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Don't you also still pay rates on a vacant block of land?

Exactly, so you just buy one that has a house on it.

I only refered to it as a block of land because it's the land that is the important bit when it comes down to the store of value side of things, the house wears out.
Exactly, so you just buy one that has a house on it.

I only refered to it as a block of land because it's the land that is the important bit when it comes down to the store of value side of things, the house wears out.

And it's such good value at the moment - that 5m X 20m block of land in inner Sydney, which also has an annoying unit on it, goes for about $1M+ these days . Same for those other suburbs where the average is $1M+.

Right now, property is all about selling to the bigger fool, although there is a hint, from the auction clearance rates, that some people are actually just starting to realise they don't want to be the bigger fools? 10% in a week!?

OR 30% for May far....
Independent auction house Cooley Auctions saw clearance rates plunge from 80 per cent to 50 per cent in the first week of May alone.
"There are early signs that the heat's coming out of the market," auctioneer Damien Cooley said
What is this

Population growth to ease, report says

It cannot be, that is what we are led to believe has been one of the driving forces of property growth.

Next the MSN will be saying "We don't have a housing Shortage"

Obviously the writer of this doesn't visit ASF - the last bastion of Property Spruikers.
An excellent article.

"We’ve always pointed out that the Australian housing sector is inextricably linked to the Australian banking sector. Right now, despite the propaganda, the Australian banks are bloodied and bruised on the ropes". .......

Haha ah aha a a ... 2.88 BILLION dollars in 6 months for Westpac is on the ropes? 1.9 billion for 6 months for ANZ is a bruise? NAB Net profit fell to $2.095 billion for the six months to March 31 ... haha ha ahaha ha bloodied ! Commonwealth felched out a lousy 2.91 billion to Dec 31st 2009 is really bad propoganda.

Oh Dear ! A journalist with a hack point of view is a dangerous weapon.
$2.88 BILLION dollars in 6 months for Westpac

Fair call, just if you have it to hand what was their rate on return of capital?

If it was 8% then Ok, if it was 15% fantastic, if was 50%, introduce a new banking tax of 40% as all Australian are paying for their profits.


Its all past tense Champ, the winners will be those who can evaluate and act on what is happening now.
Its all past tense Champ, the winners will be those who can evaluate and act on what is happening now.

I will await my winning dividends when they are due then Portnoy. I have seen the future and it doesn't work.

What might your evaluation and actions be then?
Fair call, just if you have it to hand what was their rate on return of capital?

If it was 8% then Ok, if it was 15% fantastic, if was 50%, introduce a new banking tax of 40% as all Australian are paying for their profits.


I do not have the figures you command satanoperca. Does it not strike you as stange that these were the very same banks crying foul during the GFC and requested backup from the Govt to shore up their stocks and stopping people from withdrawing their cash? These are the same banks that bleat that they have to increase margins because they are being squeezed on global lending and the profits are inadequate.

When will we wake up to this BS ?? And now we have people saying that the property market is going to the wall because it happened in the US and Japan (nevermind these were completely different sets of regulatory lending) just because a journalist writes a couple of paragraphs? so.. IMO ... safe as houses brothers .. bricks and mortar ... there is no place like home, home sweet home.

There you go Champs. Evaluate on this.
I will await my winning dividends when they are due then Portnoy. I have seen the future and it doesn't work.

What might your evaluation and actions be then?

Wish I could see into the the future like that, can only go by the now. Have little in property, just a Property Shopping Centre Trust that has been good. Probably lost a lot by getting out early but my other investments have more than offset. However good for you trainspotter, but think there maybe more down than up looking ahead for awhile.
I was reading in today's paper that the big banks have about 125 billion in debt to roll over in the coming that will cost them significantly more to borrow than the debt its replacing..debt from 3, 4 and 5 years ago.

good afternoon, great day

how's the week going, any surprises or major events happening?

all's normal, good

spot on Trainspotter, the banks rolling in it and nothing wrong with that, thats life,

Usual socialist talk from Kris Sayce, attack the banks, attack the wealthy, try and bring them down, take from the rich and give to the poor bleaters (non property owners)

how about article on wealth creation instead of propaganda



thats okay explod, just read ASF brother where you can tune into those ahead of the pack man

the ones looking down the road and not over their shoulder like Kris Sayce, alan kohler, s. keen, Hired Goon


gee, whats happening?

oh well everybody must be consumed with other things

Great day for the Bewtiful ppl tho

Its all good Bro.


sorry, dinner and neighbours


Suddenly gone quiet in here - trying to drum up some enthusiasm ? Lonely at the top robots?

Exchange rates taking a tumble, makes for more expensive imports = more lowering of standard of living for the mortgage slaves?

The top is in....and passed?
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