Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Here is one reason Australia has a housing shortage.

I've mentioned that my wife and I are building. It's a two story 3-bedroom townhouse near the beach. The process has been relatively easy so far, the time frame a bit on the longish side but that didn't bother us.

The slab was meant to start at the two weeks ago. Today I received an email -

Continuing on from the previous update, Rendition are urgently and are applying pressure to expedite the process with final documentation with Engineers. In terms of approvals, the Building Rules Consent (BRC) has been lodged with our certifier for assessment; however, the process is currently on hold until the final engineering documents are received and reviewed.
Types of Consent
Planning Consent – GRANTED
Planning consent is granted by assessing the development against the planning code to ensure it complies with Council regulations.​
Building Rules Consent – LODGED
Building consent is granted by assessing the development against the building code to ensuite works will be undertaken in a safe and compliant manner.​
Development approval is the final piece in the process, which is a legal document that allows you to undertake a development. Development approval cannot be granted until each of the different types of consent have been obtained, including planning and building rules. This signifies that construction works is approved to commence, and the pre-construction process has concluded.​
Thank you for your patience with this update, we look forward to seeing these homes come to life in 2025​
I've seen some stupid architectural stuff ups occurring on buildings. What exactly are they checking I wonder.
You are also a voter, does that mean you are to be blamed?
the last time i voted for a successful candidate was about 2009 for a lady who became the Council Chairwoman

she was so good Peter Beattie changed the boundaries to make sure she would never be elected again

( my voting is very much like my WOW votes a wasted effort , no matter how many shares i held at the time )
the last time i voted for a successful candidate was about 2009 for a lady who became the Council Chairwoman

she was so good Peter Beattie changed the boundaries to make sure she would never be elected again

( my voting is very much like my WOW votes a wasted effort , no matter how many shares i held at the time )

That's how it goes, win some lose a few more.

Democracy has served Australia well, don't let the negative media convince you that the system is all wrong.

keeping voting for who YOU think is right and let everybody else do the same.

The only thing I see that needs to be strengthened to keep us on the right track is education, history and politics in school. I was lucky to have gone to schools that had good curriculum and teachers, they gave us the tools to understand by teaching us about our system and its history. I would like to see all Australian schools making sure such lessons are part of their curriculum.
Then complain to the rest of the world that their privilege of owning a home was stolen from them by the generations before. :rolleyes:
Young Aussie with $70,000 savings gives up property 'dream' to travel: 'Could die tomorrow'

With the Australian dream of owning your own home slowly becoming a pipe dream for many people, a decent portion of them are turning their attention to travel instead. New research has revealed that nearly half (45 per cent) of Aussies aged 18 to 44 years agree that buying a home is out of reach for them.

As a result, they're looking for short-term wins like seeing the world, even if it affects their savings. Michelle Cheah is one of those people and told Yahoo Finance property ownership has become far too expensive.

"As a young-ish, single-income owner, it doesn't really make sense to put all my eggs in one basket, especially if I want to change jobs in the future or something like that," she said.
The tax system in Oz now prevents many on a 'good' wage from buying an average home.

Here is is from the horse's mouth

"...home seekers needed to earn more than $170,000 a year to afford the repayments on an average house in Australia’s five major capitals, while more than $120,000 was needed to buy a unit."

It's so clearly out of whack. You might say that market dynamics mean this situation will never change, but it's not a good look to denigrate people who see and understand this fact, and then choose to find an alternative, e.g. travel
You have to think out of the box, not difficult for a working couple or rent rooms out. As you go on in the loan, your wages increase and the payments go down as you reduce the principle of the loan. The first few years are the hardest.
The problem is they have 2 young kids.
Our options have been limited to:
Own a house
Have a family.
At some point we have to realise the government has been wrong about everything since the GFC.
We were never allowed to reset and are now at a point where a reset does unfathomable damage.

Is there some seismic shift about to pop this housing bubble that I missed?
I have not been keeping an eye on anything brewing in the housing market, beyond the fact that prices are ludicrous.
Either way people will get wrecked. But the choice seems to be do we burn 1 generation and bankrupt them or do we destroy every generation from here on out?
House prices in W.A have just about doubled in the last two years, I'm hearing it is mainly investors from Eastern States buying here, with the equity they have in their homes over there.

It will be interesting if there is a major downturn, getting crazy rents here, when mining has a major contraction isn't easy.

Hopefully it doesn't happen, but it does feel very much like the period just before the "recession we had to have".

The other thing that is becoming obvious IMO, is that Trump is forcing Western countries to take a realistic view of their balance sheets and I think the days of Government largesse are over, the plebs are realising someone is paying for it and they aren't happy.

So I tend to think the CGT and negative gearing will be reigned in, it will save the Govt money and the last thing people stop paying is their mortgage, so the investment properties will flood back onto the market and reduce prices.
Investors would rather take a haircut on the investment property, than lose their own property, as usual time will tell. :2twocents

It certainly is an interesting time and the perfect time for a Trump.
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The problem is they have 2 young kids.
Our options have been limited to:
Own a house
Have a family.
At some point we have to realise the government has been wrong about everything since the GFC.
We were never allowed to reset and are now at a point where a reset does unfathomable damage.

Is there some seismic shift about to pop this housing bubble that I missed?
I have not been keeping an eye on anything brewing in the housing market, beyond the fact that prices are ludicrous.
Turn off the flood of people pouring into the cities and it will pause quick smart.

Building houses takes time, new land releases can take 5 years from planning until sale.

An easy way to understand it, is to think about what happens when a major employer closes in an isolated country town.

As soon as the population growth pressure stops the boom stops and housing prices can quickly go into reverse. They rarely crash, but they do come off a bit until it all sorts itself out.

If you add a million people to our population even an idiot can work out that they will all need to live somewhere........................ :banghead: :banghead:
The problem is they have 2 young kids.
Our options have been limited to:
Own a house
Have a family.
At some point we have to realise the government has been wrong about everything since the GFC.
We were never allowed to reset and are now at a point where a reset does unfathomable damage.

Is there some seismic shift about to pop this housing bubble that I missed?
I have not been keeping an eye on anything brewing in the housing market, beyond the fact that prices are ludicrous.
maybe ! ( a seismic shift coming )

since a mortgaged property has to be insured ( against various disasters )

maybe the unaffordability of insurance ( if you can get it at all on the 'dream property ' ) is THAT pin
If you add a million people to our population even an idiot can work out that they will all need to live somewhere.......................
unfortunately some of those in charge have not attained the level of idiot ( or are very deeply corrupted )

this is not a new problem , it is just very few are willing to solve it
Correct, the problem is so big that for most people there is literally no way to think, manoeuvre, or otherwise get around it.
the problem isn't that big , you can start by homeschooling the children , if one parent work can 'work from home' even better ,

do you need a family car ?

do you need the huge flat-screen TV , do you really need the university degree

oh yes our consumer-based economy will had some dark( er ) days for sure

it is all about priorities , i am amused at how many younger people have thousands of dollars on 'skin art' tattooed to them ( more than enough to buy a second-hand car for cash )
the problem isn't that big , you can start by homeschooling the children , if one parent work can 'work from home' even better ,

do you need a family car ?

do you need the huge flat-screen TV , do you really need the university degree

oh yes our consumer-based economy will had some dark( er ) days for sure

it is all about priorities , i am amused at how many younger people have thousands of dollars on 'skin art' tattooed to them ( more than enough to buy a second-hand car for cash )
You'd be talking to the hand of most youngens today, Divs.

Credit cards maxed out 99% of the time, holidays every year, christmas shopping trolley full of plastic crap they throw out after a few months. SUV or 4wd that uses twice the fuel to get around in.