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Correct, the problem is so big that for most people there is literally no way to think, manoeuvre, or otherwise get around it.
If you are in the situation of not enough income, crazy prices, there are still options:
Move: jobs, country,regional etc.
Buy 3 Bedrooms, sublease 2
After all , sublease are very high too.

Or just buy an ip if you really really want to get in the re market.
Carry on letting, currently landlords are subsidising renters enjoy it.
And enjoy the fact that if the market collapses, you will have capital losses to claim..better that the suckers with ppor...
Landlords and taxpayers are subsidising renters. Lol
Jump on the ponzi.
The thing is that NG is there for everyone to use, it's like the CGT discount, it's voluntary to use the discount rate after a year or would you rather pay the full rate for the sake of paying more tax?

All these people holding money in the bank, getting eaten up by yearly inflation, are better off taking a loan out for an empty block of land or a cheap flat, as they tend to beat inflation and at least with the flat they can make use of negative gearing. Once they have equity built up they can sell and buy into their own home.
Therein lies the problem.
No money left for nation building, all locked up in the ponzi.
Therein lies the problem.
No money left for nation building, all locked up in the ponzi.
You know we're a country of wasted wealth, the govt could have skimmed resources but hey everyone wants to live it up with holidays to Bali and buy new cars every 5 years.

A roof over your head is still better than paying for someone's investment through high rents. No govt is going to help you I've found, you have to help yourself. I'd live in a tin shed if I had to.
I agree, my first house, was chopped in half, carried on trucks 200km and re stumped. Lol

It didn't come with a bathroom and had a big hole in the middle, where the lounge fire and kitchen stove once were, they didn't transport the brick bits. I had a wife and three kids, that had to manage, while I made it livable, around working full time.

But I was only 27 at the time, so I had youth on my side.
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