Busy roads usually mean a slower sale when buying and less buyer interest when you're trying to sell.Do you think capital appreciation will be effected by living on a busy road - say, I might only get 100% over the next 5 years instead of 200%?
If buyers are falling over themselves to buy properties as they're doing today then it's not a big issue but situations do change.
Don't pay too much.
I remember the mad panic of 2002/2003 in Sydney when people in certain suburbs paid too much and then saw little growth in the next decade as prices were adjusting down to normal levels.
Now regarding growth, 200%?, 100%? or 0%?
This year IMO we've been lucky the whole world is in trouble so expats and overseas people want to come and live here
otherwise we'd be giving property away
Nevertheless, strong growth is unsustainable.
It would be nice if it kept going but it can't so we should forget price doubling for a while.
My guess is for price pull back and then slow growth till wages and rents have caught up.