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another one bites the dust.
Just an observation but a series of business collapses big enough to be newsworthy is one of the hallmarks of impending recession.

Others are rising interest rates, rising consumer prices especially energy, a widespread political focus on social and other non-economic matters and a media narrative that foresees ongoing low unemployment.

All are now clearly in place.

So your answer is to import a lot of women from less developed countries who don't have the independence that our women have to be the breeders ?
Another reason not to import large numbers of people to go onto the welfare queues.
So your answer is to import a lot of women from less developed countries who don't have the independence that our women have to be the breeders ?
No, My answer is to Allow immigration of Men, Women and children from any country not just under developed ones.

There will still be lots of Australian women having children, it just won’t be enough to maintain our population, so it makes sense to allow people from more crowded countries to come here and live the good life.

What good life ?

Unaffordable housing, unaffordable power prices, unaffordable medicines, unaffordable groceries etc etc.

Fix those first then let more people in if necessary.
@qldfrog do wanna tell him, or should I?
Yep flow on effects will build and who knows how many other business's will collapse.
Media narrative about low unemployment is a good signal low unemployment has reached an extreme and this will change dramatically imo moving forward.

What good life ?

Unaffordable housing, unaffordable power prices, unaffordable medicines, unaffordable groceries etc etc.

Fix those first then let more people in if necessary.
I guess you haven’t travelled that much?

Unaffordable medicines? Even our American friends have more trouble accessing medicine and affordable health care than us, we have it pretty good.

As for the other things, you mentioned they are much cheaper here than other countries.

How much groceries can you buy with 1 day labour in Bangladesh vs 1 day labour here? What sort of house can you rent in Bangladesh with a week wages vs here?

While you and I may be comfortably off , the same doesn't apply to large areas of the country.

Talking about travel, maybe your should get out more in this country instead of taking trips to Disneyland.

Comparing us with Third World countries is not particularly valid. Did you ever ask yourself why they are so poor with the high level of population they have ? If population was the answer , India and Bangladesh would be among the richest countries in the world.

Proper wealth distribution is one of the answers to a successful economy and a high standard of living. Until that is achieved packing the country with more people is just a road to ruin.
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And we can look to European countries for examples, @Value Collector

1/High immigration creates ethnic and cultural ghettos which do not serve the immigrants themselves.

2/It can also negatively affect/displace the local population in terms of culture and crime

3/It creates a brain drain from their own countries and inhibits the development of a "good life" there. It is stealing the benefits of their education system.

Immigration can be beneficial if judiciously applied, we have seen that, but mass immigration can do more harm than good. That is the lesson from both Europe and North America.
Australia is 250~ years old, look what we have built and how far we have got in those 250 years vs how old and how far Bangladesh got.

There is many reasons why one works well and the other one doesn't, simply distributing the population from A to C will not fix the problem, it will rather bring us closer to B.

If you really want to help and improve the 3rd world invest in their infrastructure and education back there. After all they have alot of skilled and educated workers there which can improve their life standard as well
I don’t think the USA is a third world country, and let me tell you If I had to be poor, I would rather be poor in Australia than poor in the USA.

Australia has it very good, other wise immigrants wouldn’t want to come here in the first place, that’s the ultimate test.
And we have relied on immigrants for that whole 250 year period.
Stealing the benefits of their education system???

Australia punches well above its weight when it comes to training international students, I think the Net effect is not a brain drain, we are priming the brain pump.

Yes, people do want to come here to take advantage of our welfare system.

So poor people are coming here when we need people like Musk instead.

So what are we going to do to attract entrepreneurs ? The brain drain has been from Australia to the US and bringing in relatively uneducated people who are a drain on resources is not going to fix that.
And we have relied on immigrants for that whole 250 year period.
Nobody is denying that, I never said immigration is bad and we need to stop it.

The key difference between what we are saying is the numbers, quality and mindset of who we chose to bring. If you truly believe the current proposed numbers and that indeed majority are honestly skilled that is ok, but I disagree and it is a major friction point today.

It has all been said before and will be said after anyway, some believe the government truly wants to help and fix things and some believe the government wants to help themselves
If you spend a bit of time reading through the offical government website on it, it clearly says that the majority are skilled, and as I linked above there is assessment boards that decide the qualifications and which industries are favoured.

If you remember the government tried the “Baby Bonus” in the last to boost birth rates, I don’t think it had any real effect because as I have said there is a large structural shift in the way women want to live and how many children they want (which is good).

We can accept a shrinking and aging population if we want, but I doubt we will be able to provide the number of workers needed, and would probably need to resort to larger immigration rates in the future if we delay the process.
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