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The Gillard Government

It wouldn't surprise me if the carbon tax is thrown out by the high court. Gillard's legal people didn't get it right over Malaysia so it makes you wonder if they have any idea what is constitutional and what is not.
It wouldn't surprise me if the carbon tax is thrown out by the high court. Gillard's legal people didn't get it right over Malaysia so it makes you wonder if they have any idea what is constitutional and what is not.

Yeah!! Hear Hear - take this from someone with inside knowledge. The legal people are never given the chance to get it right. The scheme is dreamt up in a Minister's office (or worse still by a media adviser whose greatest claim to fame is txting messages to Aboriginal activists to say Tony Abbott is across the park at the Lobby Restaurant).

Then, as an afterthought, a lawyer is asked to rubber-stamp the deal to give it a whiff of legitimacy because this is the Canberra glass-house style, which is even worse when combined with an ivory-tower politician.

This notion that because we've got legal 'cover' everything will be fine was how they got into the Malaysia Solution mess.

So take it from me, no lawyers (at least none worth their salt with practising certificates) have been in on this Carbon Tax. Just the Greens (did anyone hear about Bob Brown's "Buzz Lightyear" moment in the Hobart Town Hall a week or so ago?

So cuckoo-cloud land comes up against the 7 wise monkeys of the High Court. No contest. Gillard's tears will be on show again. Will she attack the Chief Justice like she did last time? That's strange - she chose not to attack Fair Work Australia because it was "independent". But she didn't hold back on the Chief Justice of Australia. Oh that's right - he's not "independent" because it was the Labor Party that chose him and he should have toed the party line.

Where do these people come from? More importantly, where do they belong? Some tyrannical regime in deepest darkest Africa wouldn't do half the things this crowd has done. The only reason they aren't contemplating calling in the Army when they lose the election is that Stephen Smith has done such a good hatchet job on them recently.

Phew! There - I feel better now. As the commercial goes.
Great post, Stumpy...

Your "insider" theory sounds about right, imo...
Could this be the big announcement GG posted yesterday.


No. I do not think so.
I think GG is referring to some thing that may change the state of the nation.
He is certainly keeping it close to his chest.
The Governments silence, on the HSU scandal, the arrival of more boats and the demands being made by these illegals here and Indonesia, the economy (upcoming budget), interest rates etc, in fact on anything, is deafening.

They are scared sh#tless!
Gillard's legal people didn't get it right over Malaysia so it makes you wonder if they have any idea what is constitutional and what is not.
Didn't Abbott back the Malaysia solution until it hit that legal hurdle?
Didn't Abbott back the Malaysia solution until it hit that legal hurdle?

I can't remember, but Abbott can hardly be blamed for Gillard refusing to re-instate the Pacific Solution which WORKED.

If Gillard thinks the majority of Aussie voters will fall for her little "blame Abbott" stunt, she is terribly disillusioned, imo.

Oh, and Gillard is the PM and Malaysia was HER idea - it was her responsibility to ensure it was legal. Can't blame Abbott for that one as well...
Didn't Abbott back the Malaysia solution until it hit that legal hurdle?
No, absolutely not. At no stage did he support it. He cited Malaysia's woeful record on human rights and referred back to Nauru being under Australia's control.
Therefore asylum seekers sent to Nauru we could guarantee would receive human treatment, in contrast to the potential for them being whipped and god knows what else in Malaysia. He further cited the medical care made available on Nauru which is in contrast to no medical assistance or housing in Malaysia, where asylum seekers apparently often drift into crime in order to survive.

Exactly right - grea memory Julia. It was a delicious irony to see the conservative side of politics exhibiting compassion and arguing against Labor's extreme solution, mocked up as humanity in not wanting to see people drown.

Malaysia is laughing all the way to the bank - their 4000 refugees have started arriving on our shores, we've handed over cold hard cash ($300m promised), and not a single soul has gone in the other direction (which I think is a good thing).
That statement has hit target. Joe Hockey cannot even have a cup of coffee with somebody without them being all over it!!

Joea - This sentence in from comments in following the article says it all, imo:

Perhaps if Labor spent a little more time learning from successful businessmen they wouldn't be on the brink of total extinction.

Labor just refuse to get it, imo. Bligh threw so much dirt and Newman and his family that completely back fired on her. And yet labor keep chasing the mice in the china shop when the real problem is their own clumsy elephant.

Thankfully, Aussie voters are waking up to these tactics and are probably not listening any more. Clearly, these sort of childish attacks on the coalition will only anger the electorate further.

I think we would all prefer labor got on with GOOD government and started respecting and representing the people who pay their salaries and who put them there to represent them.

But, it seems labor can only lunge from one disaster to the next. It makes their taunts against the coalition look very, very pitiful...
Julia said;

"Try being me. Try being an atheist, childless, single woman as prime minister."

I guess Tim is just a live-in hairdresser.
A Please Explain might be coming from Tim, along the lines of Julia, I think we need to talk.
Julia said;

"Try being me. Try being an atheist, childless, single woman as prime minister."

I guess Tim is just a live-in hairdresser.

And don't forget the affair she had with a married man namely Dr.Criag Emmerson for some 2 years.
A Please Explain might be coming from Tim, along the lines of Julia, I think we need to talk.

He seems to have gone very quiet since he walked back to the lodge leaving Obama and Julia together at a function.

I don't get to watch TV all the time but haven't seen him since then. It seemed that neither Tim nor Michelle were overly impressed with certain flirtatious behaviours. And who could blame them?
Labor just refuse to get it, imo.

This is the ABSOLUTE truth. The do refuse, but the more interesting question is WHY?

Having grown up in Labor heartland and now completely disenchanted, I wonder if this theory resonates with anyone out there?

Labor's long stint in opposition, during which time it cannibalised itself, combined with the Kevin07 substance-less landslide win against Howard, was like the lot of them getting addicted on heroin. No work or substance required, just spin the media cycle and you'll get there.

Especially given those 11 years in the wilderness, they really needed to get their 'generational change' right from when Keating was PM in order to preserve their legacy and build a new story.

The 2 real Labor statesmen since Rudd became PM have been marginalised. John Faulkner continues to try, speaking his mind behind closed doors but he is ignored. Lindsay Tanner gracefuly exited on the day Rudd got knifed without causing a ripple.

Of the other remnants of the Keating years, Crean was damaged goods and is too bitter to lead from the front. Swan's a joke, Carr has been trashed.

So this current lot meander through and look like they refuse to get it. They do refuse, but they have no moral compass when their brains are so tuned to the media cycle that the only mantra they can remember is Richo's half-serious "Whatever it takes"

Back to the drawing board, guys - and drop the unions before you even think about getting back.
I'm happy to stand corrected.

For some reason I have memories of someone in opposition, more than likely Abbott, supporting the concept until it became obvious that it was not legally tenable. Can't find a link to support my memory though!
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