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The Gillard Government

Some competition coming in the Get Up space.

Sorry I've tried to stay out of this thread.

The Gillard government would be the greatest crowd of losers, no-hopers and muppets that ever walked god's earth , bar none.



Careful Doc. Questioning Mr Eager's veracity is off limits!!:headshake


Come on Calliope, there is no protective wings, kangaroo courts or anything of the sort.

There is plenty of hurley burley in these politics threads from all sides, and sometimes we all take it a bit too far.

Let's move on shall we?

Well said, Doc... Sorry, I'm a bit late to the party on this one but have to agree with doc. Moving on now - or is it mooving foorwaard...
Some competition coming in the Get Up space.

Interesting - thanks Logique! After nearly getting sucked in with GetUp some time back thinking they were genuinely wanting to give people a voice with their petitions and nearly provided them with my email, I decided to see who this Timothy Andrews is that is running this new organisation.

Here is some information I found on him and it seems he is pretty genuine - will see what else I can find out about him:

And an interesting article from him on the influence of the World Wildlife Fund:
Would that be the shifty face you have chosen for your avatar? It is spot on.

Seriously, you might want to think about making personal attacks on Boris Badenof

Let's just put it this way, I believe he is friends with the well known Industrial Relations Consultant, Tom Domican.
Well I have seen it all.
Many times the voters have been told that the Federal Government is independent of the RBA.

Well my take is that the Federal Government is now campaigning on a rate decrease next month.
Gillard has had a say.
On the news this morning Conroy has had a say.
But you guessed it. He could not go the distance without mentioning Tony Abbott.

So I have come to conclude that Labor MP's have each been given a "blister"( that is a stick on note), to attach to the mirror in their bathroom.
It says "Today is kick "s**t out of Tony Abbott day."
So I have come to conclude that Labor MP's have each been given a "blister"( that is a stick on note), to attach to the mirror in their bathroom.
It says "Today is kick "s**t out of Tony Abbott day."

You are probably right Joe. Apparently the message has also gone out to "rusted on" lefties. Conroy's mantra is also "kick the sh*t out of The Australian." It is ironic that the Minister for Communications is the foremost opponent of freedom of speech.
Well I have seen it all.
Many times the voters have been told that the Federal Government is independent of the RBA.

Well my take is that the Federal Government is now campaigning on a rate decrease next month.


Smoke and mirrors, the fed had hinted at a rate cut already due to current conditions. Labor trying to score some fake brownie points. So labor knows it's coming but want to score some easy polls with some fake campaigning. Even if RBA don't lower their rates it's basically a a low risk strat for labor

The government will be restricting spending next budget, this will lower growth which will cause a lowering of interest rates and lower Australian dollar.
Win/win as far as I can see with the morgage belt (but not the retirees).

David Murray is horribly conflicted and unable to see things through his own political biases. He should be ignored.
The article is only available to subscribers, Calliope. Any chance of your doing a copy and paste for here?

This is the article. As an aside Julia, you can subscribe for a 1 month free trial to the Australian Digital Version at the moment. That is how I have access and it is the second free trial I have been given.

How the tables have turned: the night intolerance came to dinner with Tony Abbott

DINING in the heart of Greens MP Adam Bandt's seat, Tony Abbott might not have expected the support he got from Lygon Street customers last Sunday night.

If Labor and the Greens are losing in Melbourne's Carlton, the government really may be in for an electoral Armageddon. That strikes me as the only long-term political point to take out of an unpleasant little kerfuffle in Melbourne last Sunday night, when I had dinner with the Opposition Leader.

Dining with Abbott implies no particular partisanship on my part. In the course of several decades of journalism, I suspect I have had marginally more meals with Labor folks than with Liberals. Certainly Abbott is a good friend.

I suggested we dine at Lygon Street, one of Melbourne's glories and a street whose Italian cafes I love. Lygon Street was busy so we parked a couple of blocks away and strolled round to find an eatery.

I've dined with Abbott in Lygon Street before and people are always happy to see a celebrity and say hello. If they want to disagree with him about something, Abbott is always happy to listen and engage. He is a courteous and friendly person.

On Sunday, a group of six to 10 demonstrators burst into the restaurant, surrounded our table, and started screaming something along the lines of "Tony Abbott, you don't dig it, you're a bigot" or some such drooling nonsense.

They were apparently objecting to the fact that Abbott, like Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd, opposes gay marriage.

Abbott remained perfectly calm throughout.

One dear, white-haired old lady put herself at some risk by trying to get the demonstrators to leave.

But they planned to stay.

Abbott and I had to decide what to do. Should we leave?

Eventually the manager threw the demonstrators out, one or two at a time. Restaurant staff prevented them coming back in.

Outside, the champions of equality and tolerance continued screaming and began banging on the windows. One of the staff worried the windows would be broken.

A number of diners at the tables on the pavement told the demonstrators to get lost. Not only were the demonstrators spoiling their dinner, these folks thought it unfair that Abbott could not even go to a restaurant without sectarian left-wing haters harassing him.

There is something genuinely un-Australian and offensive about the idea that when you disagree with someone's politics you confront them physically and abusively.

I've brought all sorts of famous and controversial people to dinner in Australian cities and I've always been proud of the fact that Australians have a respect for people, that they don't abuse, or trespass on the privacy, of someone just because they are well known.

Abbott was considerate throughout. He apologised to the manager for being the occasion of such a scene. Prior to the demonstration, a number of people in the restaurant had said g'day to him, none especially political, all friendly, concerned not to interrupt a private dinner.

The manager apologised to Abbott for the actions of a few idiots and asked us to go upstairs, where we finished our dinner. The restaurant called the police. The demonstrators dispersed when the wallopers arrived. The police were surprised Abbott didn't have some protective federal police presence around him.

But in Australia we haven't needed that much. That's the beauty of Australia.

We left the restaurant half an hour later.

What a horrible, sneering face the tribunes of tolerance wear.
Typical tribal behaviour. They wouldn't do it on their own.
Lets see if the RBA does what they want to do or what Labor wants -
During a speech at the West Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Ms Gillard said running a budget surplus laid at the "very heart of good economic management".
Doesnt this shoot down Labors arguments on Howard running a surplus.
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