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The Gillard Government

You may be right gg. What with the IPA and Peter Reith appearing every five minutes, not to mention Piers Ackerman, the ABC is too far Right for me these days

It took the communist dominated unions 15 - 20 years to almost send this country into economical chaos.

This Rudd/Gillard/ Brown Green Sociaist left wing governemnt will do it in less than 6 years if allowed to continue.

Can anyone believe Gillard is handing our cheques of $250 per pensioner and $100 per child before the carbon dioxide tax (whoops "CARBON PRICE") comes into force July 1Can somebody tell me how many pensioners and kids currently live in Australia?

There you go 'kiddies', I told you I would give you some lollies to take away the sour taste in your mouths.

No need to worry, we will just borrow another $120,000,000 per day to pay for it.

Geez Swanie, how will that affect the budget for 2012/2013.
Cash handouts from Labor will help them as much as tax cuts and increased middle class welfare helped John Howard in 2007.

The electorate has allready decided.
Question time should be intereresting, Gillard would be wise not to show up.
Question time should be intereresting, Gillard would be wise not to show up.
They'll have other things to talk about..........

The budget.

The carbon tax.

The whole party would be wise not to show up and leave the defence of the fort to Andrew Wilkie.
I suppose this will fall on deaf ears, but its more efficient to cut the tax free thresholds than take money away from people then give it back again in 'offsets'.
I agree. My point, which seems to have eluded you, is that spin is prevailing with the widespread belief, promoted shamelessly by the government and assisted by the lazy media, that people will actually be able to earn more without those earnings being taxed. It simply is not so.
All I expect (and what a hopeless expectation) is that the policy should be transparent and honestly represented to the electorate.

I shall not be holding my breath.
They'll have other things to talk about..........

The budget.

The carbon tax.

The whole party would be wise not to show up and leave the defence of the fort to Andrew Wilkie.

Would the Prime Minster please re state her support for Craig Thompson.

Would the Prime Minister explain why she says Fair Work Australia is to be respected when the ACTU have dissociateded themselves from it.

Would the Prime Mimister please tell taxpayers why she intends to fill bank accounts with handouts when the carbon Tax doesnt come ito effect untll July.

Would the Prime Minister explein how she has the hide to walk into this house at all.

I've heard zilch from the Opposition on this matter, so they are obviously falling down on the job as well, if the compensation package is as bad as you say.
Would the Prime Minister explain why she says Fair Work Australia is to be respected when the ACTU have dissociateded themselves from it.

WRONG of course, they suspended the HSU, but she does say FWA is the independant body etc and we all know different so the question should be.

"Would the Prime Minister explain why she says Fair Work Australia is to be respected as independant when they took 3 years to produce a report that isn't even in a form of a brief of evidence that the DPP can act on."
I've heard zilch from the Opposition on this matter, so they are obviously falling down on the job as well, if the compensation package is as bad as you say.
Yes, indeed they are missing the obvious opportunity. They have made some references to it, but not enough.
Yes, indeed they are missing the obvious opportunity. They have made some references to it, but not enough.
Any noises the Coalition makes I suspect would be drowned out by the explosions that are currently emanating from within what's left of the house of Labor.
Any noises the Coalition makes I suspect would be drowned out by the explosions that are currently emanating from within what's left of the house of Labor.

Yes Dr. I agree.

It is always the case with this Green/Labor party government, if you do not agree with them or you criticize them, "ABBOTT! ABBOTT! ABBOTT! IS A SCAREMONGER.

The emphasis is always on ABBOTT.
Any noises the Coalition makes I suspect would be drowned out by the explosions that are currently emanating from within what's left of the house of Labor.
Sure, and the Coalition has so many points about the government which attract criticism. Probably hard to continuously cover them all.
All Abbott has to do is follow Keating's philippic to Hewson:


This is a one-off handout for a systemic impost or tax that will be permanently imposed on us, and one which is likely to increase over time.

Will anyone on election day (including those who have received this or other cash) be silly enough to vote for the continued imposition of this tax?

Is anyone in the Labor Party really thinking here? And the electorate will react even more savagely if the faceless men again decide to put someone other than the PM who this on us to the vote on election day.
I put this up on another thread. Doubt that it's widely known.

Btw, I read somewhere recently that the much vaunted compensation for the carbon tax all ceases when the switch occurs to an ETS. Hopefully they won't still be attempting to run the country by then, but it's certainly a point that they have avoided making clear
Could this be the big announcement GG posted yesterday.

If there is a high court challange by the four LNP states and they win, will the pensioners have to hand back thier $250 and the kids their $100?

Gillard, if she isn't already the laughing stock of the century, will be if the $23 tonne carbon tax is thrown out by the high court of Australia.
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