Big Flaw,
You failed to use the rent on the property in your calcs, but you used the dividend on the stock
I only added $50 per week out of my own pocket for the first threee years, Not the minimum payment on a $188,000 loan you calculated, because the rent covers the bulk of the paymnet
I thought it didn't makes sense. I recalculated and ended up with a 2010 dividend of $6500 + franking ($8450) and a value of $162,500.
Considering I already had the number on the screen I was curious to know what would happen if I used the $225,000 as capital and did not reinvest any of the dividends. Lets assume like the rent they are paying off the loan. I know this may not replicate the real world but as I said its just to satisfy my curiosity.
The worth in 2010 is $741,000 and a dividend of $29661 + franking ($38500).
Still doesn't want make me want to rush out and buy property.