

or something along those lines.

Ditto Slipper now enjoying a taxpayer funded holiday because the government knows he's going to come unstuck at long last.
They will conveniently forget all the cabinet ministers who said he was entitled to the presumption of innocence.

Such nauseating presumption that the electorate does not see through their pathetic machinations.
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